Pokemon Court

Chapter 1074: Rush into the universe!

Sijiana and Dawu are at a loss, especially Sijiana, holding her keystone, and don't understand why she who owns the keystone is still not recognized by Liekongsi...It's not just the Liekong turned into a dream. Sit, even if it is a real Liekong sit, they all look at Ting Shu differently, this inheritor... is he really competent?

Thinking about it, Sijana lowered her head.


Dawu soon discovered Sijana's anomaly. As a citizen of the meteors but could not be recognized by Liekongzai, Sijana's heart must have been hit hard.

However, at this time, it was not Xijiana that made Dawu more worried, but Liekong's request.

The implication is that a human is to accompany it to rush into the universe together?

How could humans be active in such places...

Hearing Liekong's request to sit, Ting Shu was also very stunned, and fell silent in his heart... This sounded, no matter how you looked at it, it was an act of death without return.

But... it's not that there is no silver lining, turning danger into opportunity.

"I'll go." Without much hesitation, Ting Shu smiled as he looked at the fierce-looking Lie Kong sitting, and forgot who said it. Except for Meow from the Rockets, there is no such thing as a "simple is bad" elf. , Since Lie Kongzao dared to invite him, then he had the courage to go with Lie Kongzao.

It just so happened that he also wanted to see with his own eyes what the secret of that meteorite in the universe was. In addition to that... he had one more thing he wanted to ask Likong to sit on, which played a very important role in his exploration of the origin of goblin energy. If you miss it With this opportunity, it may take decades or even hundreds of years for mankind’s perception of the energy of the goblin to improve again. If we can take advantage of this opportunity to get closer to Liekong, we will make that request that is not excessive. It should be possible to get the consent of Lie Kongzai.


Ting Shu’s decisiveness made Da Wu uncontrollably stop it. This is too dangerous. In the universe, let alone powerful trainers, even those legendary elves can’t survive in the universe, even if their strength is comparable to the super ancient times. The super dream of the elves, I am afraid, can not go out of the realm of this planet. There is no other reason. It is not a problem of strength, but a problem of race. Just like the powerful fire-breathing dragon can hardly move freely in the water, it moves in the universe , Is exclusive to certain creatures, obviously, not including humans.

If something goes wrong, Ting Shu wants to return to the ground, it will be very difficult, nearly dead.

After all, this time I went there, not a trip to return after a stroll, but to destroy the meteorite, who knows if anything will happen then.

"Mr. Tingshu?" Xijiana, with her head down, raised her head puzzled when she heard Tingshu's words. Faced with Liekong's request to sit, even she was still considering the consequences, but Tingshu took the lead. He agreed with one step of thinking, which made Sijiana look at Tingshu incomprehensibly, wouldn't he be afraid.

"I believe Liekongzai. If the meteorite can be destroyed some time in advance, then the possibility of the meteorite threatening the ground will be much reduced, right." Tingshu smiled and looked at Liekongzai, and said: "Liekongzai, take it. Please come down to you."

"Ting Shu, are you aware of the unexpected consequences?" Dawu solemnly said.

"No problem." Ting Shu nodded, motioning for him to feel relieved.

Seeing Ting Shu expressing his stance so quickly, Lie Kong sat down unexpectedly and hovered at the top of the Sky Pillar. Since Ting Shu himself agreed, it would start to digest the energy of the colorful meteorite, although the colorful meteorites in front of him The energy of meteorites is impure, but there is better than nothing.

This period of time was also the time Liekong left for Ting Shu to prepare. It was not for Ting Shu to prepare a method of self-preservation, but to let him figure out the specific location of the meteorite.

"Do you have to do this?" Seeing Tingshu made up his mind, Dawu said.

"Please." Ting Shu also asked Dawu, from various levels.

"I will prepare a space suit and supporting protective equipment for you immediately, and other things... don't worry about it."

"Thank you." Ting Shu nodded. Although Lie Kong said he would protect himself, if he didn't put on a space suit, Ting Shu really wouldn't dare to go with it and fly into the universe...that was his childhood. There are dreams, although they are not too strong, even to the point of being forgotten, but who didn't think about it like that when they were young.

"Do you really want to go?" Sijana was still a little hard to understand at this time.


After receiving confirmation from Ting Shu herself, Xi Jiana fell silent and said in her heart: "Perhaps... Maybe Mr. Ting Shu is more suitable for the identity of the inheritor than I am."

The expected arrival time of the meteorite is tomorrow. At this time, the meteorite is slowly moving towards the planet in the starry sky. Once it enters a certain range, it will be pulled over by gravity. Therefore, it must not wait until that time to act. Dawu took out the communicator with a serious expression and immediately initiated contact with the Green Ridge City Universe Center.

Since he was going, he had to do a good job in safety. Except for the space suit, Ting Shu prepared some back-hands as quickly as possible.

Two hours later, Ting Shu received not only a space suit, but also a special electronic lens, so he could contact the Green Ridge Universe Center in real time and obtain meteorite information.

"Unexpectedly, things would turn out to be like this..."

Rao is Ting Shu, who can't help but feel a little nervous at this time.

"Tingshu, you will leave the planet in an hour. The meteorite will move to the area in charge of the detection in the center of the universe. Then the center of the universe will shield you and Liekong from destroying the meteorite. Although I don't know how long it can hide...but More preparation time is always good."

"I understand."

In this way, the Larus Group will not receive news in a short time, and the big news of a trainer riding Liekong into the universe can also be kept secret for the time being.

Ting Shu put on the space suit, and after familiarizing himself with the operation, he agreed to the Rotom Illustrated Book's request to enter the universe with him.

"When the time comes, you will enter here." Ting Shu pointed to a transparent part of the space suit and said.

The space suit can protect his life activities, and can protect the human body from environmental factors such as vacuum, high and low temperatures, solar radiation and micro meteors in the space. In addition, the garden tree is excellent in physical condition, and there is no danger in theory, unless there is a major accident. .

At this time, Lie Kongzai had already absorbed the energy of the colorful meteorite. Seeing Ting Shu’s heavy preparations, there was nothing to say. At the beginning, Lie Kongzai didn’t think anyone would dare to fly to the universe with it, and planned to spend some time on his own. Looking for a meteorite, making this request is just to test the capabilities of human beings. The final result is that it is also very unexpected. In fact, Lie Kongzai has not communicated with humans for a long time. Now Ting Shu has successfully aroused its interest.

As Ting Shu got ready, Liekong sat up, and in an instant, the sky pillar changed and the Ting Shu sat on its neck under the sign of Liekong.

"It's really shocking..." Dawu shook his head, and there was some envy in his heart. If the picture of Lie Kong sitting and taking the trainer rushing to the universe to destroy the meteorite is spread, I am afraid the whole world will be shocked.

But the most important thing is to come back safely...

At this time, Tingshu himself did not know that it was this decision that drastically changed his destiny.

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