The ship was in a mess, but the ship was still in a mess.

"What do you mean?"

Lu Yuan asked.

Fujiwara Hiroshi lowered his voice and said, "Our people lurking on this ship contacted me and said they were short of manpower and asked us to help."

"Lack of manpower? What are they going to do?"

Lu Yuan asked again, vaguely guessing something.

"Looking for a single-headed dragon. According to the news, the single-headed dragon among the three quasi-gods was stolen, but it is still on the ship. I won't hide it from you. This Saint Ann is also the target of our Rocket Team. The senior executives inside are also our people. Soon, our organization will be able to fully control it."

"Looking for a single-headed dragon........."

Lu Yuan narrowed his eyes and thought to himself, as expected.

"Let's go, let's go and look for it together. To be honest, there is little hope of finding it. There are so many people on the cruise ship and the place is so big. Isn't this like looking for a needle in a haystack? Those people are either rich or noble, and we can't search them one by one, right?"

"Try your best. Since they called you, let's go and help." Lu Yuan looked helpless, got up and walked out with Fujiwara Hiroshi.

As for the single-headed dragon, since it is so predestined, then he will accept it. He doesn't steal or rob, so he can only blame this damn fate.

When the two came outside, Fujiwara Hiroshi also received a copy of the information about the single-headed dragon, and gave it to Lu Yuan, and then began to search aimlessly on the cruise ship.

"Luxury ball.........then change to a Poké Ball."

During the break, Lu Yuan came to a lounge and released the single-headed dragon.


The single-headed dragon opened its hazy sleepy eyes and took a look. Another person has changed? But this person is not bad, making it feel warm, inexplicably friendly, and much more pleasing to the eye.

So the single-headed dragon was very considerate and roared as a response.

Then it continued to lie down, motionless, and continued to swing.

Anyway, it was like this.


Strong Chicken walked out from behind, looking left and right, how could this elf be like the King of Leave when he was playing badly?

How could he play badly at such a young age?

"Cha! How can you play badly at such a young age? Can you sleep at this age? Can you sleep at this stage? Can you be more promising?"

Strong Chicken stepped forward to persuade.

But the single-headed dragon still did not move, and did not respond.


Strong Chicken came to the other side of it and continued to talk, but the single-headed dragon still ignored it.

Seeing that it did not respond, Strong Chicken picked up a stick from the side and poked it, but still did not respond.

"It's hopeless, this bunch is hopeless."

Strong Chicken shook his head, spread his hands, and sighed.

However, Strong Chicken still felt threatened by the single-headed dragon. The strength of this bunch of single-headed dragons was not weaker than it.

Lu Yuan destroyed its luxury ball and took out a super ball.

The super ball is also a Poké Ball with excellent performance. The environment inside the Poké Ball is better than that of ordinary Pokémon.

If the ordinary Poké Ball is an ordinary room, then the super ball is a luxurious villa with more functions, allowing the Pokémon to live more comfortably.

The price is also higher than that of ordinary Poké Balls, up to 100,000 per ball, which is considered a luxury among Poké Balls.

Earlier, the fossil pterosaurs changed and lived in this super ball.

"Single-headed dragon will give you a new environment."

Lu Yuan said, holding the super ball.


It was pleasing to the eye and the breath on his body made it feel happy, so the single-headed dragon called him and looked indifferent.

For it, it doesn't matter where it lives.


Dinobot returned to the Poké Ball, and with a dong, it was successfully captured, and then released.

"Eat something, let's talk."

Lu Yuan took out the advanced energy cube, and also matched a set of food that suited the appetite of the Dinobot family on the spot, and placed it in front of it.

"It tastes good, ah~"

Dinobot sniffed, climbed up, and ate it.

"Hmm, it tastes good, delicious."

"Here, moo milk."


Kroko sat aside and ate together.




The two Pokémons ate, and this time, perhaps for the sake of the food, Dinobot responded and told some of his own situation.


Kroko looked at his trainer with an inquiring look.

