Pokemon Court

Chapter 822: Forgotten place

The preliminaries are over.

Among the more than 200 coordinating masters, 64 of the most outstanding broke through.

Ting Shu glanced at the results, and it turned out that there were strong players. There were 10 people who achieved full scores in the preliminaries alone.

The players who can get full marks in the preliminary rounds are very strong. However, after the first round of the gorgeous exhibition match, only 8 players can advance and enter the gorgeous match session. It can be said that the next competition is very cruel.

"Go back." Ting Shu said silently after seeing those familiar heads.

The preliminaries alone lasted for a whole day. More than 200 performances ended. Today's gorgeous large-scale celebration was temporarily suspended.

Ting Shu yawned. Although he didn't feel tired, he didn't plan to go to training anymore. He planned to return to the hotel to rest.

He saw Xiao Mi in the Super Gorgeous Competition venue. For this little guy who followed without saying a word, Ting Shu did not say anything. After cheering him on, everyone will meet on the stage as opponents. , Ting Shu will not be merciful.

In addition, Ting Shu also saw several other veteran coordinators and talented coordinators. Ting Shu also carefully observed their coordination style and confirmed whether anyone could pose a threat to him...

In the hotel.

Ting Shu and Rotom's Illustrated Book exchanged how to reasonably use the rare ores sent by the Rockets.

The weight of these ore is enough for Shaquila, plus a lot of pumice, it is not a problem to pass the Shaquila stage perfectly...

"Next, we will help Shaquila prepare the food that aids in digestion, and strive to allow it to accumulate enough evolutionary background in a short time!"

"In addition, if you want to become a true desert monarch, you have to practice in the desert. When you return to Fangyuan, you will go to the big desert on the side of Corydalis City, and let Shaquila go to his hometown to exercise for a period of time. confrontation."

After Ting Shu made a decision, his eyes widened suddenly, and he suddenly felt that he had forgotten something.

"What the **** is..." Ting Shu frowned and carefully observed Shaquila's Elf Ball, once again making sure that he had forgotten what, but it took too long to remember.

"Fangyuan Desert, where the fossils of Kira were obtained, the violent currents of hunting swallowtail butterflies: Butterfly Dance was also trained there. As for the special places in the Fangyuan Desert..." Ting Shu suddenly expressed no Naturally.


Patting his forehead, Ting Shu sighed slightly. He even forgot such an important matter. During his participation in the Fangyuan Gorgeous Celebration, he used sandstorms in the Fangyuan Desert to practice airflow skills for hunting swallowtail butterflies. At that time, Ting Shu also Did an experiment.

Experiments around sandy rocks.

It is used to confirm the environment in which the floating bubble can be used to produce the weather globe of the rock system.

It was at that time that the Dream Demon discovered a strange cave with obvious excavation marks. At that time, the tree speculated that it might be a place where rusty rocks were bred.

In that place, even if there is no sandstorm, floating bubbles can use the environment to create a rocky weather ball. It can be said to be a very magical place.

At that time, Ting Shu was thinking, after the gorgeous large-scale celebration, I have time to go there and investigate carefully. Maybe I can find something helpful for floating bubbles to control the sandstorm... But this departure is three years later, Ting Shu I completely forgot that special place.

"Blame me..." Ting Shu secretly shook his head. It is really too busy after the gorgeous large-scale celebration, but it is never too late to wait until the gorgeous large-scale celebration is over... In a sense, it is to investigate after the gorgeous large-scale celebration is over. of……

"It just so happens that if the environment is a place where sands and rocks are bred, it may be good for Shaquila or Bangira. It seems that the Fangyuan Desert must be visited."

"Rotom Illustrated Book, turn on the memo function, and add another..." Ting Shu scratched his cheek awkwardly, looking at the Rotom Illustrated Book flying around.



The next day.

On a high platform in the central area of ​​the super gorgeous competition venue, the three judges discussed today's schedule with each other.

"This time the contestants are all very good, how about we raise the threshold for high scores?" Mr. Konkenstein was sitting on the far left. Now the competition has not started yet, he made a novel suggestion.

"I like this!" Mr. Sumisa thought about it and nodded with a smile.

"Improve the judging standards?!" Miss Joey said, but after a second glance, it didn't matter.

Of the 64 players who broke through, only eight are destined to be promoted to the battle. These eight players will be the eight players with the highest evaluation scores in this round. Even if the score threshold is raised, they will not be able to advance. Of players have an impact.

"Yes, this also avoids the phenomenon of high score overlap. After all, there are quite a lot of powerful coordinators this time." Konkenstein laughed. If there are more than 9 full marks in this round, it will be troublesome.

Soon, many players learned about the results of the discussions among the three judges, and knew that the threshold for scoring this time would be slightly higher. This time, it is not so easy to get a full score.

Hearing this news, many coordinators are gearing up, and they seem to find it interesting to challenge some difficulties. Of course, many people are downcast. For those coordinators who pass the preliminaries by chance, several people worry that the scores of the gorgeous exhibition match are too ugly, leading to Lost face.

When Nishiki entered the arena, he even saw the coordinator doing prayer poses, as if he was muttering his order of appearance, hoping to move forward.

"In the case of the Gorgeous Exhibition Tournament, the skills that Kyuubi had not been able to accomplish before can finally be shown..."

Ting Shu had already planned on how to show his tricks. As for how to improve the scoring standards, he didn't think he couldn't advance.

"I am the 11th player to play, which is a relatively high position."

As time went by, the gorgeous competition announced today's order of appearance. After seeing his serial number, Ting Shu smiled slightly. It seemed that he didn't have to wait too long.

"He is number 11."

When the players' order of appearance was announced, Lucia noticed Ting Shu's serial number and was relieved. Fortunately, she did not appear before and after Ting Shu, so that she would have a chance to see Ting Shu's performance.

After the order is announced, the official game will begin soon!

At this time, the audience and judges are in place, and the hosts are on the stage.

In addition, after entering the main game, there is only one main stage left. The 64 gorgeous performances will all be held on the main stage and can end within one day. As for the competition, it will take another day.

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