Pokemon Court

Chapter 838: Wasted potion

Yes, the Rotom Illustrated Book has been upgraded.

After being loaded into the data chip, its calculation function is even more powerful. Although it is not as good as those supercomputers, the calculation speed is absolutely explosive for ordinary office computers.

after one day.

After completing the upgrade of Rotom’s Illustrated Book, he awakened from nothingness. After opening his eyes, it blinked. This upgrade is the longest data update it has experienced. It is much more complicated than the one it has experienced. However, Luo Thom's Illustrated Book can also feel that his brain is clearer, that is the clarity that can insight into everything.

"Ah so comfortable Lotto."

Rotom's Illustrated Book moved his body, flew twice, and smiled at Ting Shu.

When the words were over, it saw Kirulian who was following Ting Shu, immediately loaded into the new program, and dropped an optical screen in front of Ting Shu's eyes.

"It's cool." Ting Shu saw this stereo projection, and said with satisfaction: "Now we don't have to face to face to communicate."

Before the Tingshu used the Rotom Illustrated Book to check some things, he had to ask the Rotom Illustrated Book to come over and check it carefully on the screen of its body. Now it is good. With the projection function, it will transmit information to the Tingshu even more. Convenient.

Ting Shu observed what it dropped, which was a pattern similar to a progress bar.

Below the pattern, there are a few words.

The degree of mental development is 88%.

"What is this?" Ting Shu hesitated, then hesitated, "Yes, it must be what Master said, the level of genetic potion absorption."

"In this way, Kirulian has absorbed 88% of the efficacy of the medicine?!"

Thinking of this possibility, Ting Shu was shocked. With the assistance of Master Shengzong, Ting Shu succeeded in getting several elves to use genetic potions in turn. Fortunately, these potions were really just like what Master Shengzong said. There are no side effects.

Only now, the effect of the potion really made Ting Shu criticized.

After Kirulian absorbed the potion, it was the only one that showed an abnormal state. Its mental power seemed to have been stimulated and had a headache. At the time, Ningshu quickly massaged it, and after that he did not dare to let Kirulian leave her too. Yuan, always pay attention to its condition, ready to massage it immediately when it has a headache.

After that headache, Kirulian's mental power level increased by less than 1%, which was a slight increase. It is not because of the effect of the potion or the credit of its own meditation.

Right now, it was discovered that Kirulian had absorbed 88% of the medicinal effect, but had not even improved 1% of his mental power. How could Ting Shu not be surprised.

"Qing Lu?" Kirulian looked up at Ting Shu with a calm expression, but from Ting Shu's eyes, Kirulian showed an innocent look.

Reaching out his hand to touch its head, Ting Shu shook his head and said: "I have a guess that Master Shengzong's genetic potion may be developed from various considerations to develop the potential of the elf, but, maybe this potential, It has been developed a long time ago, so the medicinal effects are not absorbed, but completely wasted. They are useless ingredients..."

To confirm this hypothesis, you only need to look at the percentage of genetic potion absorption of the other little elves.

Rubbing Kirulian’s head again, Ting Shu signaled that it does not have to worry: "Your potential has been jointly developed by Chaomeng and Dream, and there may be hidden abilities that have not been unearthed. This bottle of genetic potion is not effective for you. It is also forgivable. We will try our best to absorb the remaining 12%."

"Lulu!" Kirulian nodded, motioning to understand.

"Okay, let's go to the backyard and see the Tanabata Blue Birds." Ting Shu said towards the Rotom Illustrated Book and Chirulian.



Backyard of Autumn Leaves Gymnasium.

Ting Shu came to the place where his elves lived and called the elves.

Chinese Valentine’s Day Blue Bird... Hunting Swallowtails... Ai Lu Le Duo... Dream Demon... Floating Bubbles... Wind Speed ​​Dog... Small Diamonds... Shaquila... Nine Tails...

"Luotom Illustrated Book, scan the results of the absorption of the Qixi Blue Bird." Ting Shu said.

"Understand Lotto!!" Following the nod of the Rotom Illustrated Book, it released a flash of light to sweep the Qixi Blue Bird, and immediately an optical projection was displayed in front of the Garden Tree and the Qixi Blue Bird.

Tanabata Blue Bird is very smart. After seeing this completely different percentage, he stared at the garden tree with wide eyes.

The degree of playful development is 100%.

The energy affinity development level of the fairy system is 100%.

Sound talent development level is 29%.

"In just one day, the Qixi Bluebird has not changed at all. In other words, this bottle of potion can only play a role for the Qixi Bluebird in the development of sound talent?" Thinking of this possibility, Ting Shu felt a pain in his mouth and the corners of his mouth twitched a few times.

His own talent for the Qixi Blue Bird Fairy was too strong, which led to a waste of 76% of the efficacy of the genetic potion that Master Shengzong spent a lot of money to deploy.

"Tweet..." Qixi Blue Bird yelled innocently. This innocent voice could even be understood by the surrounding elves. Ting Shu patted his forehead: "This is a good thing. It shows that even if there is no genetic potion... You too... forget it, it hurts."

"Tweet~~" The Qixi blue bird yelled again, and Ting Shu was taken aback. This guy said, it's better to use it for its mother, that is, the Qixi blue bird on Yantu Mountain. Tingshu regrets that it still has this usage. Incomparably, yes, maybe with this bottle of genetic potion, you can breed an elf close to the power of the king, but unfortunately, it is too late to say this.

"No loss or loss, fully develop your vocal talents, and your annihilation skills will rise a big step. Then we can learn Lucia's skills of playing music with cotton defense, and we can also improve our heritage. "Ting Shu smiled.

Now I can only think so.

It can be said that Master Shengzong’s genetic potion did not have the effect of reaching the pass line in Kirulian and Tanabata Bluebird, but Tingshu was not discouraged. Master Shengzong just didn’t understand Kirulian and Tanabata Bluebird. But it's impossible for several elves to be as coincidental as Kirulian and Tanabata Blue Bird.

After Rotom's Illustrated Book scanned the absorption level of the Qixi Bluebird, the remaining elves immediately squeezed over, wanting to check their absorption level.

The winner...is the wind speed dog...

This giant beast with a body height of more than three meters squeezed away all the elves at once, pushed the garden tree down, rubbed the garden tree with a palm bigger than the garden tree face, and used a palm tree with a bigger face He licked his tongue to show his goodness. Seeing this scene, Rotom's Illustrated Book covered his face and quickly projected the wind speed dog's message. He didn't dare to delay, and wanted to save Ting Shu.

"Get me started." Kicked the wind speed dog, Ting Shu was helpless. Although it was a kick, for the wind speed dog, it was no different from a massage. It was the kind of massage with no strength, not Ting Shu's hand. No, he really tried hard. With Ting Shu's physique, it's not a problem to sling a few adults, but he doesn't know anything about the rough-skinned wind speed dog.

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