Pokemon Court

Chapter 1057: Super dream Y form!

"Ting Shuhe..."

In order not to affect the fall of Bingyue, Dawu and others evacuated to the other side, at a height that was completely different from that of Tingshu.

Originally, they should get together for the first time, and then fight against Gulardo and Guyoka together to buy time for the alliance, but Dawu didn't expect that Ting Shu would take the lead after passing on such a strange information.

"What happened?" Bonnie asked.

"Ting Shu sent information to the Alliance that there might be a turning point in this battle, but he is not sure. Currently, Ting Shu has gone on alone."

"With that kind of hole cards, is there still room for fighting? What else did he hide?" Mikri was surprised.

Perplexed, everyone nodded to each other, immediately rearranged the lineup, planning to go to support Ting Shu.

Du, Dawu, Huayue, Furong, and Bonnie all have the obligation to be the league kings and league champions. In this disaster, they must stand up to protect the masses. This is what every Four Heavenly Kings and Four Heavenly Kings champions do when they obtain this status. Personally sworn in, after learning that Primordial Gulardo and Primordial Gaoka had begun to wreak havoc again, Heavenly King Huayue and Heavenly Furong rushed back again!

Genji was silent for a long time, and returned with him. Although he was no longer the Four Heavenly Kings, he couldn't watch Primordial Gulardo and Primordial Gaoka continue to wreak havoc.

The same is true for Mikri. He is not the Four Heavenly Kings, but he voluntarily fights with the Four Heavenly Kings in order to protect Liuli City. He is not afraid of the risk of doing so.

Whether it is Genji, the top trainer, or Mikri, the top coordination master, both have demonstrated the courage that a strong man should have.

In mid-air, Chaomeng leaped down. Through the previous battle, it had long understood the strength of the two ultra-ancient elves. It can be said that these two elves are better than the underworld dragon Qi Latina that it encountered in another world. The strength was even stronger, which also made Chao Meng very satisfied with the two opponents Ting Shu found for it.

"Your opponent is me—"

Seeing that there is no reason, Gulardo and Giouka, who only know the power to liberate the End and the Sea of ​​Origin by instinct, Chaomeng arrogantly shouted, possessing such power, but being constrained by human thoughts, you are simply useless!

With the strong attack of Chaomeng, Gulardo and Gaoka also noticed the existence of Chaomeng, and the anger of being attacked was instantly vented to Chaomeng.

Primitive Gulardo created the earth, climbed up, and sprayed an angry fire in his mouth. With its use, the fire-breathing technique spit out flames that seemed to destroy the world, and the flames of anger were perfectly integrated into the power of the sun, making the flames It seems to be able to compete with the sun.

Once the original Giouka double fins, the ocean suddenly rolled, and the huge waves were rolled up and turned into weapons to slap away. Giouka's surfing moves already possessed the power of a super-scale tsunami.

Faced with two extremely powerful tricks, Chaomeng’s figure flashed, and his body instantly switched to another form. Compared with the previous form, Chaomeng’s physique was much smaller, his pupils turned red, and the purple on his tail and abdomen disappeared. The color on it appeared on the feet and hands. The most obvious change was that an organ protruding like a "headphone" appeared on Chaomeng's head, replacing the tail.

"It's such a strong mental fluctuating Lotto." The Rotom Illustrated Book hiding in Ting Shu's chest suddenly made a surprised voice.

At this moment, Chaomeng’s spiritual potential was thoroughly unearthed by it, and it evolved into a form named Y by itself!

"that is……"

The Tanabata Blue Bird deliberately avoided the attacks of Gulardo and Giouka and deviated from their attack direction, but Chaomeng went head-on. After transforming the form, Chaomeng's body appeared blue light, and the next moment, blue thought power The waves are blowing like a strong wind, and the water and flames are like a huge resistance, and they are instantly squeezed and spread in all directions!

With the super power transformed by the powerful spiritual power, he directly ignored the unique skills of the two ultra-ancient elves. The change in Chaomeng’s strength made Ting Shu startled. At the same time, he also noticed the current appearance of Chaomeng. This change... …It’s super-evolution. Undoubtedly, Super Dream has really mastered the ability of autonomous super-evolution.

The moment when the powerful mind force aura that enveloped the entire air was spread, and the two tricks were successfully squeezed out, Chaomeng waved with one hand, the mind force field quickly turned into a gravity field, and the tyrannical pressure attack instantly returned with the trick. With two ultra-ancient elves, the huge pressure caused by water currents and flames mixed with thought power fluctuations hit, and as expected, it caused a very terrifying big explosion. Although not as powerful as Yueyue, it far surpassed the previous human powers and the two. Only the size of the fluctuations when the ancient elves collide with each other.

The roaring energy fluctuations covered the two ultra-ancient elves. With a huge sound, the situation in the water area No. 127 was once again learned by the Fangyuan Alliance, and everyone began to watch the changes in the battlefield dumbfounded.

"In the end what happened?"

Through the blurry screen, representatives of the Fangyuan Alliance saw the figure of Super Dreamy Y and Niwa.

Under the protection of Super Tianxi, the garden tree is not afraid of the aftermath of fighting with two ultra-ancient elves. The Tanabata Blue Bird also leaves the garden tree at this time, mastering the natural energy and blending into itself, and its strength has increased by more than 30%. Between the spread of the blue bird's wings, countless magical sparkles burst out, and the successive Chaomeng attacks turned the sea upside down.

"Super dream, don't love war, our main purpose is to make them awake, what can you do?"

"It's a pity that since I left New Island, my spiritual research has been limited to destruction." Chaomeng said: "Just follow your original method, defeat them, and they will naturally exit this form. It can be easily solved."

Speaking of last... I still have to fight...

When Tingshu and Chaomeng communicated with each other, Primordial Gulardo and Primordial Giouka were furious again. The attack just now obviously successfully caused effective damage to them. At this moment, Chaomeng shouted and opened both hands. The ultra-ancient elves were immediately wrapped in blue thought force waves, slowly pulled out of the sea, floating in the air, and as the thought force waves tore their bodies, they were constantly scratched...

Seeing this, Super Elleriduo and Super Tanabata Blue Bird directly took advantage of the victory and pursued them, aiming at the key parts of the anchored Guyoka and Gurado, launching one after another offensive!

When the current scene was delivered by the drone that was still in operation, the eyes of all parts of the world once again focused on Gulardo and Gioka, as well as Tingshu and his elves! In particular, the elves who could only suppress Primordial Gulardo and Primordial Gaoka with their own power have received widespread attention.

Dawu and the others who rushed to see that Ting Shu really suppressed Primordial Gulardo and Primordial Gaoka with his own force, facing the two super ancient elves who have returned to the original as easily as they were when they were normal. Extremely shocked.

At the same time, in the Guandu area, the Rockets headquarters, Sakagi, who was paying attention to the sea area of ​​No. 127, looked at the familiar appearance of Super Super Dream Y, subconsciously crushed the cup in his hand, and then showed an incredible expression.

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