Pokemon Court

Chapter 854: Shakira's bad ailments

Although healed by the fire of life of the Tanabata Blue Bird, the garden tree stayed in Corydalis City for a few days to recover.

In addition, the 10 little elves have temporarily escaped from the previous damaged elves and entered 10 new elves.

Of course, these 10 new Poke Balls are only reserved for excessive use. After a while, Ting Shu will contact Dewen to tailor the Qixi Blue Birds and use top materials to create more comfortable Poke Balls.

In addition, Ting Shu also contacted a scientific research institution to repair the fuselage of the Rotom Illustrated Book, temporarily isolating the risk.

The Rotom Illustrated Book is also here. Ting Shu intends to completely remodel the fuselage for it in a while, dragging a fuselage with hidden danger, after all, it is not a long-term solution.

"Unknown Totem."

On the third day of their stay in Corydalis City, Tingshu and Lotom's Illustrated Book fixed their gazes on this elf.

The elves related to the rift in time, the garden tree, and the Rotom Illustrated Book have been investigating for a long time. After eliminating many interference items, it is most likely that the culprit is the elves of unknown totem.

"According to the available records, the habitat of unknown totems is mainly in ancient ruins and cracks in space..."

"It is rumored that the unknown totem has 28 different abilities. It is said that when more than two unknown totems appear, some incredible power will be produced."

"Unknown totem, a symbol of elf, legend has existed since ancient times, it is said that there are many kinds of appearance, but everything is an unsolved mystery..."

The Rotom Illustrated Book called up the known information one by one.

The unknown totem is very similar to the text of the ancient civilization. Whether the text comes first or the unknown totem comes first, this is one of the seven incredible things in the world.

Of course, Ting Shu is not going to study this, but wondering...

"Why does the unknown totem attack us?"

Ting Shu didn't think deeply, and a conjecture immediately appeared in his mind, and then he looked at the Rotom Illustrated Book.


"Shaquila kept gnawing at the wall in the Phantom Ruins. It seemed to feel some strange fluctuations. Isn't it an unknown totem?"

"It's possible that Lotto..." Rotom said: "Unknown totem has a habit, that is, it likes to stick on the wall."

"But there are new doubts. Why only Shaquila can feel the existence of the unknown totem? Is it because Shaquila has existed in the Phantom Ruins in the form of fossils for thousands of years, which leads to a clearer perception of the Phantom Ruins. Already?" Ting Shu shook his head, no longer guessing.

"All in all, if the murderer that led us into the crack of time and space is an unknown totem, let's let go of revenge, but this phantom relic, one day we will have to explore again!"

"Want to go to Lotto?" Rotom's Illustrated Book was frowning.

"Of course!" Ting Shu said.

This experience caused Ting Shu to have a deep curiosity about the unknown totem. Why can the other party open the chaotic time and space gap?

"Unknown totems resemble symbols. The gathering of two or more totems will produce incredible power. They are also said to be texts of ancient civilization. From this point of view, there must be many secrets. I guess they are not just as simple as those recorded in the legend. Two unknown totems Get together to produce incredible power, those dozens, hundreds, maybe they can form specific patterns to show more special abilities!" Ting Shu meditated, obviously, he thought of it. What formations, magic formations, runes and other weird things.

In addition, what do the images of parallel time and space that I saw represent? Did you accidentally see it, or was it intentionally guided by an unknown totem?

These garden trees want to figure it out.

In the screen, the leader of every villain he saw showed strength close to or even comparable to the champion master. Coupled with their successful control of the legendary elf, it can be said that in those time and space, few people can stop.

What Ting Shu worries about is whether the plot staged in parallel time and space will repeat itself in this time and space.

The time and space of the wizard world are complicated. Looking at it now, the line of the animation plot may be just one of the parallel time and space, with the existence of Sherabi and unknown totems, and there may be a lot of time to develop parallel time and space that is completely different from the animation world...

Just like this time and space, with the garden tree, it becomes different.

In addition, in some time and space, perhaps Xiao Zhi did not travel with Xiao Gang and Xiao Xia, and it became different again.

One by one time and space, a small change will lead to a big change in the world, which is not a very good sign.

"Is it possible that the main mission of the Totem of the Unknown is to wander through the cracks in time and space, to correct time and space, so that other time and space worlds will not die due to some small changes?" Ting Shu muttered to himself.



If you don't understand, Ting Shu simply doesn't think about it.

At present, it is better to focus on the Masters.

Maybe, when I become the Four Heavenly Kings, I will be able to access more secrets, and all doubts will be solved at that time.

Five days before the next Masters match, Ting Shu returned to the desert and went straight to the location of the relic recorded by the Dream Monster.

This ruin is the place where the rusty rocks were conceived by the tree.

Sandy rocks are special ore that can enhance the power of sandstorms.

To say that this place is nothing special, Ting Shu didn't believe it, so he came.

When the garden trees slowly entered this remote ruin, countless fine sand fell from the cracks in the ruins.

Let the hunting swallowtails blow away the sand and dust, and the garden tree went directly in.

It didn’t take long for him to see the small pit in his memory. This small pit with obvious traces of manual excavation was now covered by sand, but in fact there were still some traces left, which made Ting Shu easily recognize it. .

He gestured toward the hunting swallowtail butterfly, this area was immediately purified, and there was no dust left behind.

This time, Ting Shu made a new discovery. After the area was extremely clean, Ting Shu found that the cave with excavation marks was now thick with a layer of stone.

"Floating bubbles, Shakira."

Is it about to give birth to a new sandstone rock? After thinking about it, Ting Shu directly called out two little elves who were friendly to the power of the sandstorm. As soon as he came out of the pokeball, the floating bubble frowned, and he became more and more adept with the power of the sandstorm. When I came to the ruins this time, it felt a strange feeling.

As for Shaquila, it was even stranger. After it appeared in this place, its eyes were big, and its body shot out, ran to the pit, and took a bite towards the pit... ..


Seeing this scene, Ting Shu was very messy, and he wanted to run up and kick Shaquila away. The last time he didn't criticize Shaquila because there was no definite evidence, but this time Shaquila ate rocks again?

"Sha~Sha~~" Just when Ting Shu was about to speak dissatisfied, Shaquila immediately turned her head and exclaimed with joy.


Seeing Shakira who turned his head and looked happy, Ting Shu's mouth twitched, feeling that it was necessary to take care of Shakira's stinky problem when he saw a special rock.

Tingshu wondered why he hadn't noticed this habit before.

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