Pokemon Court

Chapter 1028: Shadow of the Water Fleet

There are so many wild dragon elves in the depths of the Meteor Falls. If you let poachers know, they will probably laugh crazy.

"Something's wrong."

Just about to leave, Ting Shu suddenly felt something was wrong. Although the knowledge of the elves' habitats involved in the cultivator was not so comprehensive, but based on experience, and the environment that he had just seen and the current environment, Ting Shu said nothing. I believe that with the resources of Meteor Falls, a bunch of dragon elves can choose to live here.


With a loud roar, these baby dragons paused and looked at another dragon spirit, the Crimson Dragon, who was slowly walking in the distance.

But after just taking a look, these baby dragons didn't respond much, and continued to do what they did just now.

"In addition to the baby dragon and the single-headed dragon, there are even red-faced dragons living here... Is there anything strange about this place?"

Ting Shu shook his head, patted Shanaido, and was about to leave. Even if there are some secrets hidden here, he has no energy to explore at the moment. The top priority is to solve all the things on his hands first.


With Shanaido's instantaneous movement again, Ting Shu and the others disappeared in this area, but what Ting Shu didn't know was that the Crimson Faced Dragon that broke in suddenly stared at the general area where they left. A vigilant roar made the surrounding dragon babies run in a panic.

Across the habitat of Sun Rock and the habitat of the baby dragons, Ting Shu and the others finally found the trail of Moon Stone.

There are a total of 10 moonstones, just like the Sun Rock just now, sticking to the wall seems to be sleeping.

Ting Shu chose the most common method of subjugation used by most trainers. After the battle, he subdued directly. Under the fluctuation of Shanaido's powerful thought power, the surrounding stones trembled, and under this pressure, the moonstone on the wall was red. His eyes lit up suddenly, but even though the number was huge, they still hadn't resisted Shanaiduo's thought pressure. The ten spiritual shocks were like hitting the surface of the sea, only arousing a wave of waves.

"Moonstone, I want to subdue you and fight."

Ting Shu took the lead to say hello, and appeared in the sight of this group of moonstones along with the misty field of Xanadu. Not only did the mental shock of the lack of focus not affect Ting Shu at all, but was swallowed by the misty field. Become a nutrient.

Soon, Xanaduo took the initiative to attack. Under the fusion of mental power and mist, the pink mist quickly formed and turned into chains that attacked like a dragon, resisting the mental impact of 10 moonstones and swept across. In the past, tie them one by one.

In contact with the fairy lock that the mist turned into, the suction power of the mist increased again, and began to absorb the physical strength of the group of moonstones. Shanaido, who had been cultivating for some time in the fairy aura of the Qixi blue bird, is now able to master it. The product of the fusion of mental power and mist is generally used as hands and feet. Maybe it is still a little far from the realm of super dream, but it is also a big step forward.

If fighting in the environment of the fairy aura, Xanadu's ability to manipulate mist will be even stronger.

Seeing that these moonstones were confined, just in case, Ningshu commanded Xanadu to resort to a wide range of hypnotisms, causing these moonstones to fall into a deep sleep.

At the same time, Xanadu's thought power opened Ting Shu's backpack, controlled 10 empty elven **** to fly out, and touched the bodies of these moon stones.

Ting Shu has spent a long time training the skill of throwing pokeball accurately, but he has never used it a few times...

His stamina was almost exhausted, he was bound to struggle, and fell into a deep sleep state. After these moonstones were sucked into the poke ball, he was unable to struggle at all, and was quickly subdued by Ting Shu.

According to this rhythm, the garden tree and Xanaduo came to the place where the next month stone inhabited. Compared with the previous place, there were more moon stones. There were 14 at all. The garden tree and Xanaduo used the old method again. , Controlled 14 Elf Balls and flew over, and then successfully conquered these moonstones.

There are a total of 24 moonstones. If you use the breeding program on the cosmic power tricks to cultivate them, even if you train the cosmic power alone, it will probably cost more than ten million to make their tricks take shape. This still does not count the subsequent photos. The alimony, this level of investment, the garden tree is relatively easy to support, but for those dojos, it is a relatively large burden, no wonder they only cultivate a dozen elves.

On the ground, there are 24 Elf Balls with moonstones, neatly arranged in a row. The garden tree is thinking about how to face these moonstones, but suddenly, Shane Duo feels that there is life right now. The body is approaching them.

From the perspective of perception, the opponent is a human, and there is also a spirit whose life fluctuates very vigorously.

Ting Shu didn't care about these moonstones for the time being. He took a few steps forward and started to wait for someone to come. He has already gone deep into the Meteor Waterfall. Will there be trainers here too?

The entire cave began to become quiet. Ting Shu waited quietly. About 1 minute later, a figure appeared in front of Ting Shu's eyes. This figure made Ting Shu a little startled, and his expression instantly condensed, and he immediately ordered Xanadu carried out a sneak attack.

White short sleeves with blue stripes, black gloves, dark blue cropped trousers and boots suitable for activities in the waters. The pants also wear leg stockings with the same pattern as the short sleeves, although his face and hair are blue The colored headscarf was covered up, but the familiar decoration still immediately let Ting Shu judge the identity of the other party.

"Water Fleet!"

Tingshu did not have as much contact with the Water Fleet, but it is not that he did not understand the Water Fleet. The investigation of the Lava and the Water Fleet was carried out together by Dawu, Tingshu, and Furong. This During the period, they destroyed many branches of the two organizations and obtained a lot of information. After the information was shared, Ting Shu could be said to be very familiar with the cadre information of the two organizations and the wizard configuration of ordinary members.

The person in front of her was wearing the costume of the Water Fleet, and the pattern on the headscarf that represented the organization of the Water Fleet further demonstrated her identity.

The habit developed over the past year allows Ting Shu to attack quickly without any underestimation. In fact, Ting Shu’s approach is very right, because even so, Shanaido could not suppress the opponent in the first round. With this The Blood Winged Winged Dragon next to Mingshui Fleet's subordinates sensed the mental fluctuations, and this bloodwing Winged Winged Dragon, who was a little surprised by Ting Shu's strength, quickly used its own pressure and roared to resist it.

For a while, the aftermath of the simple collision began to tremble in the surrounding caves, showing signs of collapse.

"This strength...you are Quanmi? No...it shouldn't be her." Ting Shu looked at the female trainer in front of him with a cold look, unexpectedly unsure of the identity of this person.

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