Pokemon Court

Chapter 1014: See also Ryuji, the origin of the fairy

"Mr. Tingshu, those temporary workers do you know?"

After an unspeakable secret transaction.

As Kojiro and others walked into the autumn leaf forest with complex expressions, and after continuing to work, the administrator of the autumn leaf forest scenic area came to Tingshu in doubt and asked.

"There have been several fate." Ting Shu said casually.

After speaking, Ting Shu left. What he didn't know was that because he answered so casually, in addition to the many benefits he promised to the Rockets trio, these three guys were paid the next day. Up.



Inside the Akiba Gymnasium.

Ting Shu is holding a wounded spiny tail worm and is treating it with the wound medicine in the gym.

On the way back, he happened to find a thorntail worm accidentally fell from a height, bumping into a stone and scratching his body.

Since the spiny tail was not seriously injured, Ting Shu did not take it to the wizard center, but took it to the Qiuye Daoguan for a simple treatment.

"Little guy, don't be naughty next time."

Maybe it was thinking of hunting the birdbutterfly when he was young, Ting Shu smiled slightly, and after he treated it, he gently touched its head.

When Ting Shu was about to say something more, a prompt suddenly interrupted his thoughts. After Ting Shu saw the letter, he stopped what he was doing.

The letter is from Dawu. In addition to caring about Ting Shu's previous battle with the Lava Team, there is one more thing I want to ask Ting Shu to do, or to provide Ting Shu with important information.

After Ting Shu cleaned up, he immediately dialed Dawu's communication equipment to contact the other party.

After the two chatted with each other for a few words, they quickly stepped into the subject. Dawu sent a few more pictures, the content of which was a very ordinary-looking stone.

"what is this?"

"Moon stone, as the name suggests, a stone on the moon."

"Since the establishment of the elven alliance, due to the existence of that elven, humans have only had two successful moon landing records. In one of them, human astronauts brought back several moon stones from the moon. Those stones have always been the alliance’s very precious collection. However, later, all the moon rocks were lost due to a civil strife. Up to now, only one piece has been recovered. It is now stored in the Miare City Museum in the Carlos area, and the rest is still missing." Said: "Now, another moon rock has appeared. I think I can fight for it."

"The lunar rock stored in the Miare City Museum in Carlos has exhausted its energy, but this one, because it is properly preserved, still contains magical energy."

Dawu did not say the value of the moon stone, but from the knowledge of Ting Shu, it is not difficult for him to guess. After understanding, Ting Shu immediately said: "Where?"

"Qiyao City, in the local Yanyanliu Dojo."

Qiyao City?

Ting Shu thoughtfully said, "Okay, I should have nothing else during this time, but I can go and take a look."

"Then please, I can't get out here, otherwise I have to go see it myself." Dawu laughed.

The reason Dawu told Tingshu the location of the moon stone, instead of letting Dewen try his best to communicate, is because this moon stone may be useful for Tingshu too. Compared with getting it himself, Tingshu, the fairy king, may be able to study it. More value from the moon stone.

The most important thing is that it is said that this moonstone cannot be brought out from Qiyao City. Sooner or later, the expert Ting Shu still has to see it with his own eyes.

Before leaving, Tingshu investigated one thing. Qiyao City seemed to be holding a Star Festival five days later...

"It turns out that the celestial celebration that Miss Jialan said has not passed. This time I went to find the moon stone. By the way, I can also see the customs of Qiyao City."

Grass star flow, wind fist flow, rock rock flow... Ting Shu thought of these trainer genres, and suddenly became curious, when will the fairy attributes also produce a genre?

The Goblin Gymnasium has been established in the Carlos area, and the Fairy Heavenly King has already been established in the Fangyuan area. The development of this new attribute has been very fast, and now only a few representative figures are missing.

The next day, with the Rotom Illustrated Book, Ting Shu started to go to Qi Yao City.

There is still a period of time agreed between him and the kingdom of Milazu, and this time is enough for him to control.

