Pokemon Court

Chapter 984: Star Celebration

On the 18th floor, Ting Shu and the others did not stay too much, so they moved on.

After boarding the 19th floor, in addition to the combination of croaking frog and Pokkigu, the Pathfinder added an elf, the big-mouthed baby that Ting Shu just conquered.

When the Big Mouth Baby first came out, Pokkigu was very wrong with it. This situation not only didn't get better as it progressed, but it became more and more intense.

If it wasn't for lack of strength, Tingshu would not doubt that Pokkigu would go straight up and beat Big Mouth Baby.

If it were other elves, Ting Shu would still persuade and persuade, but resting on Pokkigu, Ting Shu's idea directly faded.

"Pokerby's bad illness hasn't changed at all..." Ting Shu said with a secret glance at Pokkigu.

Forget it... this is also a good thing. It's not bad if Pokkigu takes the big-mouthed baby as a chasing object. After all, Pokkigu has not been so concerned about the powerful elves such as the Tanabata Blue Bird.

As for the croaking frog, whatever you want, Pokkigu and Tingshu say it listens, too lazy to think.

So far, Pokkigu has not experienced the bathing of the fairy aura. After it has evolved, Tingshu is not in a hurry. He intends to find the top-quality light stone first. As for the link to stimulate potential, he intends to wait until Pokkigu Plan on the eve of evolution or after evolution.

The most urgent thing is to let Pokkigu focus on the trick of "finger-swinging". It is never too late to stimulate the potential and the practice of the fairy system. In comparison, it is now that Pokkigu is too distracted. Not a good thing.

As for the croaking frog, as it grows up in actual combat, it has discovered its instincts and possesses the qualities of a "ninja". Special combat killers and special combat spies are the main generalizations of ninjas. Compared with Ellerito, The Koga Ninja frog after the evolution of the croaking frog has more variability. It will be two different styles from Alredore. Nowadays, the "protective color" trick has not been incorporated into its training program by the tree, otherwise it will be more consistent. The definition of "ninja".

In addition, Ting Shu also wants the croaking frog to learn the rainy day skills from the floating bubble. In this way, as long as the resources are in place, it will not be difficult for it to enter the top field.

In order to accumulate the foundation, Tingshu next planned to conduct special training on the ninja frog.

Just like when Elleredo learned Iaido, the croaking frog must also learn ninja skills that suit it.

"The legacy of the ninja... I remember that there is a ninja village in the Carlos area, but it has been dead for too long. In addition, the candidate for the king of the Quartz Alliance, Aju of the Light Red Daoguan, is also a ninja."

"Forget it, let's just collect the basic information. There is the Rotom Illustrated Book. According to the characteristics, moves, and styles of the croaking frog, it is the right way to deduce our own way." There is the Rotom Illustrated Book. With a plug-in, Ting Shu is naturally unwilling to copy the cultivation route of others.

During the training all the way, the croaking frog and Pokkigu have fully adapted to the new form, and their strength has increased a lot. After the big mouth baby broke away from the 18th floor, he began to show his brutality again on the 19th and 20th floors, without anymore. The meekness in front of the Qixi Jade Bird hit the elves on the second floor and began to doubt life.

In fact, if you don't face a group of people, Big Mouth Baby's strength is already at the top level in the Ultra-Ancient Pyramid, and there are almost no elves stronger than its single combat power.

After bringing Jialan to the top floor, the two returned the same way, which is the end of this trip to the ultra-ancient pyramid.

Before Ting Shu left, Jia Lan invited him sincerely, and told Ting Shu a piece of news that made him a little curious.

The annual star celebration in Qiyao City is about to begin. At that time, the special altar in Qiyao City will communicate the power of the stars in the sky. It will be a very beautiful landscape.

"If Tingshu Tianwang is interested in the celebration of stars, please be sure to come to the Fengquanliu Dojo to be a guest." Jialan said.

"If there is a chance." Ting Shu smiled slightly, but focused on the star celebration described by Jia Lan: "What is the power to communicate with the stars?"

"That is an altar left from ancient times in Qiyao City. It seems to be built by the ancients... As for the power to communicate with the stars, it seems to rely on the power of elf."

"Cosmic power?"

"Well, this is the move."

The altar that communicates the power of the stars through the power of the universe...is the wisdom of the ancients again?

Ting Shu shook his head in his heart and didn’t care. Let’s talk about it if he has the opportunity. Now he is a little sensitive to the word “star”. Radiated from the moon.

If you can use the power of the moon, maybe the Tanabata Blue Bird will become stronger...



In the ultra-ancient pyramid, Tingshu has three gains. One is the cherry blossom with top-notch sound talent. Tingshu did not intend to train this elf as the main force, but regarded it as a part of the "Elves Singer Idol Project" Staff, but Sakura’s characteristics are very suitable for sunny days. In addition to sound training, Tingshu also wants to leave it with characteristics training tasks, so that it may play an unknown role in the future.

The second is the hundred-year-old powerful vanilla accidentally obtained from the ultra-ancient pyramid. Ting Shu intends to go back and study it slowly. If these powerful vanillas can help the Tanabata Blue Bird to increase its strength by a certain amount, then Ting Shu will have to pass it even if the cost is high. Continue to acquire in various ways, or do it yourself, cultivate vanilla from scratch, and then hire the exclusive grass elves of the alliance to ripen them.

The third is the Big Mouth Baby. After the Rotom Illustrated Book has analyzed and included all its data, Ting Shu plans to use the fairy aura to stimulate its deeper potential. At the same time, Ting Shu and the Rotom Illustrated Book have to think about how to use it. Even if it can't become a single core to integrate into the fairy army, it still has the greatest tactical value.

After bidding farewell to Kalan and Mr. Yoshino, Ting Shu returned to Qiuye Town and began to implement these plans.

Then, in the blink of an eye, it was time for him and Dr. Odamaki to give a lecture.

Weibai Town.

Known as a town that has not been dyed in any color.

Here, the building in the southern part of the town is Dr. Odamaki’s research institute. Some elf trainers who are about to embark on the journey can choose from Dr. Odamaki’s wooden shogunate, turkey chicken, or water leap fish as their beginner elves. .

After arriving here, Ting Shu saw this potbellied, kind-looking elf researcher, and immediately greeted him enthusiastically. The other was a representative researcher from the Fangyuan area, and he had a good status in the academic world, because the two met for the first time. , They immediately kept polite.

"Hahaha, Tingshu Tianwang, my research institute is a bit crude, please forgive me."

Dr. Oda Maki is a Ph.D. who studies the habitat of elves in the Fangyuan area. The research institute is somewhat close to nature, but Ting Shu doesn't care about this, so he quickly went back politely.

In addition, Dr. Oda Maki thought of another interesting thing and suddenly said:

"Oh, right, today I happen to have a new trainer here to choose the elves, you might be curious if you want to guess her identity."

"Reminder, it is related to Mr. Qianli."

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