Pokemon Court

Chapter 119: On the important factors of the battle


The time was getting shorter, and watching the tennis ball that was stepped up, the onlookers sweated for Katie.

But as of now, the performance of Katy Dog has left them stunned.

It was the first time they saw an elf who had lasted so long and had not been hit by a tennis ball.

"He has entered the second round of the finals. There shouldn't be much problem, right?"

"That Caty Dog is so handsome, I want one too..."

In the eyes of ordinary people, the katy dog ​​is already a rare cherished elf. Most katy dogs are monopolized by the alliance. The ordinary trainer wants to obtain a katy dog, although it cannot be said that there is no way, but It also requires a little luck and strength.

However, it might not be too rare for everyone present, so I was only amazed at how much Katy Dog can be exercised by Ting Shu.

Counting Jun acts as a brain supplement. This Katy dog ​​is too sensitive, and the coordination of movement is essentially different from that of the elf of the ordinary trainer. Ordinary training methods can't reach this point.

The Caty Dog calmly hides from the tennis. A tennis limit is approaching. He takes a step, constantly controls his muscles from the gap, and constantly tries to break through in various directions. Ting Shu observes that the Caty Dog's explosive power is gradually weakening, knowing this. It can't last long.

After all, this avoidance method is only used during training, and there are still some shortcomings in real application, but as a Catty dog ​​just born a year ago, training is not easy.

Teacher Ji Yuan, who was born in the criminal police system, gave Ting Shu a set of "police dog" training methods. Since then, Katie Dog is destined to go on a path of no return.

The complexity of the training and the content of the sac are involved in all aspects, but after a year, the Katy Dog has made the most obvious progress. The most prominent place is not "spraying flames", "flaming teeth" and "biting" and other unique tricks! !

But... "Bumping" and "Flame Wheel" use their strength to explode the self-inflicted moves...

Ting Shu feels that he has led Katie into a weird path. The key is that Katie also has a soft spot for such a trick. He always likes to use his best to give each other such a sudden in a battle.

Although some tricks and training blessings, such as "high speed" and "gravity house", these tricks have also increased the impact power of Katy Dog, but every time it comes to the battle, it also makes itself extremely embarrassed...

The trainees who often fight with Katy Dog, after experiencing the playing style of Katy Dog, gave it a very unpleasant, but very close nickname: "Mad Dog".

"Ah..." But Ting Shu was very reluctant to admit that this nickname was enough. What he wanted was elegance and grace.

"Is it the limit?" Seeing that there are more than 20 seconds left, Ting Shu sighed. Although the Katy dog ​​has been trained as a "police dog", it hasn't matured yet after all... However, the result is now Very outstanding, he has the confidence to advance to the second round of the final.

"Huh... it's over." Looking at the weak dog, someone exclaimed in an instant.

The trajectory is blocked, long-term muscle coordination, super-wide continuous control, changing muscles to change directions, has accumulated a lot of burden on the dog. With more and more tennis, the dog was forced into it for the first time In desperation, a tennis ball was about to hit it directly.

"It's not good... If you are hit by a tennis ball, you will definitely pause, which will delay the reaction time."

"Yeah, the first few elves are like this. After being hit by the first ball, their actions are chaotic. They have been hit by several again."


After being hit by a ball, the pain from the body and the psychological impact will inevitably cause the elf's next move to be disturbed, and then the game will lose all the games...

The first few contestants have fully proved this point. After seeing that the Katy dog ​​is going to be hit after all, everyone sighed. Seeing the excellent performance of the Katy dog, they are also looking forward to perfect "clearance". .

"Ah—" Finally, seeing a tennis ball hit Katie dog hard, a little girl couldn't bear to close her eyes.

The closer the time is to the end, the greater the intensity of the tennis. At this time, the audience thought that Katy Dog's next action was going to be bad.

"1——" Mr. Counting widened his eyes, and finally it was his turn to play, shouting the number dryly, staring at the ring intently, and after being hit by a tennis ball, the second tennis ball followed. Subconsciously, Mr. Count yelled out: "2... son... hiccup..."

This 2 hasn't spoken neatly yet, and Jun Jun's face flushed red, and he quickly pinched his words.



A tennis ball hits Katie's back. It... it didn't even move, and its eyes were as sharp as it was at the beginning. Seeing the tennis ball dents Katie's hair, everyone can imagine the pain. , But, but with this kind of power, Katie Dog continued to perform its actions without changing his face.

"Uh—" Mr. Shi's "2" did not fall after all, and the Katie dog "swished" out until the countdown reached zero. Everyone was still in surprise.

"Is it not afraid of pain?"

"...My little fire monkey is still crying pain now, how did it do it."

Hearing these whispered comments, Ting Shu had no expression on his face. How could a Katie dog trained as a "police dog" fear such a little pain.

And... the garden tree, who has watched many four-day king champion level battle videos, discovered that one of the characteristics of their battle with ordinary trainers is that their elves, after being attacked by the opponent’s elves... The shaking eased the impact, and then it was like nothing. The resistance to beating was terrible. On the contrary, the elf who challenged the ordinary trainer of the Four Heavenly Kings fainted directly after one move. The two levels were not at all. A grade.

Just like real boxers, what is their most important thing? ? It is resistance to punches. You punch me and punch me, which is better than whose resistance is. If ordinary people get the same punch, they will be unconscious, but they can cheer up and fight back quickly.

The same goes for the elf battles, and the resistance to moves reflects the elf's strength in a sense.

"It's over..." Tingshu said. In the end, it is inevitable to be hit by a tennis ball. This is also inevitable. After all, the Katy dog ​​can't maintain a high-intensity state, but that ball should stimulate the Katy dog. Let it wake up again.

"1...1!! This player set a new record again—"

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