Pokemon Court

Chapter 968: Miss Hiheko, you will be mine from today

In terms of understanding of this fat man, Xiaozhi and his group call first, I am afraid that only Xiaojirou dare to call second...

Although he had obtained the exact information from Xiaozhi and others, Nanri Kazuko was obviously still not giving up, only Tatsumi was really convinced of what Xiaozhi and the others said.

"Next, let me lead you to meet the three elves."

The second floor of the truck is like a small amusement park. At this time, an Ibrahimovic is dozing off on a soft bed.

In the central small pool, the dragon and the ball sea lion are playing in the water.

"Wow, so cute~~"

The ball sea lion is a blue sea lion genie. It has a white mouth, a beard and a pink ball-shaped nose. A light blue collar surrounds its neck. Its body is extremely smooth, with a pair of forelimbs and tail fins on the front and back.

The gray shell on the back of Chenglong is very unique, and the blue body and sea water are even more elegant and luxurious.

Xiaoxia, who dreams of becoming a master of water elves, can't control her joy after seeing the ball sea lion and the dragon ride.

"The ball sea lion, Chenglong, Ibrahimovic, there are guests here." Nanri Kazuko smiled slightly. She found these three elves from all over the world. The ball sea lion is from Alora, and Chenglong comes from Qi. In the island area, Ibrahimovic comes from the Carlos area. It can be said that the voices of these three elves are the voices most suitable for becoming idols in her mind.


When Ting Shu and the others came in, the dozing Ibrahimovic woke up instantly and gave a vague cry.

The sound was so soft that Xiaogang and the others shivered in an instant, and then the ball sea lion and Chenglong also made welcome calls. This sound, even the Tingshu and his party who do not understand music, know that they have indeed become the top The potential of a singer, that kind of beautiful voice, can be enjoyed by laymen.

Speaking of it, the initial sound of the Qixi Bluebird is actually not as good as these three elves, and it is also inferior. It can play a wonderful movement. It is purely that the Qixi Bluebird's control of energy is at the top level, which increases its overall level In contrast, the sound talents of these three elves can be more demonstrated.

Of course, at present, this kind of talent is purely to make their voices nice and can't be transformed into strength, but Nanri Kazuko's positioning of them is only a singer idol.

"Ibrahimovic comes from the Ibrahimovic Valley in the Carlos region. Although he is still young, he understands the tricks of the "round pupil" and "acting a baby". I hope that it can evolve into the latest evolutionary fairy wizard discovered by Ibrahimovic. That unique voice, if you sing with the'Charming Voice', it will be very tempting." Nanri Kazuko gently stroked the jumping Ibrahimovic.

"The ball sea lion comes from the Alora region and has the characteristics of a moist sound. It can turn all sound tricks into water attributes. The most valuable thing is that this ball sea lion has mastered the skill of carrying singing voices with bubbles before it has evolved. "

"Chenglong comes from the seven islands area and has the characteristics of a moist body. It was rescued from a dangerous sea area. It was facing a siege by a group of tyrannosaurus, and it was its shocking and stirring that attracted us. The song of destruction in the entire sea!"

It took Nanri Kazuko 11 months to find these three elves alone!

"Their voices are indeed very suitable for using voice skills." Xiaogang squinted his eyes and nodded his head, giving Nanri Kazuko a high degree of recognition.

"Yes." Even Ting Shu had to admire Nanri Kazuko's professionalism. The three elves who spent a long time searching for them all had top-notch voice qualifications!

"Thank you very much." Nanri Kazuko smiled slightly, and was recognized by Master Gorgeous. Her hard work over the past year was also worthwhile.

Kazuko Nanri, who graduated from the world's top music school, can be said to have entered Oonagi Entertainment with very big ambitions. After all, without the financial support of a large company, it would be difficult for her to fulfill her dream.

Afterwards, Ting Shu and the others also heard a piece of music sung by these three elves. Under their mutual cooperation, the singing was indeed like a natural sound.



The singer's project team needs to supply supplies and inquire about news in the next town. During this time, Xiaozhi and the others also got out of the car to get a good breath, but at this time Ting Shu finally remembered how sacred Otonagi Entertainment Company was.

"Sure enough..."

Tina Shu, who communicated with Mr. Konkenstein, obtained the information he needed. Unsurprisingly, Otonagi Entertainment Company is one of the many investors in the gorgeous contest. That is to say, the master of coordination with Ting Shu also has A certain relationship.

"Why are you asking this suddenly?" Conkenstein asked puzzled.

"Do you know about Otonagi's ‘Elven Singer Idol Project’?" Takiki asked.

Although he didn’t know much about it, Konkenstein, who was in the office, immediately got the specific information about the project after a little investigation, and told Nisaki: “I know it’s one of the five new projects that Otonagi is forming. Any questions?"

"I said clearly, I want to contract this project. The person in charge of this project, Nanri Kazuko, is a talent. She has a great skill in training the voices of elves. The talents she chose for elves are even more top-notch. It’s a rare thing. It would be a pity that those elves would only make their debut as singers. They might be able to be more useful. Of course, there is no need to stop this singer project. I just hope that I can join them and give these elves apart from being a singer. Another way out."

After in-depth understanding, even Ting Shu couldn't help but become tempted. Ibrahimovic, Qiuqiu Sea Lion... seemed to be the most critical link in the fairy field he was thinking and conceiving. These two talented elves appeared in front of Ting Shu. Suddenly, Ting Shu was a little surprised.

"This..." Konkenstein was taken aback, but he did not expect that Ting Shu would pay attention to Otonagi's subordinate projects and employees.

"Judging from your current position in the senior level of the Gorgeous Contest, they will also attach great importance to your requirements. But after all, Otonagi has invested huge human and financial resources in the five major projects. You have to owe them a lot of money for such an approach. Favor."

From the perspective of Tingshu's current status as the king of heaven, even if Tingshu compensates the other party for all the investment, the other party will not necessarily accept it. After all, compared to the favor of an alliance with real power, money is only a number for such a large company.

"Try to do it as much as possible." After thinking about it, Ting Shu thought that the singer project had this value, and immediately reached a consensus with Konkenstein.

One day later, in the singer's project team near Red Lotus Island, the person in charge Nanri Kazuko received a message that made her a little confused.

From now on, the fairy singer idol project will be transferred to the name of the coordinator, Tina Shu...

In other words, she will be an employee of Ting Shu from today.

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