Pokemon Court

Chapter 735: Real Fight

The high-temperature steam created by the delicate control of water flow and flames, as well as the lava formed by the more complex structural changes incorporated into the power of the sandstorm, are powerful offensive methods that floating bubbles have without relying on the weather.

Nowadays, although the floating bubble did not attack with all its strength, it just maintained the state of lava and steam, but it still caused a lot of trouble for Qiao Yiling and Jun Shalan.

The ground on which Junsharan’s Chuanshan King is located has now turned into a magma-like substance, and the scorching aura continues to gush up. Chuanshan King constantly strengthens his body’s defenses, but it still can’t resist the burning of magma.

Its entire foot had been eroded by magma and suffered severe burns.

Leaving the ground, Geng Gui was enveloped in a mass of high-temperature steam, and the hot steam also transmitted high temperatures all the time, giving Geng Gui a strong scald.

Under the control of floating bubbles, both the lava terrain and the steam masses were perfectly mobilized. When the two elves wanted to break free, the environment would immediately change, interfering and stopping the two elves.

"The terrain changed by the floating bubble is not complete. The lava at the foot of Chuanshan King is just a layer of special material covering the ground, so I only need to expel this special material."

Jun Shalan's thoughts are surging, looking for a way to get rid of the lava terrain. Now Chuanshan Wang’s feet have been burned and have been unable to move significantly, and as time goes by, the burns may even affect other parts of Chuanshan Wang’s body. , Just as the situation became more unfavorable, Jun Shalan saw their situation clearly: "Xiaoling, let's crack the steam together."

Chuanshan King tried to create sand to cover the lava, but as soon as the sand touched the lava, the floating bubbles immediately assimilated the sand and swallowed all the sand. After one attempt, Jun Shalan had to give up this method.

However, even though Chuanshan King was helpless with lava, he should not be so powerless in the face of the steam that plagued Geng Gui. This made both of them realize that acting alone is extremely inefficient.

"I think so too."

Qiao Yiling nodded. She and Geng Gui also tried different methods, but relying on the power of Geng Gui as a little elf, they still couldn't break through the steam envelopment. The two same situations made Jun Shalan and Qiao Yiling reflect whether it was a court. From the beginning, Shu planned to test their teamwork ability.

Team coordination is also a required course for Interpol, but they dare not act rashly in the face of this complicated environment.

If the two elves do not cooperate well, they may suffer a more serious backlash. In this case, the two will be more cautious, but caution is only relative. In fact, after much time has passed, the two have made up their minds. After making a decision, since you can't watch the elf sustaining damage, you have to crack the floating bubble trick as soon as possible.

Since it is impossible for one person to crack it, it can be cracked one by one through cooperation.

"Chasing Mountain King, use the sharp stone attack to prop up himself, and then use high-speed rotation to create a quicksand hell!!"

"Geng Gui, wrap your strong mind on the quicksand **** and help the quicksand **** expel the vapor!"

The two ordered a sharp stone to be drilled out of the ground in an instant, and countless magma materials were gradually flying away. With the impulse of the sharp stone erupting, Chuanshan King's body lifted into the air while using high-speed rotation to resist the splashing lava, and at the same time a sandstorm With the power of concentration, the quicksand **** moves around the king of the mountain, turned into a sandstorm tornado, and launched a fierce confrontation with the high-temperature steam in the air.

The sandstorm with high-speed rotating power is equal to the power of steam. The two tricks are quickly intertwined. Geng Gui seized this opportunity and used his mental power to give Liu Sharon a stronger cohesion, so that the sandstorm was in contact with The steam will not be easily eroded during the confrontation. The combination of the two forces of the sandstorm and the mind force will quickly drive the steam out.

Seeing the success of the battle, the two looked at each other again. This time Geng Gui went the other way. The mental power that could not lock the gas finally had room to play. Geng Gui directly used powerful thoughts to spread the lava on the ground. , Which provides favorable conditions for the coverage of the sandstorm. The scattered lava loses its previous swallowing ability. Faced with the sandstorm that has gathered considerable power, the entire ground instantly returns to normal under the cooperation of the two elves. soil of.

Floating Bubble watched the environment he created was cracked, and floated indifferently in the air. Under the condition of controlling the power, Ting Shu could no longer resist the opponent's combination tricks within the power range prescribed for it.

Unless stronger power erupts, then it is not a test but a murder.

"Time is barely enough." Ting Shu glanced at the time and spoke plainly.

Cooperating with each other to crack is of course a means within Ting Shu's allowable range. Ting Shu has this plan when they are tested together, but if the two can crack it individually, it is estimated that Ting Shu can take a higher look.

But considering that the other party has just become Interpol, in fact, possessing such strength is considered extremely good.

"Is it passed?" Qiao Yiling asked.

"Barely qualified." Ting Shu nodded and continued: "In addition to cooperating with each other, what other methods can you think of to crack lava and steam?"

After the two were startled, Qiao Yiling said: "There are very few methods that can be cracked based on the existing abilities, but if given enough time, I can let Geng Guixin master more unique tricks, such as Frozen Wind. It will be easier to crack the steam after this trick."

"There are not so many ifs."

Ting Shu shook his head and said.

"Chuanshan King can take advantage of the first opportunity to take the risk of a slight injury to break through the lava and use a hole to escape, but once it is counterattacked, the situation may be more difficult, so I did not try it lightly."

Jun Shalan continued, "In fact, there is an easier way, which is to take advantage of the mechanism to convince the trainer of floating bubbles..."

"Me?" Ting Shu smiled slightly, "It is indeed a good way, but only if you have a sufficient understanding of the enemy. How do you know if the enemy is only an elf?"


Ting Shu looked at the two of them: "Even if the elves of both sides are restraining each other, the enemy is not necessarily a person who has no power to bind the chicken. Exposing himself to danger, that can only be done as a last resort. Choice."

When considering his future teamfighting system, Ting Shu realized that the trainer is the weakest link in the team. If there is no set of rules in the formal competition, a team may be decapitated after the trainer is decapitated. An instant collapse.

"Then Captain, are you someone who has no power to bind a chicken?" Jun Shalan asked.

"I..." Ting Shu suddenly became playful, "Why don't you let me try your skills again."

Try it?



Jun Shalan and Qiao Yiling suddenly had hopes in their hearts. In order to become criminal police officers, they usually do not have any sloppy training in fighting skills. Even if they face a few ordinary adult men, the two are confident to overturn the opposite, between humans and humans. Unless one party is extremely talented, the physical fitness is not as large as the physical fitness of the elf.

After all, there are only a few humans who have mastered magical powers like elves, and most of them are ordinary mortals.

So when I heard that Ting Shu is better than fighting, neither of them thinks that there will be too much difference with Ting Shu. After all, Ting Shu is about the same age as them, and they are not like people who practice fighting regularly. This can be seen from their body shape. Up.

You can give it a try.

"Are the two together?" Qiao Yiling asked slyly.

"Be happy with you." Ting Shu smiled slightly behind her back.

The next moment, the two new Interpol's popularity skyrocketed, their bodies rushed, and with the explosive power of their bodies, they launched an offensive towards Ting Shu.

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