Pokemon Court

Chapter 824: The murderous Xinghai

Before Liuwei had grown up, Tatsumi conceived a big killer move for it.

Combination skills that integrate attack, defense, and debuff!

But when Liuwei participated in the gorgeous contest for the first time, it could not perfectly demonstrate this skill with its strength, but now, it has this foundation.

This time, Nine Tails did not simply show this ultimate move in the form of Bingyue.

During the blizzard and howling, it seems to have rolled hail, completely outline the majesty of the snowy weather, and use the wind to control the ice and snow. This is another core of the snowy secret book shaped by the garden tree!

"The resonance of the characteristics of hail and snowfall makes the snowy sky more violent, and then use the snowstorm to anger the snowy sky, is he so confident in his level of coordination?" Lucia's heart was full of incredible. The more powerful the coordinator, the more you should delve into the depth of the trick. The method of combining multiple tricks like Ting Shu has made Lucia see a completely different style from his uncle Mikri.

Wind, ice and snow, it is very difficult to completely control these details, but the coordinators have seen Kyuubi's ease.


Nishiki and Kyuubi took a short step back and the momentum was completed. The next step is the most critical step, shaping!

The last step is the most energy consuming. This time, instead of only shaping an ice moon, it is necessary to outline the entire starry sky. Ting Shu and Nine Tails are composed, and their hearts are as still as water. With the help of fairy marks, Ting Shu strives to make Nine Tails successfully shape each star.

Not long!

In the huge venue, the sky full of crystal clear stars shone with light, like countless silver beads, densely inlaid in the sky, not only shaped the sky full of stars, but the nine tails also further fixed their positions!

The stars are reflected in this turbulent wind and snow, as if they are jumping up and down, now and then disappearing.

"This guy upgraded that technique?!"

Conkenstein immediately recognized this technique. On the stage, the silver moon was shining, and in addition, countless stars shaped by ice and snow were shining with stars and dotted around the silver moon.

One, two, three... As the audience counted, they were shocked.

"Impossible..." Lucia looked at those dozens of stars in disbelief and was speechless. What kind of control is this to transform the snowy sky into a sea of ​​ice, snow and stars? !

Originally, Kyuubi hadn't been able to do this step yet, but the century-old unmelting ice gifted by Kona and Frozen Bird helped a lot. Although Kyuubi's current overall strength has not yet entered the realm of the king, its control skills , After thousands of hard work, has become extremely superb.

"If I didn't guess, then..."

Sugizuo murmured, but this level should not be what Tingshu wanted to show. Although the level of coordination this time was exquisite and a proper master level, the charm and actual combat value of Kyuubi still had not been reflected.

Sure enough, the next moment, the entire venue was swallowed by endless stars and moonlight.

As the audience exclaimed, under the control of Kyuubi, the star sea seemed to move and slowly spread, not only covering the sky over the venue, but also gradually approaching the audience...

"It's dark..." I don't know when it started. The audience suddenly had this thought, which made them all puzzled. It's morning, and the lights in the venue are brighter. Why does it feel dark?

"It's light, it's light." Conkenstein called out.

Ting Shu once again used the guidance of light to make the people at the scene subconsciously feel that the venue was extremely dark, only the ice moon and only the stars were on!

With the emergence of this idea, people's consciousness became more serious, and they felt that the surrounding area had become pitch black, and only the diagonally laid stars were left in their eyes.

On the stage, the nine tails uttered a soft moan, which attracted everyone's attention. Its nine beautiful tails danced and completely painted the stars that only reflected the lights.

White, blue, pink, purple...Under the influence of polar beams, freezing rays, magical sparkle, the power of the moon, strange light and other moves, extremely alluring colors are smeared in the air.

In addition, there is a torrent of rainbow colors that flows between the moon and the stars like chaos, making the sky like a sea of ​​stars.

"That's...Aurora Curtain?" Miss Joey covered her mouth. She was on the judging platform and closed her eyes subconsciously. When she opened it again, the Golden City Miss Joey felt the mood of the stars.

At this moment, it seemed that only the stars were left in the venue with her, very quiet, like Miss Joey, who was in the starry sky watching the beautiful stars and the warm moonlight, she couldn't help looking at the stage, towards the middle of the stars, and then There was a touching smile.

