The battle was over, and the battle was over.

"Fight, fight, what's the good of fighting all day long."

Yakura complained helplessly, after a fierce battle, both elves were injured, and the winner was decided in the end, what's the good of this, it's better to have an elegant dance.

As for revenge for her father, she didn't have the ability, and she was also a little afraid of it.

Her father was so powerful, but he died in the battle, so she was not eager to fight, she wanted to escape, and even wanted to play badly.

While she was thinking about it, Lu Yuan walked in.

"Oh, here I come, I have to lose another game."

Seeing Lu Yuan's confidence and calmness, and his good temperament, Sakura knew that she was going to lose again.

"Let's get started."

Before Lu Yuan could say anything and start the pre-gym match greetings and introductions, Sakura interrupted him.


Lu Yuan walked onto the battlefield and took his trainer's position.

Cerulean Gym is also a water gym. The battle site is a body of water with a few floating blocks on the ground.

Sakura took out a Poké Ball and released a Starfish, which was not very strong, only at the beginner level.

On the belt, the Pokémon of Brachydios moved, and Brachydios came out of the Poké Ball.

"Chamo Chamo~"

Brachydios came to the edge of the water, stretched out a foot to explore, felt the unpleasant touch of the water, and immediately retracted it.

"Chamo Chamo~"

Brachydios came to Lu Yuan, shook his head, and shrugged, indicating that it would not participate in this battle and let other Pokémons take the field.

Lu Yuan cast his eyes on other Pokémons.

In the Poké Ball of the King of Leave, the sleeping King of Leave opened one eye, and then saw the battle field through the Poké Ball, and the opponent was the junior-level Starfish. He shook his head, turned over and continued to sleep.

Forget about this kind of opponent, just let the other brothers go. It was too lazy to go, just sleep.

"Boss, I won't go either."

In the Poké Ball of the Fossil Pterosaur, the Fossil Pterosaur felt Lu Yuan's gaze, shook its head, and felt bored.

"Then it's you, Gyarados, and the venue is just right for you to play."

Lu Yuan decided to let Gyarados play directly, picked up the Poké Ball and threw it, and the huge body of Gyarados appeared in the field.

A pair of fierce eyes looked down at the Starfish in the water.


Seeing that the opponent was a weak creature like Starfish, Gyarados was not very interested, but it was designated by its trainer, so it went.

"Gyarados!! What the hell, is that necessary? This is like killing a chicken with a butcher knife. With such a powerful aura, my Starfish will be destroyed in one move."

Sakura was too embarrassed to look at it. Just one look at Gyarados showed that she had lost. There was no need to compete.

Starfish in the water had huddled up and trembled under the fierce power of Gyarados. She didn't even dare to raise her eyes.

"Forget it, I admit defeat. There is no need to compete. This badge is for you."

Sakura surrendered directly, called a halt to the battle, took out a blue badge that looked like a water drop, and handed it to him.

Rather than being beaten, it is better to surrender immediately. Anyway, you have to take out the badge, so you might as well do it.

"Well, thank you, gym owner."

Lu Yuan reached out to take the badge. This badge was the easiest for him to get. He could get it without fighting. He thought he would have to fight several games.

"No need to thank me, this is what you deserve, you know, I can't give you any advice."

Sakura's face was slightly red, and she said embarrassedly.

Looking at the handsome boy in front of her, they were about the same age, why was he so strong, but she was so weak, and she was the gym leader who was testing him, Sakura felt ashamed.

In shame and embarrassment, she watched Lu Yuan leave.

"Huh? This kid is so fast? Didn't he just go in?"

"Yeah, how come he came out so quickly, buddy, did you get the badge?"

The people waiting outside saw Lu Yuan walk out, and someone asked.

"Yeah." Lu Yuan nodded gently, and then looked at the corner, where there was a young girl, with her arms folded, sulking.

That short orange hair, and a face that was somewhat similar to the anime.

"It's Xiaoxia, haven't you run away from home yet?"

Lu Yuan recognized the girl, the girl who had traveled with Zhiye for a long time at the beginning, and was the "female protagonist" at the beginning.

When he saw the original character, Lu Yuan did not go up to meet him, but left the gym directly.

Because it was unnecessary, a girl, nothing special, if it was Xiaozhi, maybe Lu Yuan would go up to say hello,

Get to know each other and observe Pikachu.

See what this unknown Pikachu is like.

But it's still early, maybe there will be a chance in the future.

At this time, in a Rocket Team base outside Viking City, instructor Viper is training a new batch of special personnel.

The origins of these personnel are not simple, special training, special assessment, so the training method is naturally different from that of Lu Yuan and his class.

Even in an organization like the Rocket Team, there are differences within.

And this task can only fall on the experienced Viper, and the Rocket Team also believes that this old employee can lead these "newcomers".

A burly man with a mask and a black robe is walking towards here with a girl with long red hair.

Seeing this, Viper, who is training the team members, let the students move freely first and greet the newcomer.

"Master Shadow, what is this?"

Viper looked at the girl held by Shadow and asked.

"She is Miyamoto's daughter, Musashi. I'll leave her here with you. This is also the leader's intention. Take good care of her."

Shadow took Musashi's hand and gestured.

"Okay, I'll remember it."

Viper replied, guessing something.

Shadow squatted down, and said to Musashi in a gentle tone: "You can train here with Instructor Viper. When you grow up, you can go out to perform tasks. If you have any questions, you can also contact me."

"Then Uncle Shadow, where is my mother?"

Musashi asked softly, looking straight at him with a pair of clear eyes.

Shadow did not answer, but was silent.

Viper next to him saw this and came out and took over Musashi.

"Hello Musashi, my name is Viper, and I am your next instructor."

"Hello, instructor."

Musashi greeted.

"Then she will be handed over to you. I'm leaving." Shadow stood up and walked straight out.

Viper led Musashi to the front of the newcomers, briefly introduced her, and let her join the team.

"Hello, my name is Kojiro, nice to meet you."

A blue-haired boy greeted her first.

"My name is Musashi."

Musashi stretched out a hand and shook hands with him in a friendly manner.

Shaking hands, the two met each other, and a strange feeling appeared in their hearts at the same time.

"Hehe, do you also think it's cool to be a member of Team Rocket? Let me tell you......"

Seeing this, Viper above did not say anything, and also felt that his arrangement was quite useful. Let the lively Kojiro lead Musashi, so that Musashi would also become lively. Maybe they can work together to perform tasks in the future.

I believe that after his teaching, they can become excellent cadres of Team Rocket and will be in no disadvantage in performing tasks.

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