Pokemon Court

Chapter 816: Champion of Fame

On this day, moonlight shone on the super gorgeous competition venue in Golden City.

Konkenstein stood in front of the window of the office of the competition venue, staring at the moonlight in the sky, motionless for a long while.

The TV in the office is showing images.

On the TV, the young and beautiful female host is responsible for the broadcast commentary of the Mikoli Cup in the Shenao region.

The Mikkeli Cup ended a week ago. After a brief two-day break, Konkenstein, who served as the judge there, rushed to the Guandu area, preparing to attend this grand celebration in the Guandu area.

This time, he attaches no less importance to the magnificent large-scale celebration in Guandu than the Mikri Cup, because Ting Shu will participate.

"Look, Master Mikri is on the stage. Before the competition officially starts, as usual, Master Mikri will take the lead in performing for us..."

In the picture.

Mikolli commanded Menas gracefully, with crystal water droplets and light shining, he seemed to have become an artist of water, full of aristocratic atmosphere all over his body.

"What a perfect coordinator..."

As a top coordinator, master of water system, and disciple of Liuli Daoguan master Adam, Mikoli is now more blue than blue.

"In less than 5 years, Mikri should take over from Dawu's champion." Konkenstein was silent.

This point is not a secret among the senior leaders of the gorgeous contest.

As the heir of Dewen, Dawu could not always be the champion after all. After the discussion between Dewen and other senior leaders of the gorgeous competition, he planned to let Mikri, the coordinating master, succeed him.

Directly replace Dawu's championship position, leaving no chance for the other four kings!

After all, the position of the champion is an indispensable part of the political layout for the gorgeous competition and Dewen that are developing rapidly.

Watching Mikri’s performance on TV, Conkenstein believed Mikri had that strength. As an insider, he naturally knew that Mikri and Dawu were good friends. The two often played against each other, and their strengths would not be too different.

However, it is still risky to make Mikri the champion after Dawu retires.

If Mikari fails to defeat the other four kings, even with the full support of Dewen and the top management of the gorgeous competition, he will not be able to convince the crowd in the league. At this time, other factions will definitely not watch Mikri reach the top.

Therefore, both the senior executives of the gorgeous contest and the Dewen company are waiting for a suitable opportunity.



The next day.

It is also the day before the grand celebration.

Ting Shu heard that Mr. Conkenstein had come to Golden City, so he went to visit him and met with Mr. Conkenstein.

After the meeting, the two reminisced about the past and saw the garden tree. Konkenstein was very happy. For this young man who witnessed his growth, Konkenstein admired the garden very much. He even admired the garden even more than Mikri. tree.

Mikolli came from a famous family, and the first time he participated in the magnificent contest, he swept everything with his genius posture and superb skills. Confronting Mikolli, Konkenstein did not see the garden tree grow so emotionally.

The growth of the garden tree has changed a lot.

From the time an ordinary teenager in his early tenths got the first ribbon medal, to the strength of defeating the former king at the super celebration, Ting Shu’s experience was too legendary, and even during the super celebration, Ting Shu was in coordination. Fame in the home field catches up with Mikoli!

All this, only 5 years, a total of 7 gorgeous competitions, from these 7 gorgeous competitions, Konkenstein, witnessed the growth of the garden tree.

The reason for his appreciation of Tingshu and his subsequent support is that he saw every change and improvement of Tingshu in these 7 gorgeous competitions.

"It's a pity, if you have the ambition to compete for the throne of heaven, it would be great." Konkenstein sighed.

He had a talk with Ting Shu once, but Ting Shu was not interested in challenging the position of the king.

"What's wrong?" Ting Shu was taken aback. How could Mr. Conkenstein mention the Four Heavenly Kings? Is this topic popular now?

"As you are now, it's okay to know." Conkenstein meditated and said.

"Since that super celebration, the Gorgeous Competition has rapidly surpassed some large organizations in the past. It has now become the most influential among the four alliances of Guandu Alliance, City Capital Alliance, Fangyuan Alliance, and Shenao Alliance. Although the members are not as spread across the entire league as the Joey family, they are also a rare large organization."

"I understand this." Ting Shu nodded.

"Because of this, in order to further strengthen the influence of the gorgeous contest in the league, many gorgeous contest executives decided to support a coordinated trainer to achieve a certain position in the league, that is, the four heavenly kings, or champions."

"..." Ting Shu.

"Mi Keli?" Ting Shu said silently: "Is it possible that Mi Keli intends to inherit the title of Dawu?"

Ting Shu had thought about this guess before, and now seeing Mr. Konkenstein's surprised expression, Ting Shu was completely confirmed, and his guess was correct.

"How did you know?" Conkenstein was surprised: "However, although the senior leaders of the Gorgeous Competition have this meaning to support Mikoli to become the champion, other factions in the league will certainly not easily agree."

"The supporters of Huayue, Furong, Bonnie, and Genji, as well as the top trainers who have been hovering under the position of the king of the Masters, will certainly not look at Mikoli directly sitting on it. The championship position, all this is still unknown."

"If it's Mikolita...I think it is not difficult for him to become the Four Heavenly Kings, and it can even be said to be at your fingertips." Ting Shu thoughtfully said: "But if you want to inherit the title of Dawu Champion, you will be challenged like just becoming the Four Heavenly Kings. On the one hand, it is much more severe."

"That's why... But if Mikri can become the champion, the Gorgeous Tournament can be considered to have a firm foothold in the Elf League." Conkenstein said.

Ting Shu understands what the other party means. Mikoli is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate for the support of the gorgeous contest. His master Adam and Adam's friend, the mayor of Liuli City, are among the senior leaders of the gorgeous contest. The involvement of the contest is much deeper than the relationship between Tingshu and the gorgeous contest.

After thinking about it, Ting Shu suddenly raised his head.

"Mr. Konkenstein, what if it is a king and a champion?" He smiled and said: "If I compete for the championship with Mikley, what will happen?"

"This—" Konkenstein's eyes widened, and he was shocked by Ting Shu's words. What if Mikri and Ting Shu, the representatives of the two coordinators, competed together for the championship position?

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