Pokemon Court

Chapter 909: The hard-fighting dream monster

"Dream demon, black eyes!"

As soon as he appeared on the stage, Ting Shu blocked Qianli's chance to recover the dangling spot, and a black mist instantly enveloped the dangling spot.

This black mist can effectively isolate the recovery mechanism of the Elf Ball. In the face of the shaky spots that cannot return to the Elf Ball and are physically exhausted, the Dream Monster does not attack, but allows the strange wind to swept over itself, forming an offensive and defensive one in the whole body. Strange wind shield, and at the same time, take this opportunity to raise the ability class through the special effects of Strange Wind.

"Mental hammer!"

While shaking spots danced, they swiftly struck towards the dream monster. Without waiting for Ting Shu's command, the dream monster felt the danger instinctively, and the strong strange wind collided with the flying spots.

What Ting Shu and the Dream Demon didn't expect was that Shaking Banda could easily dance in the air, and with the Mind Hammer, it could hardly be separated from the strange wind.

During this process, Ting Shu's eyes flashed, and he commanded: "Characteristic exchange."

The body merged with the strange wind, and the Dream Demon came to Huang Huaban sideways, and took its haunting evil energy assault, depriving him of his own way of doing things, and replaced it with himself.

"Shake spot, back."

Lost his own way of doing things, the very threatening dance steps of Shao Shaoban suddenly became messy. Qianli wanted to call Shao Shaoban to adjust, but because of the power of the floating characteristic, Shao Shaoban missed the opportunity to react. Did not land in time.

With a bang, the sleeping dream demon was eroded by the magic flame in the sky, curled into a ball of flame and swallowed the dazzling spots. At this time, the dream demon also dissipated the energy of exchange characteristics.

"Wang Huaban loses the ability to fight, please send the next elf from the Qianli contestant."

The magical flame burned the violent poison of Dangling spot, causing the poison to deteriorate, and quickly broke through its first line of defense. Then the intense fire burned past, and the already exhausted shaking spot fell down instantly, even though it was powerful. , But obviously, its physical strength is average.

"I insisted on finding a chance to attack. I thought it was a stinky move, but I didn't expect this dream monster to quickly enter the sleep state and then be able to successfully launch a combo. In this way, the consumption is almost zero."

As the evil master, Huayue Heavenly King opened his mouth unexpectedly, and the hasty surprise of Huang Huaban was enough to cause serious damage to the dream monster, but the dream monster was able to ignore the pain and initiate the exchange of characteristics, which interfered with Huang Huaban, which made him watch it. Xiang Furong.

"Look at what I am doing." Furong leaned on the chair and said, "The cultivation method of this dream demon is new and different from my cultivation method."

As the ghost king of the Fangyuan Alliance, Furong often participates in infiltration, assassination, and reconnaissance work. She has a lot of illusion skills compared to Ting Shu and Dream Monster.

But applying the hypnotic power of illusion to paralyze one's pain, forcibly make one's consciousness sober, and interfere with the choice of dream talk, this practice made Furong's eyes bright.

If it is said that the illusion that the Dream Monster had previously shown in the Masters was quite satisfactory, then the current way of using it makes the Dream Monster look very special.

"The shaking dance and hypnotism seem to have no effect on the dream monster. The dance step of the dream monster facing the other side was not affected at all. This is the fundamental reason why it can successfully win the battle." King Bonnie said curiously: "Take it. Which elf does Mr. Qianli plan to bring out?"

"It's a popping monster!"

The choice of thousands of miles made Ting Shu frown.

What feature will it be?

The two major characteristics of the sonic monster, courage and sound insulation, no matter which one, they are very restrained from dream monsters.

The former is a sprite that can lock the moves of the general attribute and the fighting attribute to the ghost attribute, and the latter is to shield the sound from the attack of the sound moves.

There are two major methods for the illusion and hypnosis of the dream monster, one is through sight, and the other is through hearing.

If the opponent ignores the influence of the sound, then the performance of the dream monster will be greatly restricted.

Looking at Qianli's calm expression, the top trainers secretly nodded their heads. One choice put their opponents in a dilemma, and it was really amazing.

From releasing the elves to Ting Shu, he began to think. Less than two seconds later, Ting Shu hadn't had time to decide whether to take the elves back, and the Boom Monster launched an offensive.

The holes in its whole body vibrated rapidly, creating endless sound waves, the sound waves squeezed each other, and the deafening explosion sounded immediately, which had a destructive effect on the entire venue. In this case, the dream monster had to hide in a hurry, but Still shaken out by the afterwaves, squeezed together by strong sound waves.

"It's the guts characteristic, it's my negligence. No matter whether it is soundproof or not, how could the sonic blaster lose in the sound." Tingshu's face is solemn, which means that no matter what the characteristics of the opponent, the magic spell of the dream monster will be very weak, after all The genie in front of you is not an ordinary popping monster.

In the process of being squeezed by the sound waves, the Dream Demon suffered pain and launched a counterattack. However, before the move was made, it was crushed by the sound waves coming from continuous waves like a wave.

"It's been 6 seconds. The Sonic Boom Monster has continued the big trick like Sonic Boom for 6 seconds. The Dream Monster still can't find a counterattack opportunity and can only be forced to resist, but how long can it last?" The host explained loudly.

In fact, the situation of the Dream Monster at this time is very dangerous. The sound waves controlled by the sonic monsters are constantly bombarding. Even if it performs its tricks forcibly, it has no chance to attack the sonic monsters, and the sonic monsters that spread the sound waves to the audience are even more through this. The intensive offensive made the Dream Monster reduce the chance of illusion success.

"I can only gamble!"

The dream monster resisted the violent attack of the sonic boom through sleep and self-hypnosis, but it also consumed a lot of energy and accumulated a lot of injuries. The garden tree who was too late to consider, could only let the dream monster lucky spell be added, choose In order to fight for luck, a strange light was reflected to interfere with the attack of the popping monster.

Under the spell of luck, the strange light was fortunate not to be swallowed by the sonic boom that swept over it for the first time. Instead, it entered the sight of the sonic boom through the gap of the sonic wave. The change of this trick led to a turnaround in the situation, and the sonic boom suddenly Losing the perception of space, he became confused, and emitted sound waves randomly, and the gap for the action of the dream monster gradually appeared.

"It's now!" Ting Shu gave an order, and the dream monster quickly approached the opponent through a subterranean attack, swept up the wildfire and strange wind, facing this rapid blow, Qianli wanted to break through directly, but subconsciously he felt Ting Shu's purpose It is not such a simple storm.

In the last game, Ting Shu asked Bangira to give Huang Huaban a destruction death light at the cost of losing. What about this time?

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