Pokemon Court

Chapter 891: vs Shindai, three fights

"It's all from the past... It is worth mentioning that the danger level of the Ultra-Ancient Pyramid is between level b and level a, second only to Baiyin Mountain, and the most dangerous level in the level b danger zone. Several places." Shindai said.

Trainers who are capable of conquering the products of ultra-ancient civilizations must not only be very powerful, but also have excellent exploration qualities. It is precisely because of conquering this pyramid that Mr. Jindai is known as the first person in the exploration world.

Even if he used his real strength to defeat the four heavenly kings, few trainers would be confused.

Although the Ultra-Ancient Pyramids are not a lost area of ​​Grade A, it does not mean that the level of danger there is not as good as Baiyin Mountain. Baiyin Mountain is rated a Grade because the area of ​​Baiyin Mountain is too large, almost spanning Guandu and Chengdu. In this area, except for the special places of Baiyin Mountain, in fact, even ordinary trainers can explore other places. This a-level takes into account the threat of Baiyin Mountain as a whole, while the rating of the ultra-ancient pyramid does not contain anything. Moisture, because every area of ​​it is extremely dangerous.

After the ultra-ancient pyramid was conquered by Mr. Jindai, it was listed as an area forbidden to enter. For most trainers, entering there is almost a life of nine deaths, but considering the value of training here, it is still facing trainers. It has become a training place for trainers of the alliance's direct line, but it is difficult for trainers of ordinary levels to reach this place.

But in fact, as long as you have a deep understanding of Mr. Jindai's experience, you can investigate the existence of ultra-ancient pyramids from his achievements in conquering a certain B-level lost area. The most important thing is to see if there is that fate.

Mr. Shindai is the gatekeeper of the ultra-ancient pyramid. In order to prevent the incompetent from entering, he has a job to screen out the incompetent.

"It sounds so interesting, what are the conditions for entering that pyramid?" At this time, the four adventurers all showed interesting expressions. As people who love adventure, they are the first time they have heard of this place.

"Don't think about it. It's not a place you can explore. If you want to go to the ultra-ancient pyramid, you can barely reach the threshold if you dominate the battle pioneering area." Mr. Shindai said to the younger generations.

His words instantly humiliated the people on the opposite side, it turned out that their strength did not even touch the threshold level.

"I remember... the condition is to win Mr. Kandaro in a three-on-one match, right? I'm already prepared for this. I will send out an application when I go back. I hope you can challenge.

Tingshu smiled slightly. If Mr. Jindai agrees, he will be eligible to enter the ultra-ancient pyramid as quickly as possible.

The three-on-one battle is a test. Mr. Jindai generally does not use his full strength, as long as he can confirm that the entrant has the ability to protect himself in the pyramid.

In addition, this three-on-one battle is not a traditional 3vs3 battle.

Instead, the trainers on both sides of the battle command 3 elves at the same time to fight.

In a sense, this kind of battle is close to real combat, and it also tests the trainer's ability to command team battles. Only after completing this test can a trainer be able to judge whether a trainer can protect himself in the ultra-ancient pyramid.

"Three fights?"

Several adventurers were amazed. Fangyuan popular doubles matches, but rarely sees triples. Doubles has already tested the trainer’s command and the cooperation of the elves. As for the triples, wouldn’t it be more difficult?

"That's it."

Mr. Jindai spoke again: "Since you are ready, I will also spare time here. Although I also want to let you in directly, this is one of my jobs and I have to perform my duties. "

"I will finish the application within three days. I need to prepare for a while, so I hope you can take the challenge seriously." Ting Shu suddenly said seriously.

Rather than getting the chance to enter the ultra-ancient pyramid directly, Nishiki hopes to enter after a full battle with Mr. Jindai.

Playing three battles with Mr. Jindai, the gain is not necessarily less than the experience of entering the ultra-ancient pyramid, and Tingshu also wants to learn the strength of this first explorer before the King of Heaven Challenge.

Moreover, it was the first time he had come into contact with something like three-on-one, and he was unavoidably expecting a strong opponent to fight against.

If you want to enter the ultra-ancient pyramid, most trainers can’t even approve the first procedure. A trainer who can directly play three fights with Mr. Jindai must be a trainer with a certain background and strength. After all, the alliance will not All cats and dogs are thrown to the Goddai to test. Of course, Tingshu must have this qualification, and even this kind of thing, he only asks assistant Shalan, and the other party can solve him perfectly.

"Since you said that, I will fight with the strictest standards." Shindaidao.

The dialogue between Jindai and Nishiki ended, and the four adventurers became excited. Although they still don’t know what happened,...but the news that the master of coordination and the pyramid pharaoh Jindai are going to fight three fights makes them feel Extremely explosive.

"Mr. Jindai, may I ask this battle... will we be able to watch the battle at that time?"

The female trainer who occupied the leading position among the four asked nervously after looking at the three teammates.

Needless to say, the strength of the gods, and the strength of Tingshu, they also saw the Fangyuan Desert.

This level of unprecedented three fights, if missed, they will feel regret for a lifetime.

"The test of obtaining the qualification to enter the ultra-ancient pyramid will usually be conducted by personnel dispatched by the Elf Alliance. If the battle location is used, it will be conducted in the battle pyramid. However, there is no rule not to watch the battle. You can ask Xia Ting Shu for his opinion." God on behalf of the Tao.

The pyramid Pharaoh's words fell, and Ting Shu instantly accepted four eager eyes.

The two female trainers are okay. What's wrong with the disgusting eyes of the other muscular man and the man with glasses? !

After a chill, Ting Shu said with a numb scalp: "Since there are no rules, I don't care."

"Oh yeah!!" In an instant, the four jumped up.

In the Battle Pyramid, after discussing the most important things with Mr. Kamidai, Nishiki did not stay long.

Unlike Xian's Dan Pain's four-person adventure team, he has to carefully prepare for this three-on-one battle.

For Ting Shu, this match is much more interesting than the next Masters match.

Hunting swallowtail butterflies, Tanabata blue birds, dream monsters, wind speed dogs, floating bubbles, Ailureduo, nine tails, Bangira, and Shanaido. These nine elves can be used as the main force. In theory, which three can be combined, At the same time participating in the battle has the strongest combat effectiveness?

In response to this problem, Ting Shu is still considering...

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