Pokemon Court

Chapter 571: Beyond the skill, the swallowtail butterfly hunting state is fully open

"The ancient giant fly has changed..."

"The tropical dragon is too."

"Look at that fast dragon, and that Pokkigu!"

"Natural bird, shuttlecock cotton..."

Giant winged flying fish, armored bird...Muk eagle, King Yan!

At this moment, several flying elves showed new changes, and the changes were dizzying.

Everyone understands that these are little elves who have hidden a hand of trump cards. They are flying masters who have not exerted their full strength and are still outstanding.

Bai Cheng was startled slightly. He didn't expect that so many opponents would hide a hand, not many of them from the Eastern Division.

However, the fossil pterosaur still shows its strong side. It speeds up and sometimes falls. With unmatched power and speed, it is flying at extreme speed in the gap where the elves are shot down!

Melissa’s windball showed powerful explosive power by swallowing and spouting moves. It is the elf closest to the champion item. Although it has endured countless ray attacks alone, the windball is still indifferent and continues to pass through. The alternation of space and reality, successfully avoiding most rays, and in reality, using smaller moves to reduce the probability of being attacked, it can be said that several moves are connected in an incomparable manner and become the focus of the audience.

The performance of Shufengqiu did not insult Melissa's dual identities as top coordinator and gymnasium trainer. The explosive movement of the jet and the skillful switching of dodge methods allowed the Shufengqiu to face the rainy rays. Can still maintain the first place.

"I feel that Ms. Melissa will win." Suifengqiu's performance is too bright, and it is much more admirable than other elf.

"Yes, whether it is a coordinator or a trainer, Ms. Melissa is quite a well-known person..."

This kind of dual identity makes most people think that Melissa's victory in flying attributes is a matter of course.

"Don't be happy too early!!" Bai Cheng saw Suifengqi's performance suddenly anxious. There are also flying elves who are worse than fossil pterosaurs in technique, but their strength is not as good as fossil pterosaurs, so fossil pterosaurs The overbearing is very relaxed.

But suddenly facing a player like Melissa who coexisted with skill and strength, Bai Cheng stared at the opponent.

"Don't just pay attention to her, Tingshu's hunting swallowtail butterfly hasn't used all his strength yet." Fujiki reminded when he saw Bai Cheng put all his attention on Suifengqi and the fossil pterosaur.

"It's also... Fossil pterosaurs, come on, you have a lot of competitors." Bai Cheng scratched his head, suddenly felt that it is not a very wise choice to let fossil pterosaurs participate in this event.

After all, what he is good at... is just fighting.

It's better than ordinary coordinators, but when you meet a top coordinator who really has two skills, some shortcomings of the fossil pterosaurs appear.

At this time, Lilian and Bai'an began to focus on the elves who suddenly showed their power. As for Vivian, watching the hunting swallowtail butterfly still keeping its original posture secretly worried.

Although the current state of hunting swallows can gain the upper hand among dozens of elves, but with this trend, winning the championship is not so easy.

"The elves who can walk here have a sense of airflow."

Ting Shu closed his eyes, but this perception was not very strong, and it could not affect the hunting of swallowtail butterflies.

Except for the fight against the Four Heavenly King Furong, Ting Shu hasn't seen any elves that are better than hunting swallows in terms of airflow sensing talent.

Here's what... Ting Shu puts his eyes on a shuttlecock cotton. At this time, the shuttlecock cotton summoned a sunny day, and then continued to bounce and fly with the help of the surrounding manic air waves.

With the help of characteristics... to speed up his own agility, and at the same time, there is quite an excellent airflow control ability, Ting Shu guessed that this should be the elf of a top coordinator, the style of the gorgeous competition is too obvious.

"How many times has Diewu?" Ting Shu looked at the hunting bird butterfly, he didn't count.

But... no matter how many times the butterfly dances, the hunting of swallowtail butterflies still maintains the initial state.

It didn't fully expand its state after its amplification, because that would cause too much damage to the body of the hunting swallowtail butterfly.

Only by using the silver whirlwind armor around him, hunting swallowtail butterflies only used this advanced technique to successfully get here and still maintain a very large advantage.

Ting Shu turned his gaze from hunting swallowtail butterflies to fossil pterosaurs, Suifengqiu, and the Tanabata blue birds of the two museum owners. In addition to them, there are a few little elves that may pose a great threat to swallowtail hunting.

If one-on-one, Ting Shu's hunting swallowtail butterfly is not afraid of any elves.

But with radiation interference around and countless competitors, if you want to win the championship, you can't just consider the simplest considerations.

Therefore, it is very difficult for the current state of hunting swallowtail butterflies to win the championship.

"It's time to start, it has entered the most important link." Ting Shu finally began to pay attention to it, and how the swallowtail butterfly hunting will perform next, but it will really determine the direction of this event.

Timing...not only the garden tree is calculating, hunting the swallowtail butterfly itself is also calculating the timing of the full-scale outbreak.

Using the silver whirlwind to enhance his skills, hunting swallowtails is already very familiar. Among them, the potential brought by the butterfly dance process has also been suppressed by hunting swallows, and only allows itself to compete with opponents with normal and most conventional airflow control. With.

In the face of opponents who saw the champion props attacking wildly and showing their abilities, the swallowtail hunting was finally no longer suppressed.

Vivian, who has been paying attention to the swallowtail hunting, blinked slightly, her mouth slowly opened, and said in surprise: "Look, hunt swallowtails, the silver whirlwind is cancelled!!"

The silver storm suddenly scattered from the whole body of the hunting swallowtail butterfly, and the faint scales were flying in all directions. The next moment, the Buddha on the hunting swallowtail butterfly was surrounded by a light breeze, which looked extremely thin, as if it were taking an ordinary bath. So, let the breeze blow on you comfortably.

Turning from the violent air currents to this simple appearance, countless pairs of eyes fell on the hunting birdbutterfly, and he was puzzled.

But the next moment, all of them were shocked and watched the incredible pictures uploaded on the big screen.

The four heavenly kings of the United Nations, Laiyue's pupils shrank, and she looked at the skills displayed by the hunting bird butterfly in disbelief.

On the screen, hunting swallowtail butterflies and letting Buddha perform space jumps. Its flight path is faster than the natural bird that finally burst out with the "momentary" card trick. It suddenly appeared in a different space than jumping with a wind ball. It's also weird. The most incomprehensible thing is that hunting swallowtails seems to have entered a strange state...

"This is... beyond technique?"

Mikoli's eyes showed a light of surprise. When a certain skill reached its peak, he went further and came into contact with the "law". At this moment, hunting swallowtail butterflies is the wind.

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