Pokemon Court

Chapter 724: Clone machine


"Not a super dream."

Ting Shu used his spiritual power to carefully detect the spiritual power condensed in the dark clouds in the sky and the spiritual power of the rescue trainer, and suddenly discovered some subtle differences.

Although the two mental powers are very similar...

"But compared to Chaomeng's mental power, this mental power is a lot milder, but who can have the mental power comparable to Chaomeng...Is it possible..."

Ting Shu looked around, trying to find the figure of the elf. If nothing else, the dream has come.

Flying over the sea, Tingshu rushed towards the new island while looking for a dream trail.

At this time, three trainers have shuttled across the sea and successfully arrived at the castle on the new island.

With the help of the floating bubble, Xiaozhi and his team arrived on the new island without encountering too many twists and turns.

Retracting the floating bubble, watching Xiaozhi and his party be brought into the castle by Miss Joey, Ting Shu remained silent in the sky.

"Sure enough, Kojiro and the others are here."

At the same time, Ting Shu also noticed the three Rockets who hugged on the stakes and avoided being discovered.

The three Rockets also had the same idea as Ting Shu, planning to sneak in.

So until Xiaozhi was brought in by Miss Joey who was the guard, the three slowly climbed up and began to worry about how to get in.

"How can we enter this castle now..." Kojiro meditated, lying on a fence in the castle.

"We can only go in through the exit..." Musashi said with determination.

"Where is the exit?" Meow said.

"There." Musashi pointed to the sewer outlet over there.

Seeing that Musashi was going to get in through the sewer, Kojiro and Meow Meow's expressions changed, and Meow Meow suddenly said, "Don't be meow."

"Stop complaining," Musashi shouted.

When the three were arguing, a pink figure flying around them with a puzzled expression, looking at them curiously.

This pink figure is a fantasy elf dream that is said to have all the genetic genes of elf.

"I found you!" A voice fell, and the silhouettes of Ting Shu and Ai Lu Le Duo quickly appeared in the place where Dream had just appeared, but the next moment, Dream disappeared and made Ting Shu pounce.


Ting Shu frowned. It shouldn't be an instant movement, but when his meditation was running and mobilizing his mental power to observe, he found no trace of dreams.

Obviously he was here just now...I can't notice it now, he ran so fast.

When Ting Shu sighed helplessly, a surprised voice came: "Aren't you... aren't you the one who saved the meows in Lampulch..."

Miao Miao covered her mouth, and pointed at the garden tree in surprise with her other hand.

"Tinaki..." Kojiro said in surprise.

Six years ago, when he was still a young master, Jiro Kojiro met in the Yuanzhi City of the Shinnoku area, and made a friendship with the then Niwa Shuyu at the Elf Cooking Kitchen.

Six years later, Niwasuki has become a gym trainer, top coordinator, and has a great reputation, but Kojiro has become a member of the underground organization Rockets. The huge change in identity led to the encounter in Lampulch last time. Kojiro ran away without daring to communicate with Niwa.

"This is the second time I met in Guandu, Kojiro." Ting Shu smiled slightly.

"But Nishiro why are you here..." Xiaojirou said in surprise.

"Come for it." Nishiki looked into the castle and said seriously, "Kojiro, this place is very dangerous, you should leave as soon as possible."

"Although I am very grateful that you saved us, but..." Musashi said dissatisfied at this time: "How can I catch the elf after I left here."

"Musashi!!" Kojiro quickly covered Musashi's mouth.


After breaking free of Kojiro, Musashi became even more dissatisfied, "I have to hurry up, let's go."

"Go down the sewer?" Ting Shu looked at them helplessly and said: "Forget it, since you have to go in, then go in with me."

Ting Shu ordered Ai Lu Le Duo, and now I really can't delay time, I don't know what happened inside.

"Hold on to me if you want to go in." Tatsuki said, and then ignored Kojiro and the others, and put his hand on Alreduo.

The three Rockets hesitated, and then posted them quickly.

In the next moment, the three and Meow appeared inside the castle, in a dark corridor.

"Let's go." Ting Shu greeted the three Rockets.

Nishiki's behavior made Kojiro more incomprehensible. Not only did he change a lot, but Nishiki's changes were beyond his imagination.

His attention to Ting Shu only stayed before leaving home. As for the many honors of Ting Shu now, he also only learned about it after the Lampulch incident.

"Where is this place? Meow..." Meowmeow walked cautiously in the corridor, looking at the high-tech equipment around her with a guilty conscience.

"Research Institute." Ting Shu glanced at Meow and said, "This entire new island is one of the research bases of your Rockets."

"Our research base?!!!" Kojiro, Musashi, and Miao Miao were shocked when they heard the news, and they never thought about this possibility.

They didn't know the news, and at the same time they remembered that if Niijima was one of the Rockets' research bases, what happened to this banquet? !

"But it's not anymore. It has become the residence castle of the owner of the invitation letter." Ting Shu continued, but before he could finish talking, an automatic door next to it suddenly opened by itself.

"Here is..." Ting Shu frowned and stepped in first.

"Eh, wait a minute!!" Kojiro, Musashi, and Meow followed close behind.

Compared with the outside and other rooms, the equipment in this room is much more advanced, and Ting Shu's complexion changed. Looking at the many cultivation chambers and the few elves inside, you know what this place is.

This is where the Rockets study cloning technology. These machines are all cloning equipment.

The three Rockets wandering around in the room looked around blankly and looked around. At this moment, Musashi accidentally pressed something, and a computer-like machine immediately showed a faint glow and densely packed data.

At the same time, a vague electronic sound appeared.

Hearing the sound, several people gathered around.

"Everyone, this is a machine that replicates elf."

After the words fell, a huge machine in the room appeared on the screen.

"At present, this machine for making elf needs samples."

The next moment, something happened, a mechanical palm struck, grabbed Meow Meow on the side and threw it on a rolling belt. After Meow Meow and a few people reacted, Kojiro quickly jumped over and picked Meow Meow directly. , But the three hairs of Meow Meow were still taken away by the machine.

"Only a part of the body will do." The electronic sound came, and three hairs were displayed on the screen, and then gradually changed into a meow body shape.

Then, within a few seconds, a larva of Meow Meow fell from a cultivation warehouse, but it is a larvae, it is better to say that it is very close to Meow Meow, except that it has not woken up. What a big difference.

"This kind of technology..." Ting Shu frowned. Even the precious genetic secrets given to him by Master Shengzong did not record such an incredible technology, and the cloning speed was really too fast.

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