The moonlight energy contained in the moon stone is more condensed, and it seems that some kind of qualitative change has occurred. It is not comparable to the moon stone. Out of the desire to explore the energy of the goblin, Ting Shu also wants to find out what secrets are hidden on the moon.

"Fairy energy...what the **** is it?"

Yeah...what the **** is fairy energy?

Ting Shu has thought about this issue many times, but at this time he was taken aback, because what he said just now was not what he said or what he thought, but was from another person.

At this time, Ting Shu had arrived in Qiyao City, sitting in a park square and waiting for others. After watching the sound, he saw a familiar figure. Judging from the green hair wrapped in a hat, it was a girl, although Wearing sunglasses, but you can still see the other side's delicate face.

This person, like Ting Shu, did more or less disguise and concealed his identity. The reason for doing this was not many. The most likely reason was to avoid being harassed by people who knew her.

With this information, Ting Shu immediately narrowed the scope.

"Lucia?" Ting Shu muttered.

The girl who holds the book "The Profound Meaning of Fairies" and is thinking about the last question written by Ting Shu, "What is Fairy Energy?", is a super popular idol in the Fangyuan area. She was in Guandu area. The super genius rookie Ryuhime who fought a decisive battle with the garden tree in a gorgeous large festival.

Speaking of it, this Ryuji still has some kindness to Ting Shu. The other party's skill of touching the grass energy to play the movement with the fairy energy. After Ting Shu imitated it, he continued to improve it, but this is not his main thing. reward.

After contacting some other knowledge from this technique, Ting Shu wanted to understand the origin of the fairy energy, and carried out in-depth exploration, and gained a lot.

However, he did not write the results of the research in the book "The Profound Meaning of Fairies". Now that he saw Lucia again, Ting Shu smiled in his heart, and wanted to share the results with the other party.

"Fairy energy, in fact, it has a lot in common with fire and vegetation energy."

"Who?" Lucia turned her head abruptly when she heard the voice, and found the garden tree that was also dressed up next to her.

"Hush..." Ting Shu took off his sunglasses a little, and smiled: "It's been a long time, Lucia."

"You are Ting..." Lucia exclaimed after seeing Ting Shu's appearance, but in order not to attract attention, she quickly covered her mouth after reacting, somewhat surprised.

It turned out that Lucia sneaked out this time with her agent on her back. She planned to come to Qiyao City to watch the Star Festival and relax. Compared with Ting Shu’s career as a coordinator, she, as the heir of Mikri, was sent to him. With multiple burdens, Lucia has very little time for her.

"Senior Ting Shu, what do you mean by the fact that the fairy energy, flame, and plant energy have something in common?" Lucia asked curiously. She had read the book written by Ting Shu no less than 10 times. But some vague details are still difficult to understand.

Ting Shu smiled and didn't hide it. He could figure out these things that Lucia had done, plus this girl is considered to be a gorgeous contest in the future, and he has a spirit like Super Tanabata Blue Bird, he has a reason Mention it.

"The commonality is life, the origin of life, do you know what it is?"

Ting Shu looked up to the sky.

"Fairy energy, flame energy, and plant energy are all indispensable parts of life. Of course, water is indispensable, but the connection between them is not so close."

"Goblin energy comes from moonlight, but the moon itself does not emit light. It only reflects sunlight. During the reflection process, the sun's light changes and generates goblin energy. This is the origin of goblin energy. In a sense, goblin energy It's not only related to the moon, but also related to the sun." Ting Shu laughed: "The sun's light is closely related to the energy of flames and vegetation. If you want to understand the nature of the energy of the goblin, it is not enough to study the energy of the goblin."

After thinking about this, Ting Shu knew why the Qixi Blue Bird could master the fire of life. It was a coincidence.

As for the research on the energy of the fairies, Ting Shu is still continuing and has not been completed, but he has already walked far ahead of the world. He believes that one day he will fully understand the profound meaning of the real fairies.

"Moonlight...sunlight..." Lucia's gaze was startled, she understood, and her heart was even more amazing.

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