Pokemon Court

Chapter 600: Prepare for war

The 17 events of the coordinator and trainer’s super large festival were all over. The number of people who advanced was beyond everyone’s expectations. The original 17 places for promotion were monopolized by 6 people. While lamenting, I also have to admire these 6 people. The power of the four of them.

Except for Melissa and Fujiki who won one event victory, the other four have won multiple championships.

There are 5 games for Mikoli, 4 games for Tingshu, 3 games for Laiyue, and 3 games for Bai Cheng!

Among them, in the winning field, the coordinator has an absolute advantage, which also makes some people realize that in some details, the coordinator is indeed very good.

But entertainment is only an appetizer after all, and most people understand that the next battle is the most important.

In the traditional way of fighting, the six advanced players will compete. Compared with the entertainment activities, this is the staple food in the eyes of many people.

Only the result of the battle can show a certain value.


In Green Ridge City, Ting Shu looked at the Qixi blue bird lingering in the pale aura, felt the momentum coming towards her face, and smiled with satisfaction.

Now, two days have passed since the dragon attribute activity, and the Qixi Jade Bird has finally completed the process of giving the overlord aura here. In the past few days, including general attribute activities and free time between dragon attribute activities, the garden tree has been running at both ends. Here we have to take care of the work of the overlord's aura, and there we have to focus on activities, but he is too busy.

But seeing that the Qixi Blue Bird has the same overlord aura as the Wind Speed ​​Dog, Ting Shu feels that all the hard work these days is worthwhile.

"How do you feel." Ting Shu looked at Qixi Blue Bird.

The garden tree has cultivated Tanabata Blue Bird for five years. Even if you don't understand Elvish language, you can probably understand most of the meaning it wants to express with the look and actions of Tanabata Blue Bird.

In this state, Qixi Jade Bird has improved a lot in terms of strength, speed, and physical strength. Especially in terms of physical strength, Qixi Jade Bird feels that it has become more "skinned and thicker."

Ting Shu looked at the Qixi Blue Bird's gesture and understood its meaning, which meant that its ability to resist the opponent's attack had become stronger.

"Lottom Illustrated Book, record it."

"It's finally time for me to play Lotto~~" During the time when Tingshu participated in the event, Lotto's Illustrated Book was boring.

"How long is this..." Ting Shu looked helplessly at the Rotom Illustrated Book, and said, "Well, if there is a chance after this event, I will take you a trip as compensation."

"Traveling?? Great Lotto~~" The Rotom Illustrated Book heard Tingshu's promise and smiled, and then recorded the current situation of the overlord Qixi Bluebird.

The overlord's aura brought the Qixi Bluebird a rise in the whole state, and especially in physical strength, it has an exceptional bonus.

This is the second time that Tingshu has given the elf overlord aura, so he is only a novice in researching aura at present, and has not fully studied it yet.

At least now, Ting Shu has discovered the problem, that is, the influence of the overlord aura on the Qixi Bluebird and Wind Speed ​​Dog is different.

On the wind speed dog, Ting Shu has been studying for a longer time. Compared with the changes in the Qixi Blue Bird, the wind speed dog's overlord aura has made it clearer.

The main impact of the overlord's aura on the wind speed dog is different from the Qixi Jade Bird which enhances the body strength, but enhances the attack strength.

After releasing the overlord aura, the wind speed dog's attack power increased, far more significant than the improvement of other aspects of quality.

"Does the influence of the overlord's aura for different elf's be different?" Ting Shu thoughtfully, the second time the overlord's aura gave him, he discovered a lot of things.

However, Ting Shu was deeply moved by the changes in the Qixi Blue Bird.

In his view, the domineering aura is actually the same system as Arora’s Z moves. The power is derived from the mysterious object "Glowstone". However, the Z moves explode that power in one breath, and the domineering aura Field is an increase in the overall state of the elf. The former forms instantaneous combat effectiveness, while the latter forms continuous combat effectiveness.

It's not clear which way to use pyroxene is better, because in different battle environments, both can play different roles.

"For the 3vs3 battle..." Ting Shu looked at the Tanabata Blue Bird again, "Next, there may be a fierce battle waiting for you."

The battle is a 3vs3 battle. Ting Shu guesses that the opponent he is most likely to encounter is Bai Cheng.

Qixi Blue Bird is his killer for Bai Cheng, and he must keep his hole cards against Darklay.

As for how to face the opponent Lucario, although Tingshu is under great pressure, he has some countermeasures. After half a year of practice, his overall strength has improved greatly, the dream monster, the wind speed dog, and Half a year ago, the strength of the world was very different. From this point of view, Bai Cheng's other elves except Lucario and Darklay may be his breakthrough.

For the next battle, Ting Shu has made sufficient preparations, so that the three elves of Tanabata Blue Bird, Wind Speed ​​Dog, and Dream Monster have adjusted their state to the best level.


at the same time.

Shenao's film giant Takagi Films has made an important decision.

Takagi Film Company, as the overlord of the local film and television industry in Shen'ao, is also one of the shareholders of the Gorgeous Competition. In the film and television industry, the mainland of Guanduchengdu and Fangyuan are probably not more influential.

As one of the people in charge of this celebration, Konkenstein frowned upon hearing the orders from the upper echelons, and his thoughts became serious.

"How?" Susaki and Konkenstein entered the same room at the same time.

"What else..."

Konkenstein sighed, "After the proposal of King Bonnie was communicated, it was quickly approved. Compared with the viewing of the battle, the victory of the coordinator is the first priority. This is correct... But..."

Mikari vs. Laiyue, Tingshu vs. Baicheng, Melissa vs. Fujiki.

This was the earliest plan, but as the events continued to change, the combat personnel had to make appropriate adjustments for the main purpose of the celebration.

So later it became Mikri vs. Bai Cheng, Tingshu vs. Fujiki, and Melissa vs. Raizuki.

Therefore, he gave up the battle with the four heavenly kings to ensure the victory of Mikri and Nishiki.

In three rounds, as long as it shows two wonderful wins, then this celebration is a success.

However, there are more variables than Conkenstein imagined. As Shenao’s most popular actress at the moment, Takagi Films obviously does not intend to let Melissa play in this completely unsuspecting competition.

"Let Ting Shu go to fight Raizuki?!" Susaki was puzzled by this arrangement.

Although Fujiki didn't show much strength, Ting Shu's strength should be the safest way to play against her.

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