Pokemon Court

Chapter 893: The lineup is confirmed, Bangira’s second organ

"So now, it seems that Qixi Bluebird, Nine Tails, and Shanaido may be able to play?"

Although the strength of Nine Tails and Shanaiduo alone is definitely not as good as Elle Duo and Dream Monsters, they can definitely play a stronger combat power when they cooperate in a three-match battle.

Three elves, pseudo three cores!

Even in the current Four Heavenly Kings, Ting Shu is not the bottom.

Ting Shu's talent in team battle system construction far surpassed his talent in regular battles.

The accumulation of nurturing and coordination unexpectedly made Ting Shu very easy when constructing a team battle system. Ting Shu sometimes thought, no wonder Mr. Ji Yuan admires the all-round development of trainers. There are still many benefits to a certain level.

As for other lineup considerations...

"In addition to forming a team with fairy attributes as the core, weather is also the most important tactic I have studied."

"Rainy, sunny, sandstorm, snowy..."

"Floating Bubbles and Nine Tails can create the strongest snowy sky, but... after all, it only revolves around the core of the snowy sky. There are too few changes, easy to be cracked, and it is difficult to integrate into other elves in the team. You can give it a try, but from a long-term perspective, forget it..."

"Floating Bubble is the same as Bangira."

"Now Tanabata Blue Bird and Wind Speed ​​Dog have mastered the techniques of sunny days. In conjunction with the fire of life and the morning light of Wind Speed ​​Dog, adding floating bubbles can form a sunny day tactic, but compared to the tactics based on fairy attributes, the gap is too big. ."

It is possible to try the three-day tactical defeat. The fire of life and morning light can guarantee the unrestricted runaway of the wind speed dog, but it completely puts the main combat power of the Qixi blue bird in the auxiliary position... from the perspective of cost performance, it is not as good as the Qixi blue bird. The combination of Nine Tails and Shanaido.

"Floating Bubbles are involved in all four types of weather, and they are perfect. Because of the special abilities of their own race, they can also exert extreme effects on weather moves, so it can be very well integrated into the weather made by other elves. , To strengthen, maybe, in the future, we can build a second team battle system around floating bubbles."

Nine Tails and Bangira, combined with floating bubbles, are the prototypes of the strongest snowy weather and the strongest sandstorm.

"Ellerito is the second elf in the team in individual strength, second only to Qixi Bluebird. Its fighting style is not affected by other tactics. The interference and lethality are both first-class. The enemy is hard to defend. Lei Duo can't boost other companions and get the boost from his companions, but it is of great tactical value."

"The same is true for the Dream Demon. Its illusion ability interference effect is even stronger... If there are two protections, there is no need to fear any decapitation tactics."

After Tingshu finished discussing all the information of the elves with the Rotom Illustrated Book, the Rotom Illustrated Book gave Tingshu an interesting suggestion.

Tanabata Blue Bird, Nine Tails, Dream Monster!

"You once told me that the dream monster has magical shining moves, and theoretically can also get the increase of the fairy aura, and integrate into the ice moon tactics."

"In addition, its illusion ability can be used in other ways besides interference. Did you forget Lotto?"

On the optical screen put out by the Rotom Illustrated Book, a three-dimensional three-dimensional image is constantly changing, and gradually improved with the deduction of the Rotom Illustrated Book.

On the optical screen, it is the demonstration process of the match between Tanabata Blue Bird, Nine Tails, and Dream Monster.

The fairy aura of the Qixi Blue Bird covered the entire venue. At the same time, there were several rounds of ice moon and countless ice mirrors in the sky. The dream monster was hidden in the void, releasing strange light and curses on the ice moon and ice mirror.

The appearance of this picture made Ting Shu suddenly startled, and he clenched his fist with his right hand and slapped his left palm.

