Pokemon Court

Chapter 770: Fairy Tenno

Not long after the prison island was destroyed, on a battleship, Kona looked at the drastically changing sea in the distance with lingering fear.

Fortunately, the prison island is small, and the scene in front of him should be restored after a while, but from the scene in front of him, Kona thought of a legend.

According to legend, in ancient times, a huge island group in the Orange Islands was affected and destroyed by the outside world. In the process of destruction, a very large disaster was directly caused near the island group. During this period, countless water elves were forced to leave their homes. The **** Rogia came forward to calm the disaster, and the consequences were unimaginable.

You must know that if it were on the earth, an island would basically not be able to turn over any wind and waves, but in the world of the elves, every plant, a tree and a rock seemed to contain magical energy, which made the nature of the elven world extremely mysterious and unpredictable.

After Kona breathed a deep breath, she suddenly noticed someone approaching her. When she looked back, it turned out that it was King Chrysanthemum.

"Senior Chrysanthemum, what was the previous attack?"

Recalling the fairy light emanating from Bingyue over the prison island and the shattered light that defeated Sakagi's blow, Kona showed a puzzled expression.

This time the team has hidden such a master?

The last light that shattered the huge rock mass, Kona could see that it contained very terrifying energy fluctuations, and Kona had no doubt that this was a complete core combination technique system, even she, although It is not difficult to defend, but it is difficult to achieve the same damage with her water legion or ice legion.

It can be said that the fairy light under the combination of Bingyue and the fairy aura was specially created for destruction.

When the fairy corps of the garden tree becomes huge, it can even create the power of Sakaguki Narushima.

The two super tricks with Super Tanabata Blue Bird and Nine Tails as the core are named Fairy Light and Light of Destruction by the tree.

The two are actually the same principle, but in different forms. The former is an attack launched by multiple rays of light, and the latter is an attack launched by condensing all forces together.

According to different types of attacks, Tingshu expects that the Fairy Light and the Light of Destruction will show different effects. Currently Tingshu is still under development.

It can be said that this is the first appearance of Ting Shu's Fairy Legion, and this appearance surprised both Kona and Chrysanthemum by his talents.

"I don't know he has made such a huge improvement in such a short period of time."

"It looks like the first master-level figure will appear in the Fairy Department."

Juzi was amazed in her heart.

"Who is he?" Kona asked.

"You should be no stranger to the main garden tree of the Autumn Leaf Daoguan Pavilion in Fangyuan area. You have watched his video of freezing the waters of Rampurchi." Juzi said.

"It turned out to be him..." Kona was taken aback. She did watch the video of Ting Shu's floating bubbles in the ice-covered Blue Purchi waters. The power of that floating bubble to control the ice and snow seemed to Kona to be very good, and it was close. Her main elves are strong, and it is for this reason that she still has a lot of curiosity about garden trees, after all, few people have cultivated the floating bubbles to such a level.

"I remember he didn't specialize in a certain department, and even if he specializes, as the master of the insect system gymnasium, how did he become a fairy master?"

Kona is puzzled. It’s easy to understand that when you reach the level of the king, you can specialize in a certain department to cultivate the same attribute elves. The same attribute moves can be more easily integrated, and the cultivation concepts are generally similar, which can quickly increase the trainer's background, such as Kona With the help of an entire team, the Icewater Legion can instantly freeze and block an island.

But if it were six elves with different attributes, even though they had the same strength, they would never produce such a shocking effect.

After all, with different attributes, it will be very difficult to match them perfectly.

Of course, there are exceptions. For example, fire borrows wind and ice borrows water power. Kona is the representative of the trainer of the ice-water combination, but there are too few similar attributes.

"Is it the fairy master from the insect system?" Juzi laughed after hearing Kona's doubts.

At the same time, a black spot flew in the sky, and the two heavenly kings raised their heads as the wind pressure came.

"He's here." Juzi said.

It was the Tingshu who rode on the Qixi Bluebird. After jumping off the Qixi Bluebird, he took out the Elf Ball and took the Qixi Bluebird back, and then walked towards Juzi and Kona.

"Master Juzi, Master Kona." Ting Shu said hello.

Chucking the cane, Juzi smiled and said, "Really, I thought it would take you at least three years to reach this level. This performance really surprised my old lady."

"Master Chrysanthemum, you just laughed." Ting Shu said sly. Of course, if he follows the normal trajectory, he does need at least two or three years to build a strong elven army, but who told him to obtain the fairy aura and the fairy mark These magical powers.

These are abilities similar to superpowers and waveguide power. With them, even if Ting Shu is a bit stupid, it is only a matter of time before he becomes a top trainer.

"Ting Shu Pavilion Master, we can talk when we have time. I am very interested in the ice moon you constructed." Kona said to Ting Shu.

As an ice master, Kona could naturally see how that special ice moon was constructed at a glance. Just by observing, Kona could be sure that she could also easily construct an ice moon.

However, Bingyue, who can gather and absorb the moves of many elves, made her very confused.

If the ice moon is constructed by an elf and only integrates its own moves, this can still be understood by Kona, but the last light of destruction is obviously not the power displayed by a single elf, Kona judges , Bingyue must have accumulated energy from the goblin moves released by several elves.

The mystery of this made Kona very curious.

However, Kona couldn’t think of it. If Bingyue relied on Bingyue to absorb Nine Tails’ own moves, then the ability to absorb the cohesion to strengthen other elves’ fairy power is the special ability of the fairy aura, so if she only Studying Bingyue will never achieve the effect of Ting Shu.

"If there is a chance, I also hope to communicate with Master Kona." Ting Shu replied.

At this moment, Juzi spoke again, and she directly expressed Ting Shu's concern: "You really got involved in it. It seems that there are people you value on the prison island, right?"

"There was a report just now that there are 54 registered staff on the prison island, and one of them is missing. It seems that you have been abducted." Juzi looked at Ting Shu with a playful look, showing a weird smile: "You don't worry about the Rockets afterwards. Revenge?"

"Even if you don't show up, it's easy for the Rockets to find out that Bingyue's owner is you. After all, there are still too many loopholes."

Ting Shu was startled, her expression unchanged, and said, "Soldiers will come to cover, water will cover the earth. I will do it next."

Chrysanthemum smiled faintly, and said: "Interesting, I did not misunderstand you, you can rest assured, Sakagi has a broad mind and should not take action against your relatives and friends, but you personally, I am afraid that you will be concerned by Sakagi."

"Presumably you also know the strength of Sakaki? And this time he hastily shot, he shouldn't use his full strength, are you not afraid?"

Looking at Tingshu with a calm expression, Juzi smiled strangely again: "I said, are you interested in becoming one of the Four Heavenly Kings?"

"The first fairy king in history!"

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