Pokemon Court

Chapter 804: One hit kill

This is it... the threat that I have never felt since following Nazi! !

The brilliance of the keystone flickered and dissipated on Eluleiduo's head, marking the completion of Eluleiduo's evolution. Faced with the changes in Eluleidor, the corners of Nazi's mouth were wiped with an arc.

"Nazi is... excited?!"

Mr. Cheng Ping was very surprised when he observed Na Zi's expression. What could excite Na Zi besides super powers?

"It seems that this battle is really right. Nazi, this kid should have been exposed to things other than superpowers long ago."

Hudi, which was amplified by Nazi and the special device she made, and the super-evolved Elle Duo, all stood in place, waiting for their trainer's orders.

Elle Duo, judging from the blade of its arm, knows its fighting style.

In Eluledor, Nazi did not feel as powerful as Kirulian's mental power, Eluledor's mental power...does not meet the definition of super power elf.

"Melee?" When Na Zi judged in her heart, she saw Ting Shu grinning.

At this moment, Na Zi suddenly felt like something she hadn't noticed. As soon as she entered the battle, Alreduo was filled with a mysterious aura, and her combat power was full! !

Ting Shu didn't plan to fight for a long time from the beginning, he wanted to attack strongly, not to give Na Zi any time to think, not to give Na Zi any chance to react!

In the previous match, he had already seen how Nazi cracked teleportation, so this time, he wanted to use this to attack!


Ting Shu's finger clicked and contained countless information. Only the elves who belonged to him could understand. The next moment, Nazi's pupils shrank. She did not expect that this Elle Duo's instant movement was compared with the Chiru just now. Li Ann is also unpredictable, whether it is the speed of her deployment or the speed of space jumps, they are all approaching the extreme, theoretically reaching the real "moment"!

"This instant movement..." Mr. Cheng Ping furrowed his brows and he was dumbfounded. Even Na Zi's Hudi doesn't have this instant movement technique, right?

"over there!!"

In the face of the opponent's surprise attack, Nazi's superpowers locked the position where Elleriduo would appear before it appeared. It was on the right side of Hudi, not too close, and had a chance to counterattack.

As soon as this thought emerged, Hu Di, who was able to communicate with Nazi, understood Nazi’s intentions, turned her head abruptly, crossed her hands and spoons, ready to release phantom light, and at the same time—

Also left a way for myself.

Nazi’s arrangement can be said to be seamless. Even if Alredo happened to escape Hudi’s attack at that angle, it would definitely not be able to stop Hudi’s second attack, and even if Alredore launched any attack from that position, Hu Di can also escape safely.

In an instant, Na Zi completed a complicated prediction.

From this point of view, Nazi seemed to be invincible, but when Hu Dispoon successfully crossed and the figure of Elle Duo gradually emerged, Nazi suddenly woke up.

be cheated.

He is clearly developing towards physical strength, how could he attack from that distance?

If Kirulian interferes simultaneously, why do you use it till the end?

"Did you see it?" Seeing the change in Na Zi's expression, Mr. Cheng Ping secretly said that there was a synchronous interference trick. Ting Shu actually kept it until the end. Mr. Cheng Ping once again confirmed that Ting Shu wanted to observe Na Zi's fighting style through the battle. Otherwise, the battle against Ghost Stone could end right after Ting Shu and Kirulian’s background. Although Ting Shu had some plans, Mr. Cheng Ping did not show any abnormalities and showed no performance at all. He was quite happy to see his daughter who relied on superpowers crippled.

Na Zi, who only used her super powers to control the elves fighting, obviously didn't expect Ting Shu to think carefully.

Now, Nazi finally reacted at the moment of Hu Di's attack, she quickly ordered Hu Di to cancel the attack, and immediately moved and escaped, but...Alreduo was faster!

Just when the body had just appeared, Elleriduo disappeared again, moving two instantaneously, almost zero interval, it seemed that it was really jumping in space!

"How is it possible that teleportation is possible..." As a super master, Mr. Cheng Ping is also an expert in training super power elves. He has practice teleportation himself, and his level is even higher than that of some elves, but this kind of teleportation is still See you for the first time!

Not only the consumption is extremely small, but it also contains amazing skills. For example, this continuous teleportation is something he has never seen before. This Ellerdor uses teleportation... Doesn't it need to be prepared in advance?

Seeing this instinct-like instant movement, even Na Zi panicked.

"Of course, super evolution and overlord aura, as well as Elliott's own accomplishments in teleportation... When all the miracles are combined, I am determined to win."

Ting Shu calmly looked at the Hudi with huge energy on the spoon. If the phantom light is emitted from this blow, Tingshu believes it will be a terrifying blow. This not only contains the energy of Hudi, but also Na Zi. Na Zi herself knows how powerful the super power increase of that special device is.

However, Hu Di had no chance.

The speed of Ai Lu Le Duo surpassed the speed that it can cancel the trick, and even when Ai Lu Le Duo draws his sword, Hu Di is still dissipating power.

"Good response."

When Elle Duo's secret attack was swept, a black glow swept across, but there was no spike that Ting Shu expected. Under Nazi's intervention, Hu Di strengthened the remaining energy on the spoon at the moment of the moment. On, blocked the blow.

At this time, Na Zi's eyes were filled with enormous spiritual power, and her hair was so profound that her hair fluttered. In order to block the blow, Na Zi's intervention was even stronger! !

"Although the response was good, it was able to block Super Ellerdor's killer blow, but it is better to teleport away Hudi directly, after all, this blow is not over yet." Ting Shu seemed to have expected this scene. , The next moment, Elle Duo's black blade dissipated, and a yellow light filled it up.

The key moves of the evil type's secret attack are directly transformed into the worm type's combo! !

The energy switching skills and the waterfall splitting skills are applied. The next moment, Na Zi and Hu Di feel the constant pressure from the blade!

boom! ! !

Under the multiple strengths of cutting and splitting the waterfall, Hu Di's spoon was directly bounced off, and Elle Duo's blade also swung to Hu Di's body, easily smashing the mind shield on his body! ! !

"I lost?"

Na Zi looked at Hu Di, who had lost her consciousness, and returned to normal, her expression blank.

"Yes, you lost." Mr. Cheng Ping spoke slowly and announced the result of the match, then walked over and said: "You lost on your own super powers. Too much reliance on super powers led to your failure. , If you carefully observe the battle situation, it may be another result."

Ting Shu took back Elleriduo and looked at Nazi. Nazi's Hudi strength is not strong, and it is the entry level of the Masters, but with Nazi's increase, it has the destructive power of the king of heaven. This is enough to prove Na Zi's own strength, but... does not mean that the battle she participated in can be won.

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