Tingshu's understanding of his elves is not worse than that of the Rotom's Illustrated Book, but his personal energy is limited, and he can't make a comprehensive thinking in a short time. Now there is the Rotom's Illustrated Book to propose ideas and give an introduction. Tingshu immediately After understanding, surprised:

"It turns out that the tactical value of the Dream Monster lies in the multiple uses of illusion. With its illusion ability, it can greatly protect the ice moon and ice mirror from being easily cracked by opponents, creating countless ice moon and ice mirror illusions. In addition, the ice mirror of the Kyuubi can act as a barrier, reflecting the strange light of the dream monster, echoing the spell, and setting up the illusion space on the venue. Moreover, the dream monster can also hypnotize the Tanabata Bluebird and Kyuubi in reverse, allowing them to sleep and talk in the dream. Still exerting combat power, this technique is matched with my fairy mark, and it can be foolproof. In addition, the dream monster now masters the same fate move. In the most unfavorable situation, there is also a possibility to change one. In this way, if the dream monster Replacing Shanaido is indeed a more perfect pseudo-three-core tactic, and each elven serves as the core of an extremely important tactic."

Ting Shu thought about more than the Rotom Illustrated Book, and he wanted to understand what Rotom could think of, and at the same time came up with more coordination methods that the Rotom Illustrated didn't think of.

This is a more powerful pseudo-three-core tactic. If there are no accidents in the Qixi Blue Bird, this combination will be the top batch even in the three-core tactic.

As for why a pseudo-word is added, it is because the most important thing between core tactics is that they do not affect each other and do not interfere with each other. Only in this way can the stability of the tactics be guaranteed and this premise is guaranteed. Even if a certain tactic is cracked, other tactics can be normal. use.

For example, sandstorms and rainy days are completely incompatible tactics. The combination of sandstorms and rainy days cannot be called a dual-core team battle system.

Although the three tactics that Ting Shu constructed are all integrated, they have encountered another taboo. If the nine-tailed ice moon wants to absorb the light of the fairy type of different elves, then the transformation of the fairy aura is inseparable, so talk It doesn't affect each other at all. If the fairy aura is cracked, the ice moon tactics will lose value. Of course, judging from the strength of the Tanabata Blue Bird, it will be very difficult to defeat its fairy aura.

"I suggest using these two days to run them together. If it succeeds, the Dream Goblin can even serve as the fifth or sixth core Lotto of the Fairy Corps in the future."

"Indeed, with the control abilities of the dream monster, if you run it in, coupled with Shanaido's telepathy and my fairy mark, the illusion will hardly have an adverse effect on your side, come to help, Lottom Illustrated Book."

After Ting Shu and Rotom's illustrated book exchanges, they haven't been idle for these two days.

This is not only for the next three fights, the core research is also a very important link for the future improvement of Tingshu's team battle system.

In addition, Tingshu has not forgotten Bangira. It has just evolved and its body is still unstable. In cooperation with Miss Akiba Town Joey, Rotom Illustrated Book, Tingshu and others have done more detailed and comprehensive inspections for it. .

"An organ is newly born in the body. It was very small before, but has it grown now?"

Ting Shu frowned while holding the report of the medical examination given to Bangira by Miss Joey of Qiuye Town.

"Yes, Mr. Tingshu, but at present, this new organ has not had a malignant effect, but it does not rule out the possibility of deterioration in the future." Miss Joey worried: "In addition, there is a class next to that organ. The organs that Gila should not have, I don’t recommend rushing to remove them without knowing their effects.”

"Miss Joey, you don't have to worry." Ting Shu smiled, and at the same time picked up the picture of Bangira's body, and thought about it. This picture is clearer than the one scanned by Xanadu, using the current extremely high-end After seeing these two organs by technological means, Ting Shu became serious.

These two stone-like organs are currently in the position of Bangi's diarrhea, one on the left and one on the right. One of them is naturally an organ formed by the pumice cultivation method to control the body weight. As for the newly formed organ, it may be due to The organ formed by swallowing the "Adam Stone".

The pumice organ is not dangerous, this garden tree can guarantee it, but the second organ makes the garden tree very tangled.

"Before this organ was formed, Bangira did not produce any abnormalities after swallowing Adam's stone, but now maybe it is time for Bangira to feel it again and control this organ like a pumice organ!"

This was an attempt with unknown feasibility, but Ting Shu had to cooperate with Bangira, and the hidden danger of devouring Adam's Stone had to be eliminated.

"Thank you, Miss Joey." While thinking, Ting Shu thanked Miss Joey. With a smile on the other side, Ting Shu left the wizard center with Bangira's poke ball.

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