Pokemon Court

Chapter 911: Speaker of the Fangyuan Alliance

In Caiyou Stadium, many eyes were staring at the two elves in the field.

Elle Duo moved to the back of the leave king, and as it appeared, a brown light followed, turning into an arc and falling on the back of the leave king's neck.

Qianli's leave king exercised his weak parts to the extreme, so the method was very straightforward. The muscles tightened in the state of fitness, especially the parts attacked by Ellerdore, almost contained most of the strength of the leave king.

So when the attack fell on the leave king, Elle Duo only felt his arm numb, as if he had hit some reinforced iron bone.

But even with steel and iron bones, it would never have such strength. In the horror of Ellerdor, the leave king’s arm has been swept away. At this time, the area where Ellerdor attacked also exploded with strength. Bounce the blade of Eluleiduo, exposing Eluleido to the opponent's attack route.

Without thinking, Ellerdor moved instantly!

"Don't worry, this trick will consume a lot of leave King, continue to guerrilla." Ting Shu gave instructions.

There was no accidental splitting of the tiles by the king of leave.

With this blow, Ting Shu saw the power of the leave king with his own eyes. He split the tiles into the air, squeezing out a strong wind, and blew the site to reveal many spider web-like cracks. Terrifying.

The combination of strength and defense is the characteristic of this king of leave. If it weren't for the slow response speed, Elle Duo would be dangerous.

Compared with Elleido, who masters teleportation like instinct, the response speed of the leave king cannot keep up with Elleido’s attack speed, and can only use a powerful body to resist Elleido’s attack.

The collision between the muscles and the blade continued until the third time, the leave king exploded with greater strength and instantly bounced Ellerito out. At this time, the leave king looked extremely hideous, as if he had suffered a lot of pain. Muscle veins violently violently, a shock force actually pushed Elle Duo to the edge of the field, causing Elle Duo to suffer a lot of injuries.

"This leave king..." Ting Shu gritted his teeth, this hand double-returned the trick to cooperate with the leave king's control skills of his whole body strength, directly causing serious damage to Ai Lu Le Duo, and for Ai Lu Le Duo this trick It's impossible to guard against.

"Poisoned, the leave king is poisoned, it seems to be slower!"

When Eluleiduo was repulsed by the shocking force, a frost filled the arms of the requesting king, making the requesting king feel uncontrollably shaken. The host saw this scene, and his eyes immediately brightened.

"Ellreduo has mastered the poisonous moves, combined with the changes in Frozen Fist, and successfully injected the toxin into the body of the leave king in the last attack, causing its ability to move again. It seems that Tingshu has planned to guerrilla to the end. Up."

"Hold up!" Qianli quickly ordered after seeing this.

This trick showed extremely good tactical value on Huaban, but it was not used by Mr. Qianli on other elves. Tingshu guessed that it might be because that Huaban was special and could have a buffing effect on himself. The poison, but other elves do not have this talent.

Now, following the attack of the garden tree, Qianli used this trick again. However, the poisoned state of the leave king at this time was the frost toxin planted by Ellerdor. Under the mutual influence, it is hard to say whether the leave king is actually Not more advantageous.

"Mr. Qianli, the leave king has no flaws in terms of strength and defense. It is extremely powerful. Elle Redo can only use guerrilla tactics to find a chance of victory. It's just..." Elle Redo and the leave king fight equally. At that moment, several heavenly kings fell silent.

The third one sent a leave king, what does it mean?

"Mr. Qianli has three leave kings with similar strengths, with different fighting styles. Each of them is his trump card strength alone, enough to face any situation. In the ordinary masters, Mr. Qianli usually does not He will send a leave king. If the opponent has a little strength, he will send one, like the battles against the current four kings. He sends two leave kings every time. In the battle with Mr. Dawu, he is even more All three leave kings were dispatched! Each of these leave kings was strong enough to suppress ordinary elves. At that time, Dawu was able to break through with the **** battle of giant golden monsters. In that battle, Mr. Dawu even It’s harder to play than the King of Heaven."

Qianli has experienced several major tournaments, and his ace elves are no stranger to most people in high positions. The three kings of leave with different fighting styles are the nightmare of all Masters players. Now the third one of Qianli dispatched a leave king, which made many people start to wonder about Qianli's ideas.

One, two, three?

At this time, many people want to understand Qianli's idea...

With the passage of time, Super Ellerdor and Leave King each consumed each other's physical strength and fell down at the same time. This scene made many people sigh.

"Super evolution was defeated in front of Mr. Qianli's leave request."

"But in the end, the continuous instantaneous movement that Ellerdore burst out was so handsome. It was so oppressive that the king had no time to control his physical strength to resist. He could only spread his strength throughout his body and was forced to be beaten.

"But the combination of double rewards and bodybuilding also made Ellerdore overwhelmed. Both the leave king and his body have accumulated countless injuries. It is not a surprise that they all died together."

The fall of the King of Leave and Elle Duo caused a lot of discussion among the audience. At the same time, the two sides lost three elves each, and the game entered the halftime period.

During this time, Dawu left his seat and found Mr. Konkenstein.

"How many leave kings are there in Mr. Qianli's lineup this time?"

"Three, all of his three kings of leave are in the team. It seems that the speaker has not withstood the pressure." Konkenstein shook his head: "But Tingshu has already qualified for the King of Heaven, even in this game. If you lose unexpectedly, you can't decide the final result. It's better to see his performance. I believe him."

Before the second half started, an elderly man walked out on the podium.

The old man wears a short, hard mustache, has a pair of tan eyes sunken in his eye sockets, and has a tousled gray hair. He looks ordinary, but his arrival has surprised the four heavenly kings. His expression stood up to greet.

"Nakaju Speaker."

"Don't worry about me, I'm just on a whim to watch the game." With the dry voice, the old man waved his hand with a smile.

The speaker of Nakaju, the chairman of the House of Fangyuan Alliance, is also the highest-status person in the Fangyuan Alliance. He once made great contributions to the development of the Fangyuan area. Although he is old, he still has a very large influence.

Such a character will hardly appear in this kind of competition, and only the Supreme Chairman of the Elf League Dama Lanqi likes to run around in the basic conferences everywhere. Of course, this is also related to Dama Lanqi's other position as the chairman. , And only his identity is qualified to manage the torch around the world.

The appearance of the Speaker of the House of Representatives made this battle bewildered. The Four Heavenly Kings had their own thoughts, sitting in their seats and looking at the empty ground below, revealing the original expression.

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