The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next day.

"Fujiwara Hiro?"

Lu Yuan came to the man and looked at his face in surprise.

This man was Fujiwara Hiro, who had met him several times. He, Qiying, and Fujiwara Hiro were the most outstanding newcomers of the Rocket Team in their session, and all of them were awarded the status of team leader.

Lu Yuan chose to go to Yuhong City, Qiying chose to go to Jinhuang City, and Fujiwara Hiro chose to come to Kuye City.

"Ahem, you are............ Lu Yuan."

Fujiwara Hiro, who was leaning against the tree, opened his eyes and recognized him.


In his shadow, a weak Gengar appeared, with only his head exposed, alert.

"What happened to you? Was it the Alliance's attack?"

"Ahem, yes, can you please take me with you? Just take me back to Vermilion City, and if possible, send me to the Vermilion Gym."

Fujiwara Hiroshi requested. He had no other choice. He was seriously injured and had difficulty moving. He only had one Gengar left, which was still able to move, but was struggling.

He could only helplessly put his hope of leaving on this person he knew. After all, they were from the same class, so they had some friendship.

Otherwise, when the Alliance came after him and investigated him again, he would not be able to leave.

"My identity has not been exposed yet, so this will not affect you."

Fujiwara Hiroshi added this sentence.

"Okay, I have to go to the Vermilion Gym anyway, so I'll take you there."

"Thank you."

After that, he simply treated his wounds, took him with him, and went to Vermilion City together, transferred to a car, and drove to the Vermilion Gym.

"Brother, why don't you go to the hospital? Why go to the gym? This guy looks like he's seriously injured."

On the way, the driver in the front row started chatting.

"I'm an apprentice in the gym. The gym has its own medicine. It costs a lot of money to go to the hospital. I have to save some money."

Fujiwara Hiroshi in the back row responded. What he said was true. His identity in Vermilion City was that of a gym apprentice.

"Aren't you trainers very profitable? You're saving a little bit." The driver said happily.

"Hey, not every trainer can make money. Look at me. I didn't get anything today and I got injured. I don't know how many days it will take to recover. It's really unlucky. If I hadn't met my friend, I would probably have died in the wild. It's not easy to make money. It's better to be as safe as you, Master."

"Haha, everyone has different choices. It's good that you can come back safely. Last time, I picked up a trainer. It was so miserable. His arm was gone and blood was flowing. I sent him to the hospital for emergency treatment, but later I heard that he didn't make it and died at a young age."

The driver also sighed, and then sighed.

"Fortunately, no one died in my car, otherwise I wouldn't want to drive. It's not just that one person. I can meet two or three a month."

Fujiwara Hiroshi talked very naturally. He was not as cold and silent as he was in the base before. The past few months of life have also had a great impact on him.

"You are amazing, brother. You can learn a lot by joining the gym. You can also receive the guidance of the gym owner and make some connections. It is not difficult for you to rise to prominence in the future."

"Hahaha, really? That's a good omen for you."

The car stopped at the Dead Leaf Gym, and Lu Yuan helped Fujiwara Hiroshi get out of the car.

"Huh, I'm finally back."

Only when Fujiwara Hiroshi arrived at the gym door did he completely relax.

"Thank you, Lu Yuan, for sending me here. If you have nothing to do, come in with me." As he said that, he leaned close to his ear and whispered, "The gym owner is also one of ours. This is our territory."

"That's even better. I just want to come to the gym."

After listening, Lu Yuan smiled.

"Why, is there any mission from Yuhong that requires cooperation from Kuye?"

"No, it's my personal matter. I came here to challenge the gym."

"Challenge the gym? Are you going to participate in the alliance meeting?"


"I understand. Come in with me first."

After Lu Yuan helped Fujiwara Hiroshi enter the gym, two people dressed in social clothes came over.

"Fujiwara, how come you are so seriously injured?"

"Ahem, Jiantian, Wenjie, let's go back inside and talk."

"Then this........."

The two looked at Lu Yuan, then at Fujiwara Hiroshi, waiting for him to explain.

"This is one of us, no problem."

Hearing this, the two of them were relieved to put the two people

Welcome him in.

In the room, after some treatment, Fujiwara Hiroshi also recovered, his face was ruddy, he changed into a new set of clothes, and restored his demeanor when they met before.

"Lu Yuan, thank you very much for this time. If you hadn't passed by, I might have been caught. Thank you so much."

Fujiwara Hiroshi was grateful.

"I just did it by chance. Why is it like this this time? What went wrong?"

Lu Yuan waved his hand and asked again.

"This time, there was a traitor, and it was at the captain level." Speaking of this, Fujiwara Hiroshi's face was not good. He almost got caught this time, and it was also related to this traitor.

"He has been secretly solved by the branch chief, but the base was still exposed. I happened to be there at that time, so you saw this scene."

"The branch chief is also the head of Ma Zhishi Gym. If the traitor had not contacted the chief, he would have been exposed. We would not have known at the beginning. The traitor was also blind and did not know the depth of the situation."

At this point, Fujiwara Hiroshi sneered and felt that he had let out a breath of anger.

"By the way, just talking, you came here to challenge the gym, right? No need to challenge, I will just give you this badge."

Fujiwara Hiroshi took out an orange badge and handed it to him.

This is the badge of the Dead Leaf City.

"Is this okay?"

Lu Yuan took the badge and hesitated.

"No problem, what's the problem? It doesn't affect it, don't worry." Fujiwara Hiroshi waved his hand and said.

Or really let go, there is no need to put on airs, Fujiwara Hiroshi is much more casual.

"Which badges have you not collected yet?"

Fujiwara Hiroshi looked at him and asked,

"There are still four badges missing. I have collected Yuhong, Deep Gray, Hualan and your badge, a total of four badges."

Lu Yuan answered truthfully.

"Hahaha, that's a coincidence."

Fujiwara Hiroshi laughed when he heard it.

"Huh? How is it a coincidence?"

Lu Yuan felt a little strange.

Then Fujiwara Hiroshi revealed a big secret that he thought was amazing.

"It's just a coincidence. It's normal that you don't know. I tell you, you don't need to go to the remaining gyms. Just apply for them directly. You can get the badges of Golden, Light Red, Changpan and Honglian Town directly. These are all our own people, so we don't have to run around. Don't worry, even if you take them to participate in the alliance meeting, it will not affect your use."

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