The nine tails of the nine tails are connected to the sea of ​​stars. It is like the core of the sea of ​​stars, controlling the sky full of stars, and countless rays of light pulsate on its tail, connecting to the sea of ​​stars. At this moment, the nine tails are like bathing in starlight, like receiving With the baptism of stars, it can also be said that the master of the sea of ​​stars, at this time, also incarnates as stars...

At this moment, Kyuubi has been given a charm called the Charm of Starlight.

The light of white, blue, pink, purple, and rainbow was reflected on his body, and Konkenstein’s expression eased, as if he was enjoying it. At this time, Vivienne was the first to experience the beauty that every audience experienced. And at this time, there is an incomparably beautiful starlight dance, which makes this comfortable feeling stronger.

"It's really beautiful..." Mr. Conkenstein said in his heart, and Mr. Sugisa beside him also expressed his approval, but after a few seconds in such a comfortable environment, the two woke up suddenly, cold sweat dripping down, and the chill was piercing. He looked at the garden tree who was smiling but not smiling on the stage.

"Old friend, this is not a comfortable bed of stars and seas. One step forward is an endless abyss that can swallow any life." Conkenstein reacted, raised his head, and looked at the sky full of stars again. I felt that the wonderful sensation was gone, but...there was a deep cold.

Turning his head to look at the deep blue pupils of Kyuubi, Konkenstein coughed in his heart.

The magical sparkle that interferes with vision, the freezing light that interferes with movement, the strange light that interferes with consciousness, the auroral beam that can reduce the attack ability, the moonlight, and the aurora curtain that can protect this sea of ​​stars, it can be said that this is already one A complete tactical drawing.

The moment this tactical blueprint known as Xinghai was launched, I am afraid that everyone in this super gorgeous competition venue could not escape.

"The me just now, actually indulged in such a terrifying environment to enjoy?" Conkenstein was silent, it seems that the darkness, that kind of comfortable experience, are the atmosphere created by the reflected light... Control...

Asking Konkenstein to look at the gentle-looking youth under the stage, he felt a strong malice.

It is hard to imagine that such a beautiful star sea is the entrance to the endless abyss.

"When the opponent is immersed in the beauty of the star sea, he has already been swallowed by the abyss..." Mr. Sugizuo stammered: "However, I like this."

Soon, not only the two of them, but as they were in a comfortable environment for longer and longer, I wonder if Ting Shu deliberately reminded them that the light interfered with their thinking, and many people came to hide in this seemingly harmless area. How terrible Xinghai is.


Several veteran coordinators, including Lucia and other talented newcomers, did not stand firm and leaned against the wall. They were the first to fall into the star sea, and the deepest, because this star sea is so beautiful and full of artistic atmosphere, but When they felt the murderous intent of Xinghai, they were also the people who felt the most intense.

Even so scared they couldn't help but step back. At the same time, the thought of "can this show really be surpassed" came into their minds.

"Can such a complicated tactical blueprint really be controlled so easily?" Miss Joey took a deep look at the garden tree on the stage.

With her vision, she couldn't imagine how to perfectly control this sea of ​​stars to attack!

However, it was precisely because she could not understand that she was shocked. Konkenstein and Mr. Sugisa were the same. They didn't know whether Kyuubi could control this sea of ​​stars, and they couldn't speculate that this was beyond their level. In addition, they can’t let the garden tree show it, because then it’s not a gorgeous celebration, but a massacre celebration...

"This kid, gave us a problem, how should we score it?" Konkenstein smiled bitterly in his heart. If Nine Tails can't control, naturally there will be no actual combat value. Several people in Konkenstein hesitate very much. This star sea contains Most of the elements are too much, it really makes them confused.

"Forget it, it is his ability to show a performance that makes us embarrassed!" The three of them looked at each other and finally made a decision.

If Tatsumi knows what the judges think, he will probably laugh. If Kyuubi... It’s really difficult to control this starry sea. If you want to control it perfectly, you have to wait for it to enter the realm of the king of heaven. It's enough to coax outsiders. After all, even if Mikri came in person, they would never see their details. Moreover, Tingshu didn't intend to let the three judges think that Nine Tails could perfectly control the sea of ​​stars, and the light reflected the strange light. The atmosphere as a means can prove that Kyuubi can control Xinghai to a small extent, which has proved the actual combat value.

However, Tingshu is also happy to see this misunderstanding. Anyway, it will not take long before this misunderstanding will become a reality. Kyuubi, sooner or later, will enter the realm of the king!

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