Pokemon Court

Chapter 740: Bulb

"At present, the different attribute attack moves that Ellerdor has mastered are Split, Tile Split, Leaf Blade, Swallow Return, Continuous Slash, Dark Attack Key, Spirit Blade, Thunder Fist, Frozen Fist, and Flame Fist, which correspond to the general system and the fighting. Type, grass type, flight type, insect type, evil type, super power type, electricity type, ice type, fire type..."

In the research institute, Ting Shu started to worry when he considered the direction of Ellerito's next attribute cultivation.

Through these 10 moves, Eluleiduo successfully mastered 10 slashes with different attributes, which raised Eluleidor's sword skills to a peak.

However, this is not the limit.

Wide-area defense is a defensive move of the rock type, not an attacking move. If you let Ellerdor practice, you can train towards the'swordsmanship blocking skills'. Since ancient times, no matter it is a sword, it cannot be separated from the enemy. 'Blocking skills', practiced into a sword and shield, may be able to make up for some of the deficiencies in Elule's defense.

For Ai Lu Le Duo, it is not difficult to learn wide-area defense. Although Ting Shu's Ai Lu Le Duo is a bit special, since it has mastered super-evolution, Ai Lu Le Duo has carried out a good exploration of its own potential. Starting to learn moves, because one's own life level has broken through again and again, it is no longer weaker than the same...This is not to worry about Ting Shu.

Ting Shu meditated. From only moving instantaneously to being able to master so many slashing moves, it was absolutely inseparable from the sublimation of Elle Duo's life level.

Evolve twice and super evolve once. This kind of life level improvement is not something that any elf can enjoy.

The hidden potential in the body has all been stimulated.

"The sharp stone attack can also be learned. It matches the wide-area defense practice. Unlike wide-area defense, it may be possible for Ellerdor to try to change the attack mode and perform sharp stone attacks in the form of slashing. Then, the rock system After the first attack and the first defense are determined, the 11th attribute of Ellerdor has a general direction." Tingshu nodded, first use the notes to write down the general idea, and then refine the changes according to the training situation and reaction after the event. .

"The twelfth attribute is also very clear. The two-strike, this dragon-based move can also be mastered by Ellerdor. Whether it is a sharp stone attack or a two-strike, when the Rotom Illustrated Book comes, I will use the existing conditions. Then I can guide Ellerdor to practice, but..."

Ting Shu's pen suddenly stopped, his 13th attribute concept, poison type, poison strike.

With this move, the learning process of Ellerdor may be a little troublesome.

The control of poisonous strikes requires a lot of assistance from foreign objects in order to give Ellerdor the ability to control toxins.

"Let's take a look at the purchase of materials first, but it should be done as soon as possible. At the same time, you can also buy some materials to assist in mastering sharp stone attacks and double-strike moves. Then the efficiency of cultivation will be higher." Ting Shu plans to do this first.

In addition to the rock type, dragon type, and poison type, Ting Shu has planned 13 slashing moves for Elle Duo. With its more exquisite movement and chopping skills, its background will become richer. The strength will be stronger.

As for the water system, fairy system, ghost system, and ground system splitting modes that have not been mastered, the garden tree has not paid attention to it for the time being. Among them, the water system and the fairy system garden tree can't think of how to let Ellerdor master these two attributes. s attack.

As for shadow energy and earth power, it is more complicated to master. Therefore, Ting Shu intends to let Ellerito complete the three relatively easy-to-master attributes for cultivation. The other two will be discussed later.



Two days later.

The Rotom Illustrated Book returned to Ting Shu's side, and brought the little bead full of electricity.

"There have been some changes in the weight ratio, but the increase is not large, and it is impossible to determine what caused Lotto."

As soon as he returned to Tingshu, the Rotom Illustrated Book checked the condition of the small diamond.

"Jie Mi."

After listening to Rotom's words, the little diamond immediately replied.

After taking a look at the garden tree, Lotom's Illustrated Book "eh" explained: "Small Fragment said it should not be the influence of the goblin's aura, but that the food became better after leaving the stone forest town mountain range. This should be the reason. "

Ting Shu scratched his cheek and said: "Well, this change is not the key, I can't determine what..."

"However, through the energy detector, I recorded the changes in the total amount of energy of the goblin in the small diamond fragment over the past two days, and found an interesting thing."

"What Lotto?" Rotom asked.

"Although the fairy energy transformed by the small diamond through the fairy aura can enhance its own strength, there are few parts, that is, the conversion efficiency is not as high as that of Kirulian, but through the instrument and the special perception of the Tanabata blue bird, I finally determined an important thing."

"The overall amount of energy absorbed by the small diamonds is not a lot, and it is still above Kirulian." Ting Shu said.

It means that it is not that the small diamond fragments did not benefit from the goblin aura, but instead they get more than Kirulian. This benefit is just not transformed into strength, so it is not obvious.

Through the inspection, Ting Shu also understood that his guess was correct. The fairy energy was subtly changing the small diamond's body. It was not inefficient and did not disappear. It was just that the small diamond could not use this energy.

But sooner or later, the quantitative change will cause the qualitative change, triggering the physical mutation of the small diamond.

"Tianshi..." The Rotom Illustrated Book, who has a huge database, naturally knows what Tingshu is referring to. The next moment, it released a picture of Tianshi in front of the small diamond.

That luxurious posture immediately attracted the small diamonds.

"Tiansi, her pink body is praised as the most beautiful in the world, she has the ability to compress the carbon element in the air between her hands and make many diamonds in an instant."

"Little diamond, is your heart moving?" Ting Shu looked at the small diamond, looked at the hopeful gaze of the small diamond, and smiled slightly.

"Maybe one day, you will be able to evolve into Tianxi, accomplishing a miracle that only a few individuals in the Little Diamond Race have achieved in countless years."

"Jie Mi."

The small diamond nodded vigorously. If it originally followed the garden tree, it just wanted to become stronger, but now, its heart is suddenly captured by the garden tree. The beauty of Tianci has attracted it deeply. It yearns The evolution in Ting Shu's mouth, yearning to complete the miracle achieved by only a few individuals in the Small Diamond Race for countless years.

At this moment, the new future lies in front of the small diamond. It has never been so lucky to meet such an excellent trainer.

"Then you have to work hard, but you still have to combine work and rest."

Ting Shu laughed, and touched the head of Xiaozhuzhu.



After finishing some work, Ting Shu left the research room and planned to go for a walk in the city. There are two courtyards in this research institute. Ting Shu has always been in the backyard for elves to train. As for the front yard, it leads to the exit. Some strange fruit trees were planted.

These are planted by Researcher Nero.

He didn’t know all the fruit tree species Tingshu. He guessed it should be a hybrid product. Although the fruit’s efficacy Tingshu was not known, it was planted in a public research institute so casually by Researcher Nero. It shouldn’t be a rare treasure. He just passed by Tingshu. When the front yard was looking at the fruit trees, the hurried shout of Researcher Nero suddenly came.

"Researcher Tingshu, your electric ball!! I have a new discovery here!!"

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