Pokemon Court

Chapter 1091: Wormhole!

With the benefits brought by the first to build a stable channel between the Earth and the Moon, Devon moved all the major forces in the Fangyuan Alliance to put pressure on the Larousse Group and at the same time further strengthened its position, which has long been in the hearts of the senior leaders of the Larousse Group. resentment.

Under the investigation of the Larus Group, riding Lie Kongzai to destroy the meteorite's garden tree is indeed the core figure of this incident. It is the deal he reached with Lie Kongzai, which will give Devon a stable chance to land on the moon. .

"The King of Trees in the Garden is really a big worry. With Dewen, the situation of the Larus Group may become more and more unfavorable."

During the exchange between President Ain and Dr. Yamadera, they have determined a plan to eradicate the garden tree. As long as the garden tree can be eradicated, Dewen will be greatly injured because of the loss of a champion's combat power and stable passage of the earth and moon. At the same time, the Ruth Group can also have a chance to breathe.

Since ancient times, there have been many assassinations of the Alliance Heavenly Kings and even the League Champions. There are indeed Alliance Heavenly Kings who have died in the assassinations. However, as the top powerhouse, the number of assassinated Four Heavenly Kings is very small.

If Tingshu was above the ground, the Larus Group would have the courage and would not dare to deal with Tingshu and assassinate the Four Heavenly Kings. The Larus Group would not be so capable.

However, if the tree is destroyed when it returns to the ground from the moon, then as long as there is a slight error in one of the small links, the tree may be killed in the universe, even if Dewen wants to rescue it, there is nothing he can do, even if the tree is more. Strong strength is difficult to protect itself in the universe.

It can be said that the universe is a natural assassination site.

Moreover, no one knows about the black hand in the universe. In this way, even if Deven guessed that it was the hand of the Larus Group, there is no evidence, only that the spacecraft had an accident.

"You know, besides Dewen, the garden tree also has teachers and friends. They only think that the accident was caused by a mistake in Dewen's plan. No one would think of us. After all, flying into the universe to assassinate the king, this kind of thing It's incredible."

However, the Larousse Group does not have the ability to remotely control the spacecraft to change the orbit of the spacecraft, because the safety of the garden tree has been listed as the highest project by the text, and the world's top technicians are responsible for 24 hours, even if the technology level of the Larousse Group In Gao, it is impossible to hide the text.

In addition, the Larus Group has no way to transport weapons of mass destruction into the universe. The remaining handles are too large, involve too much, and are easily exposed, not to mention the material of the manned spacecraft. Weapons of general lethality are hard to destroy at all.

Moreover, forcibly destroying the spacecraft did not seem like an accident at all, and did not meet the purpose of the Larus Group.

"The clone of Deoxys is very unstable. Although it simulates all the life characteristics of Deoxys, it still requires a lot of luck to complete the task with it."

Dr. Yamadera shook his head. The reason why the Larus Group was willing to release him on bail was because he had conducted research on the cloning of Dioxis, and successfully developed a semi-finished Dieu that did not possess thoughts, feelings and corresponding strength. Chisis.

That Deoxys, originally a failed product, should be covered in dust forever, but now it has a place to be used.

Ain's plan is to let this life form capable of flying out of the atmosphere to prevent the garden tree from returning to the ground.

"Other than that, there is no other way."

Relying on the power of Deoxys to travel to the universe and activate the special device configured by the Larus Group, it is enough to erase the traces of the garden tree without knowing it, and make it impossible for anyone to find evidence.

Although the Lava Team and the Water Fleet broke with the Larus Group, the control core dimension shifter of the space teleportation device they snatched from Devon fell into the hands of the Larus Group.

Regarding the black technology of Devon, the Larus Group is naturally very greedy and has conducted research secretly.

As the top-level technological hegemon of Fangyuan, the Larus Group successfully imitated the space transmission device under the knowledge of the core energy of the space transmission device. However, after many experiments, the Larus Group determined that they did not master the text. The core technology of this space transmission device is a failed product, unable to successfully locate two coordinates for accurate transmission.

However, this space transmission device has the ability to open dimensional cracks just like the finished product. As long as it uses enough energy, it can teleport the garden tree to countless light-years away or unknown time and space, making it impossible for him to return for life.

The plan of the Larus Group is to allow the clone of Deoxys to carry this space teleportation device and activate the device when the Fairy One leaves the moon, so that the garden tree can enter the wormhole by mistake.

Wormholes can be regarded as accidents in the universe. In this way, the garden tree will be lost in the boundless universe, and until he dies, Dewen will lose an important member.



On the moon, Ting Shu finally completed the final research and intends to return to the ground. He stayed on the moon for nearly two months this time. In addition to the boring research, he instructed the elves to use the resources on the moon to practice and live two points and one line. I miss the beautiful things on the ground very much now.

After laughing and teasing with the person in charge of the Universe Center, after the Rotom Illustrated Book checked the functions of the manned spacecraft, Ting Shu and the others have already begun to return to the ground.

On the ground, as the fairy Tianwang Tingshu was determined to return, the Green Ridge City Universe Center immediately became busy. Although this time there is no technical difficulty in the return journey, humans have returned safely from the moon decades ago, but they still Do not sloppy, dozens of experts specializing in this field are all supervising on the ground, in order to ensure that Ting Shu can return to the opposite side safely this time.

"'Fairy One' has flew away from the moon, and is now approaching the atmosphere. It is estimated that it will reach the atmosphere..."

After leaving the moon, what the spacecraft has to do is to move closer to the atmosphere according to a specific orbit, until it is captured by gravity, and then decelerate to land. It can be said that the operation of the moon landing is very simple, and it is comparable to the Rotom Illustrated Book. Ting Shu didn't need to worry about the control of a supercomputer system at all, but as the spacecraft left the moon smoothly, two hours later, countless researchers and experts at the center of the universe stared with incredible expressions.

On the flight path of the spacecraft, a huge mysterious passage suddenly opened. This passage, intertwined with blue and black, and white mist linger, looked very strange. None of the researchers present had seen the same scene, but the spaceship that Ting Shu was riding on was They breathed in, all of them were ashamed, knowing that things were broken...

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