Pokemon Court

Chapter 1080: Regional exchange competition, lunar exploration plan announced

Devon rescued the other Deoxys from the Larus Group. It can be said that this incident can be seen as an end.

But Ting Shu's main purpose is not here.

Speaking of the Lava Team and the Water Fleet, Dawu shook his head solemnly: "It was when we noticed the clues that we started to do it. During this period, we took advantage of the Larus Group to be caught in a public opinion storm and focused on investigating when we were too busy. The result of the investigation found that the Lava Team and the Water Fleet seemed to have completely severed their relations with the Larus Group since they had cooperated with the Larus Group."

"The Lava Team and the Water Fleet worked together to steal the Dimensional Shifter. Although all the clues point to the Larus Group, in fact, we still haven’t found any definite evidence. I thought I could take advantage of this opportunity. The investigation revealed something, but the relationship between the Lava Fleet and the Water Fleet and the Larus Group has been determined too thoroughly. There must be something strange... Fortunately, most of the external information of the Larous Group has been controlled by us. When they contact with the Lava Team and the Water Fleet, they will definitely show their feet, and even for this they need to use some extraordinary means."

"Extraordinary means? For example, the next step is to continue to pressure, or even create accidents, to artificially create opportunities for them to contact the lava team and the water fleet?" Ting Shu thoughtfully.

Although the method is a little shameless, but after all, he has torn his skin and doesn't need to care so much anymore.

With the fermentation of the meteorite crisis, the Larousse Group tried various means to cleanse themselves, but faced with the pressing pressure of Devon, they did not have the opportunity to complete the cleansing, except to continue to follow up the actions of the Larousse Group. , There is one more thing worthy of Ting Shu's attention. There are three months and four-year regional exchange competitions coming soon.

Three months later, all regions that have established an elven alliance, four heavenly kings, and a champion system will have an exchange competition. The exchange competition will be held every four years. Each region will send a representative of the four heavenly kings to participate in the competition.

The competition system is also a points battle. Each contestant will play against each other to decide who is the strongest king. The result of the competition also affects the distribution of benefits among various regions. It can be said that it not only represents the face of the region, but also reflects the strength.

The Fangyuan Alliance has invited Ting Shu to participate. At present, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Ting Shu’s strength is definitely not inferior to the three kings of Huayue, Furong, and Bonnie, and may even exceed a lot. Only Ting Shu is sent to participate. It is possible for Fangyuan to fight for more benefits in the hands of powerful alliances with Quartz, Shenao, Hezhong, and Carlos.

"I will think about it."

Tingshu did not rush to agree. In fact, the regional exchange competition is still three months away and he is not in a hurry to make a decision. A week after the scandal of the Larus Group was exposed, even more exciting news finally came out. The four-day king Tingshu of Fangyuan area has joined forces. Lie Kongsi, the elves in China, has become a hero to solve the meteorite crisis and will openly launch a lunar exploration program on behalf of the Fangyuan Alliance. This news is released, and the heat instantly overwhelms all news.

Battle of Waters 127? The Larus Group scandal? Meteorite crisis?

Now it is all covered by the overwhelming propaganda of Fangyuan Alliance’s lunar exploration program. This lunar exploration project is led by Dewen Company and the Green Ridge Universe Center. This is not the first time that Fangyuan Alliance has conducted lunar exploration, but it is The most solemn time.

Everyone knows the risks of lunar exploration. Although the people who participated in the lunar exploration program in the past were all elites in the corresponding field, they did not have much popularity before the lunar exploration. But the Four Heavenly Kings are different, let alone Ting Shu. The super-popular king who has appeared in the big news several times.

If such a person falls during the lunar exploration process, it is undoubtedly the loss of the alliance, but the Fangyuan Alliance still resolutely carried out the lunar exploration plan, which is enough to see the alliance's grasp of this lunar exploration.

"The confidence... lies in that Ting Shu and Lie Kongzao have joined forces!!" Many forces immediately understood the strength of this massive lunar exploration plan. There are two difficulties in lunar exploration, one is scientific and technological. One difficulty is Liekong's domain consciousness.

The former has been solved by mankind, and the latter has been solved now. It can be said that Tingshu's lunar exploration is the least risky in the history of human lunar exploration. It is no wonder that Wen Gan has such confidence in propaganda.

Devon was able to get support from many forces, and they worked together to pressure the Larus Group. The lunar exploration plan that Ting Shu participated in was also indispensable. If this lunar exploration plan is successful, Devon can stably establish the Earth-Moon channel. Spend a lot of time exploring the secrets of the moon. In this case, if other forces also want to know the secrets of the moon, they can only exchange them from Devon.

Therefore, after the news of the lunar exploration program spread, the last line supporting the Larousse Group was also broken. The Devon Company, which was engaged in a commercial battle with the Larousse Group, immediately won with an absolute advantage. The Sri Lanka Group has lost most of its high-tech market in the Fangyuan region, and its vitality is greatly injured. However, it still has not been able to investigate more black spots in the Larus Group. The bankruptcy of the Larus Group may have a chance.

Because of this incident, Ting Shu successfully obtained a certain amount of shares from Dewen and became one of Dewen's shareholders, occupying the majority of the benefit distribution.

During this period of time, Tingshu was mainly busy exploring the moon. In fact, Tingshu himself was not too eager. Even if it was postponed to the regional exchange game, it would be fine. The key is that after the two Deoxys reunited, they wanted Back to the universe.

Originally, Tingshu and Dawu were still muttering in their hearts whether they would stay behind after cooperation and friendship with Deochis, but the performance of Deochis made them both understand. Ouchis’ IQ and EQ have surpassed most elves and humans. It’s unrealistic to want to keep them like pets, and Ting Shu is not too disappointed. He put away his careful thoughts. Originally, he didn't think that by subduing Deoxys with the power of Liekongsi, he could become the other's trainer, and now that friendship can be established is the best result.

The Deoxys wanted to return to the universe, but Dawu stopped them and informed them of the existence of Liekongzai. The Deoxys that manipulates the meteorite knows the power of Liekongzai, and deeply understands that even if it is to fight with his companions, he may not be able to win Likongzai. To be on the safe side, Tingshu and Dawu came up with a solution. , That is, let Deoxys take the moon exploration rocket and leave the planet with Ting Shu to go to the universe. In this way, Ting Shu can get closer to Deoxys and wait until future generations. The Ochsis returned to this planet again, and they would not become strangers.

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