Pokemon Court

Chapter 718: Chaomeng's Counterattack

After leaving some information for Takumi, Takumi left directly.

Whether the opponent can win the opportunity depends on the opponent's talent.

At the Fairy Center of Nibey City, Ting Shu wants to order a ticket here first, because he and Miss Joey are also very familiar with the gorgeous contest.

But compared to a day ago, Miss Joey was obviously absent-minded at this time.

"Miss Joey, I have already booked."

"Um..." Miss Joey nodded.

"Well, Miss Joey, do you have something on your mind?" Ting Shu hesitated while looking at the other party's haggard face that was obviously not sleeping well.

Facing Ting Shu's question, Miss Joy of Nibe City was slightly startled, and said with some pain: "My cousin has an accident."

"She is a nurse at the Linye City Elf Center at the Old Coast Wharf. Last night, the Linye City Elf Center was attacked. The entire Elf Center was destroyed and my cousin was also missing."

When the words fell, Ting Shu was puzzled, and he did not expect that anyone would dare to attack the Wizard Center.

"Miss Joey, don't worry about it. Since Miss Joey of Linye City is just missing, it means that the man behind the destruction of the Elf Center is not necessarily trying to hurt her. There is still room for recovery, and such a big dynamic alliance It will definitely take action here."

"Miss Joey, you will be blessed for helping so many elves," Ting Shu comforted.

Linye City Wizard Center was destroyed?

Although Linye City is only a second-tier city in Guandu, it is also a place with complete defense facilities. Who has the courage to make trouble in Guandu, where the headquarters of the Elf Alliance is located, and dare to take Miss Joey?

After a long period of time, Miss Joey’s impression has penetrated into the hearts of the trainer group and is loved by most trainers. In a sense, hurting Miss Joey means provoking the entire trainer group.

Ting Shu thought for a while, suddenly his head became cold.

"Thank you." Miss Joey from Nibey City smiled slightly. Although she hasn't recovered yet, she can't show her weakness in front of Ting Shu, so she can only respond firmly.

"Miss Joey, I will also pay attention to the news of Miss Joey in Linye City, please take care of yourself."

With a thumping heart, Ting Shu bid farewell to Miss Joey and hurriedly left the Elf Center of Nibey City.

The Linye City Elf Center was destroyed, Ting Shu didn't think of anything, but Miss Joey's disappearance made the dusty memory in Ting Shu's head appear a little loose.

It's almost 10 years, and there are only a few classic scenes left in the original plot that is not familiar.

Among them, the story that Ting Shu remembers most is undoubtedly the first theatrical version of the original, Chao Meng's counterattack.

Ting Shu remembered that there was a Miss Joey abducted by Chaomeng and became its spokesperson.

"Is it possible..." Ting Shu frowned.

Chaomeng is the strongest artificial elf born by the Rockets using the genetic genes of dreams, and then continuously reorganizing the genes for research purposes.

Thinking of the plot of the original novel and the origin of Chaomeng, Ting Shu no longer worried about Miss Joey, but worried about his master, Master Shengzong.

In the past few months, Master Shengzong was mysterious and mysterious. Is it possible to participate in the Super Dream Project? The dream gene, known as the ancestor of the elves, is almost a fatal temptation to Master Shengzong, a master of genetics.

"Is La Rulas one of the failures of the Super Dream Project?"

With the introduction, Ting Shu quickly thought of more.

Master Shengzong did not elaborate on the origins of La Luras, but if such a talented but flawed elf, if it were not made by man, the chance of being born in nature is too small, so small that it can be ignored.

Ting Shu closed his eyes. If Chao Meng has left the Rockets at this time, it means that the plan to study Chao Meng has already been completed. Why does Master Shengzong say that he will be away for a few years, and is so urgent to pass on the genetic secrets? Give it to the tree...

Sure enough, it's the Rockets!

Regardless of whether Chaomeng left or not, as researchers who participated in the Chaomeng Project, the Rockets certainly didn't want them to reveal the news. It is very likely that their personal freedom would be restricted. Perhaps Master Shengzong was threatened by the Rockets. Freedom was restricted.

In this way, Master Shengzong's reason for not allowing himself to find each other is clear. It should be because of his inability to compete with the Rockets.

And in order to prevent accidents, Master Shengzong gave his genetic secrets to Ting Shu in advance to prevent it from being lost. Thinking about it this way, Ting Shu discovered that everything made sense.

This is already the closest guess to the truth. Master Shengzong believed that Ting Shu would not know where he was going, but Master Shengzong didn't know that his disciple was a traverser who happened to be familiar with Chaomeng and the Rockets.

This inference made Ting Shu feel angry.

Master Shengzong participates in the Super Dream Project and cooperates with the Rockets. It is undoubtedly a conspiracy with the tiger. The risks involved are a headache when you think about it. However, maybe the dream gene is too attractive.

"If my guess is true, then Master Shengzong should be restricted by the Rockets for personal freedom, and wants to take his old man back and grab a top nurturing master from the Rockets, even if it is a league champion. 100% sure."

Rubbing his temples, Ting Shu's brows stretched out. There is no need to worry about this, he needs to confirm further.

The confirmation method was through Chaomeng, but Ting Shu rubbed his head vigorously and couldn't remember where Chaomeng's base camp was. He only remembered that it was on an island, but the specific name was forgotten.

The plan to go to the Super Dream base camp alone was suddenly shattered, but this also calmed down Ting Shu.

Judging from the original work, Tingshu cannot determine Chaomeng’s strength, but with the current Tingshu’s power, he will certainly not be able to suppress Chaomeng. If Chaomeng riots at that time, the disaster it will create will definitely be controlled by the Nightmare team. Dakley’s negative impact is much greater.

"If my teamfighting system takes shape, there won't be so many worries now!" Ting Shu said helplessly.

"Is it necessary to wait for Xiaozhi to go with him?"


Wherever this goes, there are trainers where disasters occur, which is really helpless, but Xiaozhi, always able to calm down these disasters with personal charm, is the power of Xiaozhi.

Ting Shu is ashamed of this.

Because of this incident, Ting Shu was not in a hurry to leave Nibi City. While thinking about what to do next, he also took a moment to refund the ticket.

If you can remember where Chaomeng’s base camp is, you may seek foreign aid to go to Chaomeng’s base camp first. Otherwise, you have to wait for Xiaozhi and his party to go together. However, if you choose the latter, you should have dreamy help, at least Will not be too passive facing Chaomeng.

The current situation is that even if Master Shengzong refuses to let Ting Shu look for him, but guessing that Master Shengzong is restricted by the Rockets, Hou Ting Shu cannot sit idly by. Besides, La Luras, who has lost his emotional ability, is also Ting Shu’s heart disease has already regarded La Luras as his partner, and he has been looking for a solution for it. He has done a lot of hard work but has been gaining little. If La Luras really comes out with Chaomeng Yiyuan, then maybe Chaomeng has a way.

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