Pokemon Court

Chapter 1093: It's a great city!

Ting Shu lay down for two days before his physical condition had improved. During this time, he was able to open his eyes, but Ting Shu still didn't understand what happened to him.

"You came from outside Metropolis?"

When it was time to eat again, the blue-haired girl walked in again, and at the same time gave Ting Shu a box of food. It looked like a bento box. The type of food was strange, but it tasted good.

The girl who took in Ting Shu was in her early 1.6 meters tall, with long blue hair and pupils, and her skin was very pale. Although Ting Shu did not understand what she meant, Ting Shu could still understand what she meant by sensing the other's mental fluctuations. Sixty to seventy percent in the other party’s words mean.

Ting Shu knew that this girl saved him.

After Ting Shu woke up, the blue-haired girl gave him a broken red machine, saying that it was found beside him.

This broken red machine is the Rotom’s Illustrated Book. At this time, Rotom has fallen asleep in the data chip because of the damage to the fuselage and the loss of energy. To understand what is going on, Ting Shu has to learn. The language here, second, needs the help of the Rotom Illustrated Book, Ting Shu has already thought of a way to help the Rotom Illustrated Book recover.

Except for the Rotom Illustrated Book, the blue-haired girl didn't seem to find anything else beside Ting Shu at the time. The Tanabata Blue Bird and other elves were all lost. Ting Shu forcibly calmed down, since her body was not too injured. Then the Tanabata Blue Birds must be safe.

The reason why Rotom's Illustrated Book is around may be because they were discussing things together when the spacecraft accident occurred.

He wants to learn to read.

Ting Shu expressed his request to the girl as much as possible. Although he didn't know the girl, he could only rely on the other party now. He didn't even understand the language. I'm afraid this is not the world of elves, at least Ting Shu never I have seen the day and night change here. Without the Tanabata Blue Birds by their side, Ting Shu can only be regarded as a good fighter, but this does not make him unafraid here.

Since this blue-haired girl saved herself, she should be a good person...

In fact, Ting Shu’s luck was very good. Not only did the blue-haired girl not refuse, she also carefully taught Ting Shu to recognize characters. She was not surprised that Ting Shu could not speak the language here. You must know. There are many people in the metropolis. In addition to the metropolis residents in the core area, there are also people who have fled from various places.

She... was moved here from another city full of mansions. Her hometown has long been destroyed by a monster known as a "greedy ghost" into ruins and can no longer live.

Perhaps it was because Ting Shu was regarded as someone who had the same experience and pity with her. The blue-haired girl was very patient and serious.

Because Ting Shu is now strong in spirit and learning fast, he has been able to communicate with each other normally in just three days. This girl is called "Mi Ling". She is fourteen years old this year and lives alone on the edge of a metropolis. zone.

"Mi Ling..."

Although the pronunciation is different, this name reminds Tingshu a lot. When he first went to the Alora area, he also met a girl named Mi Ling, but the two were not the same person, that was Mi Ling. Ling's girl trainer with Ibrahimovic does not know if he has successfully obtained the qualification to use the Z move...

The name spanning time and space suddenly made Ting Shu feel a little emotional.

After being able to communicate with Mi Ling normally, Ting Shu also began to quickly understand the world.

This understanding made Ting Shu completely convinced that he was no longer in the world of elves...

If the garden tree had to give this place a name, it would be the world of the ultimate beast.

"Unexpectedly... I actually came to the world of the ultimate beast."

At night, Ting Shu looked out the window, incomparably at a loss, the Ultimate Beast. In their elven world, they were regarded as the elves of different dimensions and the elves of another world. What Ting Shu did not expect was where the Ultimate Beast was. There are even human civilizations in the world.

This is not a parallel time and space, it is very likely, it is a genuine, another world in the vast universe far from the world of the elves.

"You have to find a way to go back. In addition, you must first restore the Rotom Illustrated Book and find the Qixi Blue Birds..."

The next day, Mi Ling asked Ting Shu for the first time. After she found Ting Shu in the suburbs, she regarded Ting Shu as a person attacked by the ultimate beast. She saved Ting Shu due to her compassion. He came back and gave Tingshu a special treatment.

In the Metropolis, there is no organization similar to a police agency, and the entire Metropolis is managed by the researchers who built the Metropolis Tower and their ultimate investigation team.

The ultimate metropolis is an independent world. In the same space, there are countless small worlds around, and Mi Ling's hometown is one of the worlds that has been destroyed by the ultimate monster.

In the ultimate metropolis, there is no concept of trainers, nor the concept of elves. People here have advanced scientific power, but there is less interaction with the ultimate beasts. The reason for this is the ultimate here. The individual strength of the alien beast is too powerful, and the average strength of each animal is close to the legendary elves in the elven world.

"Ting Shu...Where are you from?"

Mi Ling asked doubtfully, Ting Shu didn't seem to be a cosmopolitan person, she was probably of the same kind.

These people generally live on the fringe of the ultimate city being relatively desolate. In these places, there are often extraordinary beasts. Although the ultimate beasts living around the ultimate city rarely attack humans, no one wants to fight with them. Those creatures live together. After all, everything is risky. However, the right to live in the core area of ​​the city is too rare. Except for a small number of elites, most people cannot get involved.

Outsiders like Ting Shu, I am afraid that they can only live here.

Facing Mi Ling’s question, Ting Shu really didn’t know how to explain it, so she could only vaguely say: "I come from a world invaded by the ultimate monster..."

According to Ting Shu’s understanding, there are many such places around the Ultimate Metropolis. The elven world he is in is very deep. Although the Ultimate Beast is very powerful, it is impossible to occupy that world. The tree is not a lie, after all, the world of the elves often has extremely strange beasts strayed into it.

Ting Shu vaguely stated his origins. Mi Ling recalled his miserable look when he saw Ting Shu, shook his head, and renewed Ting Shu’s experience. People who moved from the place of the pole building.

"Mi Ling...Do you know how to become a resident of the Metropolis?" Ting Shu asked. In the Metropolis, people without a residence permit can't even enter the central area. This is for the court who wants to investigate information. The tree is one thing that must be solved.

"This...you can participate in the assessment of the Ultimate Investigation Team just like me..." Mi Ling said. Although she can only live on the edge of the Ultimate Metropolis, Mi Ling believes that one day she can join. Joining the Ultimate Investigation Team and entering the core area of ​​the Ultimate Metropolis is her only dream after leaving her hometown.

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