Pokemon Court

Chapter 1096: Talented researcher?

In fact, in addition to the Qixi Blue Bird, Di Anxi, Shanaido, and Nine Tails, these elves who descended into the ultimate space with the garden trees, all caused different disturbances.

After all, as a foreign species, it also possesses the strength to surpass the ultimate monster, no matter where it is, it is the focus of a sensation.

At the same time, the garden tree that awakened the Rotom Illustrated Book has returned to the residential area with it.

Although it is only on the edge of the metropolis, the related facilities here are very complete. Because Tingshu wears the hat given to him by Mi Ling, and the low-key rush all the way, it has not caused any trouble.

"where did you go?"

"You said the waterwheel power plant." After Ting Shu came back, he ran into Mi Ling and said in embarrassment.

Be silent for a moment, Ting Shu didn’t wait for Mi Ling to continue questioning, he said: "Mi Ling, I have disturbed you during this period of time. I saw a job that I can do, including food and housing. I want to apply for a job. ,That one……"

Ting Shu originally wanted to say that the money for the medication and meals would be saved and returned to Mi Ling, but then Mi Ling shook his head and said, "Don't worry, anyway, the room is still empty. Wait for you to be sure. It's never too late to come down."

"Yes." Ting Shu smiled.

Mi Ling is considered to be a genius researcher in this neighborhood. Even though she is only 14 years old, she is estimated to be able to surpass the high-achieving students who came out of high-level universities in the Elf World. The institution she works has recommended her to join the ultimate investigation team If Ting Shu wants to join the Ultimate Investigation Team, he also needs the recommendation of some organizations with recommendation rights.

This point, with a more detailed understanding of the world, Ting Shu has already figured it out.

However, the most urgent task is to forge a perfect identity. Mi Ling's family has a lot of information, and even has a computer-like machine "crystal brain". At Ting Shu's request, Mi Ling did not refuse to use Ting Shu, because these things are very important. It’s almost a manpower share, not a precious thing.

Two days later.

The resume that Ting Shu invested in finally got news. He started to go to the institution he chose for an interview. In most metropolises, only institutions engaged in scientific research have the right to evaluate and recommend the ultimate investigation team. There are a lot of institutions inside and outside the metropolis. They are engaged in various aspects of scientific and technological product research, and they even surpass restaurants and other places in number.

The scientific research institution that Ting Shu fancyed is a branch of an institution in the core area of ​​the metropolis. It is mainly engaged in the research of space compression technology. The compression backpacks produced are popular mainstream items in all areas of the metropolis. .

Of course, not everyone can work in such top scientific research institutions.

Mi Ling originally thought that Tingshu was just looking for work such as assembly line parts and product after-sales. After all, from the exchanges, she had understood that Tingshu was a thorough research novice.

As soon as he came up, he directly focused his attention on the "Hundred Flower Company", which occupies a pivotal position even in the metropolis. I have to say that Ting Shu is no longer willing to waste time.

In fact, even if it's just a branch, Baihua Company's generous treatment makes the applicants here endless.

In the branch building of Baihua Company, Ting Shu was lined up behind a long line, waiting for the interview to proceed. Unlike the nervous people around, Ting Shu was calm, because he believed that the technology he brought had a certain value to Baihua Company.

"Number 8, Garden Tree."

A clear female voice came, and Ting Shu took the semi-finished design drawing that he spent a day summing up with the Rotom Illustrated Book, and agreed.

Under the guidance of the woman in professional attire, Ting Shu directly entered the interview room and introduced herself to the three interviewers in charge of the interview according to the process.

"Hello, three interviewers, I am Ting Shu, and I apply for a position as an employee of the Innovation R&D Technology Center."

"Ting Shu...I remember you don't have an identity certificate, do you?" The round-faced female sitting in the middle took his eyes off Ting Shu's resume and smiled.

"That's right..." Ting Shutou's resume information is almost forged. He combined with Mi Ling's family information and asked Lottom's Illustrated Book to help him with this task. Now he comes from an invader by a supernatural beast. Remote place.

"Looking at your skin tone and accent, it shouldn't be long before you came here, right?"

Ting Shu nodded.

"Then show us your research ideas first." The interviewer on the left shook his head and said. In fact, many organizations are reluctant to accept people like Tingshu who have no identity certificate, but the situation in this world is In this way, there is no need to kill with a stick, but the entry requirements will definitely be improved.

"The innovative product you have conceived... is called Space Ball?"

Originally, the three interviewers were still puzzled by the name of the product that Tingshu conceived, but when they carefully read the design ideas that Tingshu submitted, they immediately became calm.

The round-faced woman in the middle even stood up all of a sudden. The three of them are experts and very good researchers in this branch. They can naturally distinguish whether the interviewer is really talented or not. It is not an exaggeration to say that there is nothing wrong with the design ideas and design concepts of the "space ball" that Tingshu handed over, except that some key cores are omitted by Tingshu, and it is close to a complete product design drawing.

If such a product really exists, it is not a rare thing for Baihua Company.

The person in front of him, no matter where he is an ordinary applicant, is a genius at all. Even if the branch director of this branch comes, he must be regarded as a great god.

The so-called space ball is the name Ting Shu himself gave. The real name of this product is actually called...the poke ball.

Yes, Ting Shu referred to the modern poke ball manufacturing technology and ancient fruit ball manufacturing technology recorded in the Rotom Illustrated Book, and then combined the information found in Mi Ling's house to let the Rotom Illustrated Book help him design a set A feasible plan for making a poke ball can theoretically subdue the extremely alien beast that is also a pokemon.

You know, due to different cultures, there is no such thing in the metropolis. Ting Shu chose this product after careful consideration. Some people here need this thing. The pokeball is not without a market in the metropolis, and it can even be Become a luxury.

So the emergence of the concept of pokeball has an impact on the thinking of these researchers.

Ting Shu's face was calm, and he was not afraid of being coveted by others for taking out this innovative thing at once. The awakening of Rotom's Illustrated Book had already given him a lot of backhands and confidence.

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