The battle was fierce, and the two sides were still fighting each other.


Half an hour had passed since the fierce battle, and the two sides were still fighting each other.

Super Gyarados relied on its strong physical strength to maintain its super evolution state, but scars appeared on its body, and the dark ghost power was wrapped around the scars, making Gyarados very painful.

The King of Leave and the others were also injured, but they were still holding on.

Taking advantage of the gap, Lu Yuan quickly took out the pills, swallowed them, used drugs to restore his physical strength, and then joined the battle with the Night Demon.

Their physical strength was consumed quickly, but the state of the Night Demon was also abnormal as the battle progressed.

The breath began to become weak, fine cracks appeared on the body, and a trace of life energy overflowed.

But the foundation of the King level is still there, and it is not clear who will win for a while.

Lu Yuan's fighting method is to drag it out first, and drag it until there is a change, then he has the hope of winning. Even if there is no hope of winning, he can drag it until its breath is weak and its level drops, and he can retreat calmly.

The attack of the Night Demon can be resisted by the team together. When it can't be resisted, it will teleport away, but injuries are still inevitable.

Then, Lu Yuan also took out medicine and used it on them to increase their strength as much as possible.

"It's still weak. It's so hard to fight a disabled King."

Lu Yuan wiped the blood from his mouth and said helplessly.

If he could run away, he would have run away long ago. Staying to fight with this Night Demon is also a helpless move.

After a battle, he also found that the strength of the King level is so strong that even he, a trainer, was injured.

This time, it was also the biggest crisis he had encountered since he became a trainer.

"Is anyone watching? It's also a king-level battle. The noise is so loud and it lasts for a long time. It would be strange if they were not discovered."

Lu Yuan frowned and said. Although this place is remote, the momentum caused by the king-level Night Demon Spirit is not small.

"Sir, what should we do?"

A team of search officers surrounded them from a distance, and they did not dare to approach, because the strongest among them was only a gym-level trainer, and they did not dare to move forward, fearing that they would be involved in the battle. If they were involved, they would be in danger of death.

"What should we do? Let's take a look at the situation first, or you can go and see what's going on?"

Hearing his subordinates say this, the commander replied unhappily.

"I think it's better to forget it."

The terrifying energy fluctuation appeared again, and the young man shrank his neck in shock.

The commanders are all gym masters, and they don't dare to go up, let alone this little shrimp. With his condition, he will die if he goes up. If there is no accident, you can see the aftermath of the power.

"Ahem, let's stay here first. I have reported to the higher-ups. Someone should come. What we can do is to keep an eye on this area first. If there is anything, wait for the support to come."

"Yes, commander."


The dark ghost power intertwined with many powers, and the various energies intertwined and attacked each other, and then suddenly exploded.

The people who were still outside saw it and hurriedly called on the elves to retreat. In the dark night, various colored moves flashed in the air, revealing a terrifying atmosphere.


Lu Yuan opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood, his body was shaking constantly, and Gyarados and the others were also weak and injured.


A square strange space was formed, covering this area.

Lu Yuan and the elves in the space felt suppressed.

This move was performed by the Night Demon Spirit. It performed this trick space according to instinct. It was useless to interfere with it.

In this space, the originally slow Night Demon Spirit was amplified and its speed doubled.

In a blink of an eye, a dark figure appeared in front of Lu Yuan, and a huge black shadow punched out, smashing Lu Yuan into the ground.


The Super Gyarados roared and moved forward to stop it, but was dodged behind and punched down.

After that, the Night Demon Spirit aimed at the King of Leave, came close, and punched down.

The King of Leave supported his arms and took the blow. When he wanted to counterattack with his power, he was empty in front of him and the Night Demon Spirit disappeared.

The King of Leave also teleported away immediately, and the next second, a huge fist fell on the ground under his feet.

The Night Demon Spirit quickly caught up.

"You two cooperate with me. It will go around behind me according to its habit. Pay attention."

Through telepathy, Gyarados and King of Leave both heard Lu Yuan's voice.

, and also figured out the fighting style of the Night Demon, and had a plan in mind.

In mid-air, Lu Yuan's figure appeared and sent a super-energy light wave to it, but it was easily avoided. In the blink of an eye, it killed it again.


Gyarados flew up from the ground and bit it fiercely, and the position of the bite was exactly where it was.

The King of Asking for Leave also teleported to the scene.

The Night Demon pretended to avoid it. When Lu Yuan saw it, he secretly said that it was indeed true, and rushed forward.

On the way back, it collided with a blue shadow. During the collision, a green power emerged. It was the power of Changpan. This pure life force was absorbed into the body of the Night Demon.

The blue shadow was naturally Lu Yuan. At full strength, he collided with the Night Demon and stopped its figure.

Lu Yuan was also knocked to the ground by this counterattack. His internal organs seemed to be displaced and he was in great pain, but his goal was achieved.

Without time to rest, Lu Yuan quickly stood up, sensed the power of Changpan, and determined the location of the Night Demon.

The Night Demon, who only had instinct, would definitely absorb the pure life energy of Changpan's power. This was what Lu Yuan expected, and the result was just as he thought. Now the Night Demon was like a mark for him, which could sense the location of Changpan's power to determine the location of the Night Demon, thus avoiding the problem of the Night Demon's speed.

"Behind Gyarados."

Gyarados heard it, and his tail was attached with dragon power. The dragon tail slapped upwards, and it really hit the Night Demon. With the location, the King of Leave also rushed to the scene, and Lu Yuan's figure also appeared above. The three of them attacked together again and fought against the Night Demon head-on.

Then, no matter where the Night Demon appeared, Lu Yuan and the two elves chased it in real time and accurately located it. One person, two elves and three people worked together, regardless of other things, and beat the Night Demon with all their strength.

Something strange also happened to the Night Demon. The thin lines became more and more numerous and larger, causing the Night Demon to lose strength.

The two elves looked at each other with joy, and seized this opportunity to quickly perform the most powerful moves.

Gyarados's evil wave, King of Leave's 100,000 volts, Lu Yuan's energy fist.

On the other side, under Lu Yuan's command, the fossil pterosaur and the two-headed Tyrannosaurus also launched an attack.

Colorful moves appeared, all blasted on the Night Demon, and sank into the ground.

Lu Yuan condensed four walls of light to bind that position, and Gyarados and others performed moves again and smashed it.

After a terrifying sound that shook the world, the venue was full of the noise of battle.

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