The boss should have a way, right? In the eyes of Li Zhuangji, his boss is omnipotent.


As expected, facing its eyes, Lu Yuan smiled and nodded.


The strong chicken was also happy. His boss was indeed omnipotent.


"Single-headed dragon, your body is a little special. I can understand you."

Lu Yuan carefully checked and found the body.

"Ao, you can understand me. No wonder, I also feel a gentle power in you." Single-headed dragon also stopped eating, looked at him, paused, and said: "You can see my problem. I am useless. According to you humans, there is no value in cultivation. After eating this meal, you send me back to refund. You are a good person. I don't want you to lose too much. Don't be fooled by them."

The displacement during this period also made Single-headed dragon understand some things in human society.

For example, it is Single-headed Dragon, which is the quasi-god spirit in their mouth. It is very valuable and popular.

Now, it is also relying on this name to eat and drink for free.

"Hehe." Unexpectedly, Lu Yuan laughed and reached out to touch its forehead. Shan Shoulong did not refuse, but felt a warmth, a force spreading from his palm, flowing through its body, warm.

"Your problem can still be solved."

Lu Yuan said gently.

"What? My problem can be solved? Are you kidding?" Shan Shoulong was a little unconvinced, but due to the touch of the power of Changpan, it just shook its head.

"Then let's do this, if I solve your problem, you will follow me."

Lu Yuan said with a smile.


Seeing his sincere eyes, Shan Shoulong's heart suddenly moved, and he inexplicably felt that he was not lying, and it could succeed.

Because the energy entering the body slightly changed the body a little bit.

"How's it going, Single-headed Dragon."

Hearing this, the Single-headed Dragon nodded and agreed, and his fatigue also faded a little. If it could recover, it wanted it more than anyone else.

How could it be willing to become a waste? It has high-level strength, but it can't accumulate strength, can't upgrade its level, and its combat power is also poor because of distracting thoughts. It's a complete waste.

Ordinary elves can't stand it, let alone such a proud dragon elf!

Dragon elves are more eager to be strong than anyone else.

"Haha, that's fine. When we leave here, I will take care of your body. Don't worry, it's not difficult. You can stay in the Poké Ball for a while."

He roughly understood the situation of the Single-headed Dragon.

It has another dragon origin in its body that is being nurtured, and it needs a lot of energy to plunder the energy of the Single-headed Dragon to develop.

The other dragon origin is also generated by the body of the Single-headed Dragon, naturally integrated, so from the outside, there is no problem at all, and it is difficult to detect the problem.

Moreover, Lu Yuan also discovered that there was a soul-like existence being nurtured at the source of power. From the breath of the soul, Lu Yuan felt a sense of disorder and antiquity, not like a newborn thing.

Spirits like single-headed dragons.

They are quite special. Usually, when a single-headed dragon reaches a certain strength, another divine thought will be condensed in its body to prepare for the future evolution into a two-headed Tyrannosaurus. After evolving into a two-headed Tyrannosaurus, the two heads will compete for control of the body and even attack each other.

But the one in the single-headed dragon is very special. It is not a new divine thought, but rather an alien body.

If you want to describe it with a noun, it is "regret".

In addition, spirits like single-headed dragons are special. Their bodies will condense new divine thoughts. The cohesive force of the flesh and this "foreign object" have undergone a series of changes, causing the single-headed dragon to be unable to concentrate on fighting and interfere with the single-headed dragon.

But strictly speaking, the appearance of a single-headed dragon is also the growth model of the single-headed dragon clan, which is not surprising. Many single-headed dragons will also condense divine thoughts and evolve.

But the special thing is that other single-headed dragons are spontaneously generated, while the single-headed dragon is an "external object" that replaces the spontaneous generation of the single-headed dragon and cannot be coordinated with it. This is the result obtained after Lu Yuan activated the power of Changpan and supernatural power exploration. Knowing the reason, Lu Yuan has a way to solve it, but this place is not suitable, so he can only wait until he gets somewhere else.

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