The young man was so young that he could not wait for the next meal.

"Ah, it has evolved."

The light of evolution in front of him made the strong chicken feel incredible.

The surprise really came. The surprise it just mentioned was not this surprise.

Could it be that the great chef of strong chicken really has this talent?

The strong chicken also fell into doubt.

The three fossil pterosaurs, Gyarados, and the leave king also cast their eyes. Evolution is the leap of the elves' life, and it is also something that people and elves like to see.

In the light of evolution, the body shape of the single-headed dragon is also changing. The figure is elongated, the appearance is taller, and it has two heads.


The light faded, and a new-looking Pokémon appeared. It had two heads, a blue body, black fur on the front, two rows of purple stripes on the belly, and a pair of wings on the back.

This is exactly what the single-headed dragon looks like after evolution, the two-headed Tyrannosaurus.

"Ah~, is this my partner? You're the only one who calls me Brother Chicken? Weak, too weak, a weakling."

The evolved two-headed Tyrannosaurus saw the strong chicken in front of it, and one head mocked.


Strong Chicken was stunned. He didn't expect that the newly evolved two-headed Tyrannosaurus would say such a thing, and then he was embarrassed.

Damn, it was Strong Chicken, and it was mocked, saying it was a weak chicken? ?

"Shut up, Strong Chicken is a respectable partner."

The other head said immediately.

"Hehe, my two-headed Tyrannosaurus is so talented, and it is so weak, not worth it."

The other head snorted, with a tone of arrogance, which is also the pride of their dragon-type elves. They only respect the strong. The strong chicken in front of them is not good enough.

"Do you deserve a fight?"

"Hehe, do you want to fight? Come on."

The two heads just started fighting, which made the strong chickens look confused. Why did they quarrel with each other? And they got angry?

"The two heads of the two-headed Tyrannosaurus have a bad relationship. They will fight for the same food and want to eat more than the other to gain the dominant position. The rumors are true."

Lu Yuan also stood up from the recliner and came to the two-headed Tyrannosaurus. Seeing that it was fighting with itself, he smiled faintly.

"Boss, what's going on."

The strong chicken ran to Lu Yuan and asked.

"The single-headed dragon has evolved and is now called the two-headed Tyrannosaurus. It has two heads and two ideas. The one who just said you was the head that just evolved, and the one who apologized should be the consciousness of the original single-headed dragon."

Lu Yuan explained to let the elves know the specialness of the two-headed Tyrannosaurus.

"Now, the two heads of the two-headed Tyrannosaurus are suppressing each other and taking the lead. In the absence of external enemies, it is not surprising that they quarrel."

"Ah, so that's it, then the single-headed dragon, no, the two-headed Tyrannosaurus can't be like before?"

Strong Chicken was surprised. If the consciousness of the head in the single-headed dragon period was suppressed, wouldn't it be a different elf.

"The two-headed Tyrannosaurus is like this, and their clan is like this."

Hearing Lu Yuan's voice, the two-headed Tyrannosaurus stopped fighting and looked over.

"Boss, I evolved."

One head said.

"You are my trainer, it's okay."

The other head said, with a more arrogant tone.

"Congratulations, Tyrannosaurus Rex, you have evolved successfully."

Lu Yuan smiled and congratulated.

"Thank you, boss."

"Hehe, isn't evolution supposed to happen? It was just an accident before, otherwise I would have evolved long ago, but thank you very much."

The two heads said different things, but fortunately, Tyrannosaurus Rex still recognized him as a trainer. Even if the new head was a little proud, it recognized him.

"Now that you have evolved, the training plan must be adjusted for you. In the future, you two should work together in battle and don't fight each other."

Lu Yuan stepped forward and raised his hand. One of the Tyrannosaurus Rex's heads naturally stretched out its head to accept his touch.

"Hehe, childish."

The other head looked very disdainful, but when Lu Yuan stretched out his other hand, for some reason, it also came over and let him touch it.

Realizing that he was like this, the head blushed, struggled to drop his hand, and held his head up.

Humph, it won't be like that childish ghost. What happened just now was just the body's instinct. Well, it was instinct, not its original intention.

"From now on, I'll call you Dahei, and you can call yourself Erhei."

Lu Yuan followed and gave the two-headed violent

The two heads of the dragon have a name to avoid calling it wrong during subsequent training.

"Hehe, I don't accept it. Why is it called Dahei? I am Erhei. I should call it Dahei, and it is Erhei."

Erhei said unconvinced.

"Whatever the boss says is what it is. Why are you objecting to it?"

Dahei said.

"Hehe." Lu Yuan laughed and said to Erhei: "Didn't you ask me why I call it Dahei? Because it is stronger than you. According to the rules of the dragon clan, it is big."

What Lu Yuan said is true. Perhaps it is due to the previous "regrets". After it was dissolved, it became the nutrients of the single-headed dragon. Under the nourishment, the mental power of the single-headed dragon is also stronger, even if it evolves.

It's just that Dahei has just evolved and hasn't realized it yet. Later, with the mental power stronger than Erhei, it is only a matter of time for Dahei to take the initiative.

However, taking the initiative does not mean that Erhei will disappear. We still need to unite Erhei, let it cooperate, and gather the strength of the two heads to exert its full strength.

This is another reason why Lu Yuan wants to exclude Dahei and Erhei, so that Erhei can know his position at the first time, without fighting, and waiting for the winner to be decided, which is also a waste of time.


Dahei also got excited. Thinking of this step, he knew his strengths. With a thought, he was able to control his body and compress Erhei's consciousness.

Erhei was also dissatisfied and started to fight, but found that he could not win. Dahei's mental power was stronger than it.

"Erhei, according to the rules of the dragon clan, the strong are respected, so I will be the leader in the future."

Dahei said excitedly.

"Roar." Erhei was obviously dissatisfied and wanted to refute, but he didn't know how to refute.

The rules of the two-headed Tyrannosaurus family are like this. Whoever is stronger controls the body and takes the lead.

For ordinary two-headed Tyrannosaurus, the strength of the two heads is similar at the beginning. After a struggle, the stronger one will take the lead, but this takes time.

But the two-headed Tyrannosaurus is easier, because the previous thing, as soon as it evolved, there was a difference, and the strength directly overwhelmed the other head, without a struggle to decide the winner.

"Okay, okay, since the strength is determined, then let's do it this way. You two must cooperate sincerely, train together, fight together, and you two are also one."

No matter what, there is bound to be a dominant consciousness among them, and they are all in the same body.

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