Pokemon Court

Chapter 1085: Super lizard king!

The rain wing moth is the last of the three insect-type elves Takumi has sent.

The rain wing moth has a graceful flying posture and is good at using water tricks. In addition, there is also an air cut that can cut fatal wounds.

As if worried that the fire-breathing dragon would use this time to recover his strength, Takumi immediately issued instructions to the rain wing moth to launch an attack after the rain wing moth came out. Numerous crystal water drops scattered in the air, changing the air. Moisture, Takumi intends to use water play to weaken the fire-breathing dragon's fire-type moves.

"Fire-breathing dragon, can you still fight?"

Xiao Zhi turned his hat subconsciously, and as the fire-breathing dragon issued a powerful and wary roar, he immediately showed a serious expression.

"Fire-breathing dragon! Use hot air to resist its water play!"

The weak body of the rain wing moth makes it destined to be unable to resist the moves, but through clever water play, the heat of the fire-breathing dragon is no longer enough to call it a move. Through the gap of the hot wind, the rain wing moth directly used the autumn leaves museum. The airflow flying skills passed down from the creator, Tingshu, used airflow to disperse the hot wind on the front, and then flew past it and suddenly landed on the fire-breathing dragon.

"Rain-winged moth, the wave of water!!"

When the whirlpool condensed into a sphere appeared in front of the rainwing moth, Xiaozhi frowned, but he believed in the fire-breathing dragon. Seeing the fearless look of the fire-breathing dragon, Xiaozhi took a deep breath and shouted loudly. : "Big characters exploded!"

The wave of water descended swiftly, but the fire-breathing dragon was not afraid of being physically weak. It still stared at the opponent fiercely. After hearing Xiaozhi’s command, the fire-breathing dragon immediately opened its mouth, and at the same time, the last wave fell on its body. The power burst out, and the big flames condensed and smashed toward the rain wing moth behind the wave of water!

The raging fire exploded from the body of the fire-breathing dragon, filling it with hot red energy, declaring that the fire-breathing dragon’s practice in the fire-breathing dragon valley was officially launched. The large character explosion accompanied by the fire-breathing dragon's full blow and the wave of water collided. At the same time, unparalleled hot steam swept the venue instantly.

The hot steam swept the fire-breathing dragon and the rain-wing moth. Just as Xiaozhi nervously waited for the situation to become clear, Takumi's expression remained unchanged and called out the next command: "Relay!"

The violent whirlwind blows away the steam, and the injured rain wing moth struggles to dance and restores its sight. It glances at the fire-breathing dragon that has fallen to the ground with dissatisfaction, seeming to blame the male dragon for not letting himself be defeated, the fire-breathing dragon. The burst of power made Takumi give up the idea of ​​continuing to send rain wing moths to fight, and directly took the rain wing moths back and sent another fairy iron ant to the field.

"The opponent still has two elves, and I still have three. I have a temporary advantage!" Takumi thought in his heart. He still has the trump card Heracross and two iron ants. How to use these three elves is the key to his victory. .

"Fire-breathing dragon, you have done a good job." After Xiao Zhi retracted the fire-breathing dragon, he looked at the iron ant suspiciously and let the lizard king board the field.

Even though the host explained the basic information of the iron ant, Xiaozhi still did not figure out the weakness of the elf.

"That guy Xiaozhi... Both fire elves have lost their fighting ability. That iron ant has insect and steel attributes. The lizard king is very disadvantageous."

As the game entered the white-hot stage, Xiaozhi couldn't help but say to Takumi: "You are really strong. I played this game very happily, but I will not give up!"

Of course, Takumi was not willing to admit defeat, but when Xiaozhi firmly placed his arms on his chest, revealing the special bracelet on his wrist, Takumi dumbly gave up his intention to refute and threw himself into the battle.

The appearance of the super bracelet immediately made many people shouted in surprise, especially the host, who shouted most excitedly. They did not expect such high-end things to appear in the regional conferences they hosted——

"Oh!! Could it be..."

"Lizard King, super evolve, let Takumi take a look at the results of our practice!!"

Xiaozhi's super bracelet, hung on the neck of the lizard king, a stone that most people thought was a jewelry. With Xiaozhi's activation, it immediately resonated strongly! When Dawu gave Xiaozhi’s evolution stone, some elves who had investigated Xiaozhi eventually chose the lizard king evolution stone he had repeated 3 sets and gave it to Xiaozhi. At that time, Xiaozhi’s lizard king was still a forest lizard, but for Being able to master this special super-evolutionary power, Xiaozhi did not hesitate to go to the depths of the forest with the forest lizard alone to practice assiduously, only to get his wish to master this power before the game.

"I didn't expect that he really mastered..." Dawu did not come to the scene to watch the game in person, but he always watched the game. To be honest, he didn't know that Xiaozhi had not mastered super evolution. After all, the forest lizard at the time, There is no qualification to control the super-evolution. Besides, the most difficult point of the super-evolution is the bond between the trainer and the elf.

Fetters are an important thing connecting the trainer and the elf in the super-evolution. Nothingness is indispensable. The forest lizard was only subdued by Xiaozhi in the past year. Dawu knows this very well, unless Xiaozhi only cultivates this one during this time The elves increase their feelings, otherwise it is very difficult to complete the super-evolution. For the average trainer, several elves are usually cultivated at the same time, and Xiaozhi is no exception, so the process of building bonds is very difficult, although the elves may I can listen to the trainer's words, but when faced with such a strong emotional resonance as super-evolution, if the two sides do not have a deep friendship, it will not be super-evolutionary.

"Mastering super-evolution in a short period of time is considered a kind of talent." Dawu smiled, how many people got the super-evolution stone but couldn't control the super-evolution... But this situation does not seem to happen to Xiaozhi. appear.

The green body of the lizard king was wrapped in the light of evolution, and the big tail stretched out, and a red tip appeared. The "leaf blade" that could be used as a weapon in his hand became sharper, dyed with the red of killing. The new features emerging from the body all show the new attributes acquired after the evolution of the lizard king...

"Dragon!" After the super-evolution, the lizard king immediately understood the second split, which excited Xiaozhi at the time for a long time.

"Takumi, how about it, your next opponent is it, Super Lizard King!!" Xiaozhi stepped forward and nodded tacitly with the Super Lizard King, and at the same time looked at their opponents Takumi and Iron Ant.

"Super...Lizard King..." At this moment, not only Takumi was surprised by Xiaozhi's hole cards, but many trainers were also moved by it. You must know that even the average top trainer can hardly master super evolution. , If you let them know that this set of super-evolved props was only given away because the collector repeated the collection, I am afraid that they will be ashamed to hit the wall and die.

"It seems... it's time to change the strategy." Not only was Takumi useless to worry, but he also raised a fighting spirit.

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