Pokemon Court

Chapter 889: Ultra ancient civilization

"If I’m not wrong, the special stone you saw is a high-quality Adam stone. The Adam stone has disappeared for thousands of years, and only a few pieces are left in the museum as a collection. It’s an ordinary Adam stone."

"The difference between ordinary Adam stone and high-quality Adam stone lies in the degree of radiation received from the core of the sandstorm, but I did not expect that such a thing still remains deep underground."

"Is there a relationship between Adam Stone and Sand Rock?" Ting Shu asked suddenly.

"Perhaps, Adam stone and sandstone rock are all related to the power of sandstorms. I guess that the sandstone rock is the core of the sandstorm whose power has been weakened countless times. Why is there such a big gap between the two? It may be because of its birth. The environment, but one thing, they all appear from scratch, and Adam stone is produced by the energy of sandstorm radiating to the existing ores." Mr. Jindai said.

Mr. Shindai's words made Ting Shu fall into contemplation. He did not expect that the stone had such a origin.

The product of high-intensity radiation at the core of the sandstorm?

At the same time, Reggie Locke's restlessness, the Ting Shu also immediately connected with the Adam stone, forming a clear context, no wonder Reggie Locke cares about this thing so much, ordinary Adam stone is a great complement to it What's more, it's the high-quality Adam stone that has been preserved thousands of years ago and isolated deep underground.

Ting Shu was fortunate that if it weren't a coincidence, he and Bangira spent several months digging out this place. I'm afraid that high-quality Adam stone might have been isolated in the ground, so I would regret to miss a rare treasure.

"This is a gem that is comparable to sandstone rocks, no, even more precious than sandstone rocks. Uh, it's not right. Speaking of which, Adam Stone only complements Regillo, but it does not necessarily have anything to Bangira. It's good..."

"Wait...In addition to Reggie Locke, many elves in the desert were also attracted by the fluctuations of the unearthed Adam Stone. Does this mean that Adam Stone is not only a great tonic for Reggie Locke? And, at that time, Bangui La ate Adam Stone and evolved, and this incident still reveals many doubts."

While Nishiki thought, Mr. Jindai had already taken Reggie Lock back.

"It's really lucky Bangira. The things it eats are priceless." Mr. Jindai had already learned a lot from Tingshu before. Looking at Tingshu's pokeball, he couldn't help but said: "Adam Stone can be said to be Fang Shu. The special products of the Yuan Desert are formed, and the conditions for formation are extremely harsh. The only ones left are collected as peerless treasures in the museum. Although the actual value is not high at present, they have very high historical research significance. If you are lucky, they may even be traced back to the super The power of ancient civilization."

"But it's too late to say this, after all, Benjira has eaten it." Ting Shu smiled bitterly.

The two didn't struggle too much with this matter. In addition to solving the puzzles for Ting Shu, Mr. Jindai came to the desert for other purposes.

"Reggie Locke should have left from here, right." After the two left the ruins, Mr. Jindai walked to the place where Reggie Locke digged and escaped, and said solemnly.

"Well, by the way, Mr. Jindai, are you planning to subdue this Reggie Locke?" Tatsuki asked. Mr. Jindai has been paying attention to this Reggie Locke for a long time, so his doubts are not unreasonable.

However, Mr. Jindai's answer surprised Ting Shu very much, because at this time, another Ting Shu had touched Xin Mi.

"No, I just want to use it to find the Phantom Tower." Mr. Jindai glanced at Nishiki: "The Phantom Tower is what people call the Phantom Relic."

Phantom Ruins!

"That place..." Ting Shu has been confused since just now, there are countless lines in his mind that need to be sorted out.

According to the historical text narrated by Mr. Jindai's investigation, the Phantom Ruins, the Phantom Tower, is a product of the power of the ultra-ancient civilization, which can also show why it is so mysterious.

"In the early years, I entered the Phantom Tower, but because I touched certain taboos, I was banished by the ancient existence in it. Since then, I seem to have lost the opportunity to enter the Phantom Tower. No matter how I look for it , I can’t find that place anymore. I tried many methods, but unfortunately it is like a shielded place. It cannot be located at all. What's most frustrating is that the Phantom Tower occasionally moves by itself, whenever I approach , It will disappear."

"In the past, when I searched for the Phantom Tower, I relied on the fellow Reggie Locke. Perhaps it was because the Phantom Tower had been in contact with the core of the sandstorm for a long time. Reggie Locke seemed to have the ability to feel the Phantom Tower, but unfortunately from there After this time, not only me, but Reggie Locke also lost this perception, so after making a lot of preparations, I wanted to make the last attempt to see if I could track down the Phantom Tower by locking other Reggie Locke. This is the only way I haven’t tried.”

As Mr. Jindai's words fell, Tsubaki's mind suddenly roared, so that he could explain why he met Reggie Locke again in the Phantom Tower.

"Mr. Jindai, the ancient existence you are talking about...Is it an unknown totem?!"

The unknown totem is said to be the text of the ancient civilization. If the Phantom Tower is the product of the ultra-ancient civilization, then the unknown totem inhabits it is not so surprising.

At this moment, Ting Shu vaguely grasped some key information, but he could not fully grasp it.

Like Mr. Jindai, he was exiled by an unknown totem.

"Well, the unknown totem is the text of the ancient civilization. Maybe it is the power left over from the ancient civilization. Although science and technology are now developed, the power of the ancient civilization is still very incredible and incomprehensible. Tens of thousands of years ago, this world may There is a more glorious human civilization, but it’s a pity that everything has disappeared." Mr. Jindai took a deep look at Ting Shu, and he continued: "One of the seven incredible worlds represented by the unknown totem has always been explorers. The unsolvable problems that are expected to be overcome and to understand them are not only the dream of explorers, but also the dream of the entire academic world."

"Maybe, if the unknown totem can be subdued, everything will be solved."

Mr. Jindai's idea was not to subdue Reggie Locke, but to subdue the unknown totem. Ting Shu was surprised by the opponent's ideas, but he had some understanding.

But can those unknown totems really be subdued? Niwaki didn't know how Mr. Jindai was banished, but he was banished into a crack in time and space...

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