Pokemon Court

Chapter 970: Plan for the Fairy Realm

It's not just the gym trainer and the Four Heavenly Kings doing this.

Most trainers with a certain amount of financial resources will hire some dedicated trainers, some are responsible for food, some are responsible for massage to the elves, some are responsible for beauty, some are responsible for correcting training tasks, and the trainers themselves provide general training routes.

Of course, most of this approach is to cultivate the elves of the second and even the third tiers in the team. The elves valued by these trainers, most trainers are still willing to cultivate from scratch personally to establish deep bonds.

Just like the elves such as Bangira and Nine Tails in the garden tree...

Like the Butterfly Knots in Autumn Leaves Town, although they belonged to the elves of the garden tree, he only planned the training route, nurtured and cared for them, and was often helped by Qinzi.

Niwa Shuxiang has been involved in the singer project and Hikako. He wants to develop this project into a certain link in the fairy army. Naturally, he cannot do without targeted training. And this training, he is currently unable to devote most of his energy. At that time, the value of Hi and Koko, a professional with outstanding talents, became apparent.

Even after cultivating Hikako, you can ask her for the training of voice moves and the maintenance of the voice of the elves.

In addition, there are other reasons for taking over this project tree. In the future, the number of elves that need to invest resources will increase, and the cost will definitely be huge. If you can put one or two successful projects in your own name, you will get them in the future. The rewards are also considerable. Most of the Four Heavenly Kings have their own properties. Compared with the background of some old-brand Heavenly Kings, Tingshu’s Little Autumn Leaf Town is really nothing. If you don’t hurry up and convert your resources into the future The bottom line that can increase income, after retirement, there is no such good opportunity.

After all, the welfare of the king cannot be the same as Ting Shu's life.

Of course, the follow-up income of the fairy singer idol project is not necessarily considerable, but compared with other projects, the current project has a dual effect. Tingshu will not lose much, it is purely an attempt.

"Exclusive cultivator...this, with my ability, I am afraid it will be difficult to serve." Hihwako said in fear, cultivating elves for a Four Heavenly King? She is not even a junior breeder, which is really difficult for her.

"Don't worry, what I ask for is only for sound tricks. This is your strength." Ting Shu said.

Regarding Xishi Hairen’s moist sound characteristics and its unique water balloon skills as the core, Ting Shu’s more and more felt that the team battle system in his mind was very feasible. He planned to use this project as his own fairy army and fairy If a test link of domain construction can be successfully integrated, it will not be too late for him to spend a lot of energy studying it. If it fails, he does not matter.

Studying how to cultivate elves is always the most expensive part of top trainers. Currently enjoying the benefits of the Four Heavenly Kings, Ting Shu is not afraid of losing money.

As for when this singer group can integrate into the fairy field, I'm afraid it will be a long time later... And why I chose Hiwako and this project, it is really difficult to replicate the voice talent of this Ibrahimovic and Qiqiu sea lion, I want to find The second one is not easy.

Sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch... If the fairy field can have the five sense changes, it will be more perfect. This is also a valuable suggestion made by Lottom after many modeling.

Until now, Hihiko didn't want to refuse this opportunity. She, who had accepted Tingshu's great expectations, could only vowed to work harder in her heart.

"The fat man you are looking for in the fairy singer idol project is an indispensable main force, and I will find a way to subdue it." Then, Tingshu recognized Hi and Ko's vision.

If you think about it carefully, you can find that the elves encountered by Xiaozhi and his team in the original animation and even the elves that are subdued are almost all typical of talents and very special. A wild elves depicted in the original writing can't be incompetent. For the younger generation, just think about the Rockets' Meow. Hihiko has locked onto the fat man, which also shows her unique vision.

Ting Shu also has a deep memory of that fat Ding. That fat Ding’s superb singing skills have hypnotized countless elves, and it is unstoppable. It leads to his dream of finding a confidant who can listen to his singing completely. From this point of strategy, It's not difficult to get a fat guy's friendship, and to sing in front of countless people as the temptation, presumably that fat guy will not refuse.

In addition, Fat Ding is a fairy type, and a talented fairy type fairy, Ting Shu naturally does not want to miss it.

"In the final analysis, even though that fat guy has an unusual talent, he lacks professional training and can't control the tyrannical hypnotic sound waves in his singing. No wonder no one can finish listening to one of its songs..."

Ting Shu thought secretly, I'm afraid that in addition to sound insulation and other characteristics of restraining sound waves, it would be very difficult to resist hypnosis with willpower, even if the strength exceeds the fat by several levels.

"Uh, Mr. Tingshu, do you want to go to Neon Town together?" Rihezi said immediately after hearing that Tingshu was going to subdue the fat man.

"Neon Town? What kind of Neon Town to go to." Ting Shu shook his head and said, "The key to the big battle to subdue Fat Ding lies in one word, wait."

Faced with Tina Shu's explanation, Hiichiko was at a loss.

But Ting Shu knew that as long as he and the others follow Xiao Zhi, wait until Fat Ding appears... it is only a matter of time.



At this time, Ting Shu, Xiao Zhi and the others were still resting in this car. Because of the change in the itinerary, they went directly to Red Lotus Island.

At this time, Xiaozhi and the others did not know that the project team of this project has changed hands, but this does not prevent them from always admiring the daily training of the only three elves in the singer project, even the daily training, the singing Charm is also enough to purify some negative emotions and exhaustion, making people very enjoyable.

"In the case of Ibrahimovic, you have a good idea to mainly exercise its Charm Voice moves. I will change your training schedule and add training tasks to exercise his mental power, so that the bonus effect will be better." Ting Shu said: "Also, don't ignore the sound tricks of the general system. The characteristic of this Ibrahimovic is to predict danger. If it evolves into a fairy elf, the characteristic will become a fairy skin!"

The sound of charm, round pupils, and super powers all have the effect of mental suggestion. In a sense, they can also make the enemy have the ability of trance and hallucinations. It is definitely not wrong to join this training purpose for the time being. In addition, Tingshu was also thinking about the characteristics of fairy Ibrahimovic's fairy skin... Can he also learn the characteristics of exchange moves? He has already discovered the potential of feature exchange moves in the quack frog and Bokby.

"As for the ball sea lion, its talent is very rare. The next step is to exercise this talent while not neglecting its characteristics. It must go hand in hand." This ball sea lion has very special inheritance skills of the Xishi Hairen clan. The ability to integrate sound waves into water bubbles is a special skill that only the ball and sea lions of Wet Sound can master.

Other ball sea lions use sound waves to manipulate water balloons at best, but after mastering this technique, the manipulated water balloons not only have explosive characteristics, but also have the functions of "recorder" and "player", which can contain the characteristics of sound waves. Has a lot of variability and tactical value.

Regarding the training plans of these two elves, Tina Shu and Hi and Ko have jointly discussed and made a lot of changes. In addition to idolization, they also have some involvement in the direction of actual combat. These are all Tina Shu’s efforts to improve the fairy field Preparation, in addition to this line, he will also cast more nets next. As long as one of the links and core can be integrated into the fairy field when closing the net, then all the investment is worthwhile.

As for Chenglong, Ting Shu did not interfere too much with its development, and temporarily handed it over to Ri and Ko.

After arriving at Red Lotus Island, Ting Shu contacted Xia Bo in advance and explained Xiao Zhi and their situation.

For Xiaozhi, this special trainer, Xia Bo still has a deep impression, and naturally they are very welcome to watch the game.

Soon, Ting Shu and Xiao Zhi and his group arrived in front of the Red Lotus Gym.

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