Pokemon Court

Chapter 914: Thousand Miles of Super Evolution

"Water, flames, sandstorms... can the three forces merge like this?"

At this moment, layers of exclaims erupted from the venue. This lava was much more terrifying than the lava flowing in a volcano, and the temperature had broken the limit of lava.

"Hua Yue, you were surprised too early. If you say ‘deservedly a master of coordination’ now, you may be able to show your insight, hehe." After Furong was surprised, he did not forget Huayue next to her.

"The energy of this lava is extremely irritable. Even if it is successfully integrated, its structure needs to be stabilized after launch. This step is probably the only floating bubble that can perfectly master all three types of weather." Genji sighed.

Lava suppressed the leave king and gave Tingshu an advantage. Whether it was the top trainers or the speaker of Naju, all showed unexpected expressions.

"Five years have passed, Tingshu has progressed to this height." Dawu slowly said. Once at the Weather Research Institute, Dawu and Tingshu had a friendly battle, which can also be said to be a guiding battle. At that time, Tingshu, It was undoubtedly the one who was slammed, but judging from the lava eruption displayed by floating bubbles, Ting Shu has the conditions for the giant golden monster that severely damaged him.

"Sure enough!" Seeing the floating bubble suppress the king of leave, Ting Shu thought.

Although the overall strength is not as good as Ellerdor, in terms of the destructive power of the trick, Ellerdor and Floating Bubble are far behind. This type of lava eruption perfectly coordinates the power of rainy, sandstorm and sunny days controlled by Floating Bubbles. , The destructive power is surprisingly amazing, and against the King of Leave, even if it’s the one of Ellerdor, the floating bubble can play a bigger advantage than Ellerdor. It can only be said that the situation is different and the elves can play. The value is different.

The top coordination skills displayed by the floating bubble completely put Qianli into a bitter battle.

Immediately afterwards, the floating bubble took advantage of the victory and the hot steam covered the field. Although the lava was amazingly destructive, it consumed a lot of physical strength on the floating bubble. This high-temperature steam with the perfect coordination of water flow and flame is another kind of hot water move. The application not only has a huge range, but also sustained damage, and the destructive power is also good. When the steam field envelopes the king of leave, it directly forces it to retreat steadily and desperately!

Water, flames, and sandstorms are coordinated to form lava, and water and flames are coordinated to form steam. Floating bubbles can show great destructive power without the help of weather. The two techniques are just to meet the current situation.

Soon, the leave king was unable to support him, and he was defeated. Mr. Qianli had to take back his old partner, looking at Ting Shu with some admiration.

"The new coordinator who stayed at the Orange Road to participate in the gorgeous contest has grown up."

Seeing Ting Shu's changes, Qianli thought of his two children, Xiao Sheng, who regarded himself as an idol, and Xiao Yao, who also wanted to be a coordinator, and hoped that they could be as good as Ting Shu.

"Go, almost a baby!"

Qianli’s fifth elf is an elf he has rarely sent, mainly because almost dolls are rare in Fangyuan. As one of the two doctors in the Qianli team, this is the first time. Appears on the stage of the Masters, but it is another happy egg, and the frequency of appearances is not low.

Almost the doll’s hearing is very strong. Through the tentacles on the ears, you can perceive the heartbeat of the elves, and even subtle radar-like movements. Almost dolls can also use the perception ability of the antennae to feel emotions, similar to the butterfly knot, this kind of perception ability, As a result, almost the doll was used as a general elven nurse by the Elf Center in Hezhong area, instead of the auspicious egg here.

Of course, if the gentle image of the elf nurse is substituted into Qianli's almost doll, then his opponent will definitely regret it. At least Qianli's Happy Egg will make all opponents change their impression of the common partner of Joey's family.

"I once heard that Mr. Qianli has mastered the super evolution. I guessed that it might be his comparison eagle, or his bag dragon, but I didn't expect it to be almost a baby." Dawu said in surprise.

When he played against Qianli, neither of them had mastered the super evolution, which is why he fell into a bitter battle. Against the last leave king of Qianli, if his giant golden monster could be super-evolved at that time, it would not be so laborious.

"Super stone?"

"This almost doll can be super-evolved?"

Obviously, with the appearance of almost doll, the audience also found the problem.

Almost the doll was standing quietly on the field, her pink and beige body was very cute, and her sea-blue eyes were watching the floating bubble seriously. At its neck, a collar studded with super stone could be clearly seen.

Ting Shu has already shown super evolution. What the audience did not expect is that Mr. Qianli also showed super evolution. This is the first time that Qianli has performed super evolution in the Masters. As Mr. Qianli takes the evolution key stone from his clothes Pulling out, the dazzling light reflected in Ting Shu's eyes, making him squint.

The super almost doll is covered with snow-white skin and beige below the abdomen. The sea-blue eyes are transformed into garnet red. Both ears and the ends of the white fur have a white to pink gradient, which is more lovely than the previous image. Not much has changed, it still looks cute, but judging from the fluctuations in its eyes, this battle will be very difficult.

"Floating bubble, pray for rain!" The king of leave came off the field, Ting Shu immediately changed his combat concept, but the next moment, the eyes of the super doll's round pupil burst out, and with the mental shock, the floating bubble was shocked and the floating bubble was returned. The prototype.

"It's a subtle attack. Qianli, a super almost doll, seems to know the physical condition of the floating bubble very well, and it immediately limits its changes."

"No... this is not the scariest..."

As everyone looked around, the Ting Shu on the field was already in deep thought, and suddenly stopped commanding.

"Simple light beam?" The mental shock erupted by the super almost doll is far from that simple. When the floating bubble lost the ability to transform, Ting Shu found that he was very strange to this elf. In the information he obtained, There is no record of this almost baby, and at this time, there is no resistance to the attack.

"A simple light beam sends a thought wave to the opponent. The opponent who receives the thought wave will change its characteristics to innocence, which is a fatal blow to the elf, which is extremely dependent on the characteristics of the floating bubble." Heavenly King Furong covered his mouth.

The characteristics of floating bubbles change from cloudy to simple, which is equivalent to losing half of the fighting power of floating bubbles. Even lava bursts and high-temperature steam cannot be easily coordinated.

"Almost a baby, take a punch!!"

Taking advantage of the floating bubble's inability to react, Qianli and Qiaohua immediately launched an offensive.

This almost doll has strong physical skills and very dexterous movements. More importantly, it masters the light wall, which makes today's floating bubbles very weak. With many auxiliary tricks, the floating bubbles are almost completely suppressed. While attacking and strengthening oneself at the same time, in a short period of time, he actually accumulated the ability class to a terrifying height.

"The floating bubble loses the ability to fight..."

As the referee announced the result, the situation in the battle between Chiri and Takaki took a huge turn.

"This almost doll, unexpectedly played a pure characteristic in battle, using the bonus of pure characteristic, rapid use of meditation and instant amnesia to strengthen itself..."

The effect of simple characteristics is that the ability change will be twice as much as usual. In this case, the effect of using enhanced moves is amazing. Through pure light and playing tactics, the super almost doll immediately gains more powerful strength.

"Oops..." After retracting the floating bubble, Ting Shu frowned. Mr. Qianli's grasp of the moves was very clever, which was really a headache.

At this time, there were two elves left on both sides, and the result of the battle became unpredictable.

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