The two of them were very busy, but they were still busy.

"You are really useless, Fatty. Don't think too much."

But looking at Sakai Ki's expression, he probably doesn't believe it either.

"I understand, I understand."

Lu Yuan didn't continue to explain, and returned to the guest room prepared for him by the Rocket Team.

The Rocket Team headquarters is very spacious, so there is naturally no place to stay.

In the lobby, Lu Yuan checked his information in the Rocket Team. His position has become the head of a place, and his superior is only Sakaki, who can be contacted directly.

Lu Yuan swiped his mouse and clicked on an email in the mailbox.

It was about the situation in the Dark City.

Dark City is located in the southwest of Kanto. It is small, has few elf resources, and has no official gyms. However, there are two private gyms, namely Kaz Gym and Yas Gym.

However, in order to get official recognition and become a true alliance gym, the two gyms have a very bad relationship and are not on good terms. They are already ready to fight.

In addition, the Holy Church called the Divine Beast Gang is involved, making the situation more complicated. They also want to control Dark City, so they targeted Team Rocket and killed people with a borrowed knife, causing serious damage to the Dark City branch. However, after its leader was taught a lesson by Sakaki, he withdrew sadly and has not made any sound yet.

In the Dark City, Team Rocket has two elite captains, three squad leaders, eleven ordinary combat members, and seven technical members, a total of twenty-three people.

It can be said that it is extremely dilapidated. This force is too declining.

It is even less than a battalion in some prosperous cities.

Dark City is not a metropolis. The former branch chief is also a gym-level trainer. Elite-level trainers can become captains, similar to the Rocket Branch in Blue Pulley City.

However, unlike Blue Pulley City, Dark City has to deal with the Divine Beast Gang that came out of nowhere.

Their abilities are unpredictable. For a big guy like Sakaki, they are just trash, but for Lu Yuan, they are not, and they are worth his serious attention.

Lu Yuan watched quietly, thinking about how to rebuild a Rocket Branch to achieve the power that Sakaki said can be used at critical moments.

"Hey! How did this Uchiyama Hide go to Dark City? And became the deputy mayor of Dark City?"

As the mouse slid, Lu Yuan saw a familiar figure, who was the Uchiyama Hide he met in Yuhong City.

At that time, he also extorted a sum of money from himself, and later asked him to donate money again to buy the identity of a certified trainer of the League.

At that time, he was promoted to a director of some kind.

I didn't expect that after only three or four months of not seeing him, Uchiyama Hide was promoted again and became the deputy mayor of Dark City. He also had many titles and was also listed as the deputy director of the investigators, and was also in charge of the public security of Dark City.

"So that's it. Uchiyama Hide is really lucky. He just got transferred to Dark City and encountered this."

Lu Yuan checked carefully and found that Uchiyama Hide was able to be promoted so quickly, and the help of the Divine Beast Gang was not small.

As soon as he was transferred here, he got the information from the Divine Beast Gang, and then he executed it, dispatched troops to attack the Rocket Team branch, and achieved very good results, so he was promoted.

"Why, something is wrong, could Uchiyama Hide be related to the Divine Beast Gang?"

Lu Yuan looked around and guessed in his heart.

I was thinking, could Uchiyama Hide be supported by the Divine Beast Gang? How could it be so coincidental?

Of course, this is also a guess. Maybe the Divine Beast Gang broke the news about the Rocket Team, and this person happened to run into it, which was also due to luck.

However, Lu Yuan was no longer a team leader at this time. He had to think about things that were beyond the surface. He had to go deeper. Even if his imagination was a little outrageous, he had to guard against possible trends.


In the dark city, Uchiyama Hide was sitting in his own office, overlooking the people coming and going below. At this time, he was full of ambition. Finally, he finally took this step, which was worthy of his years of hard work.

"Mayor, Alliance Committee Member..."

In Uchiyama Hide's eyes, there was something called ambition. The deputy mayor was so wonderful, so what kind of scenery was above?

Thinking of this, his blood boiled again. It felt so good to have power.

As soon as he said it,

Tens of thousands of people bowed their heads.

Countless respectful eyes were placed on him, and those chaebols also looked at him differently and were respectful.

"Mayor Uchiyama, how do you feel? We are really sincere. This is our first wave of gifts. There will be more in the future."

In the room, an elegant man said with a smile, and his gestures were very elegant.

After hearing the man's words, Uchiyama Hide's smile was instantly put away. By the way, don't forget this. Speaking of his promotion, it is also related to them.

"You are really powerful. You can even find the hiding place of the Rockets. It's great. The league needs people like you. If you want to join the system, you can tell me and I will help you get it."

Uchiyama Hide sat down in front of him and smiled lightly.

In his words, he had the intention of conquering them, because they were really good and worthy of his conquest.

"I don't have that intention, but I have a few relatives, so I'll trouble you, Mayor."

"Okay, okay."

Uchiyama Hide nodded with a smile. No hurry, this is just the beginning, step by step, I can understand.

After finalizing several cooperations with Uchiyama Hide, the man said goodbye and left.

Now it's just the beginning, we have to take it slowly, we have to wait until the pig is fat, then it will be fun to kill it, and this pig will still have a lot of uses in a short time, which can be used by their Holy Church.

"The Supreme Group, the president Ikeda Iku, a king-level trainer, it's okay to cooperate with them."

For the credit sent up, Uchiyama Hide naturally did some investigation and knew that they came from a person called the Supreme Group.

It is the Ikeda family, a local family in Dark City. The company opened by them has been in Dark City for many years. The president of the company became a king not long ago, and its strength has reached a higher level.

Perhaps, to support him, he just came to Dark City and sent him such a big gift.

Having tasted the sweetness, Uchiyama Hide also hopes to continue to cooperate with them.

In Uchiyama Hide's view, these people just want some privileges, or monopolize the trade of the Dark City, and need to have a say in the alliance. And he, Uchiyama Hide, was favored by them because of his outstanding ability and superb skills, so they made additional investments.

As for cooperating with them, Uchiyama Hide has no resistance at all.

Which local official has no connection with the local nobles?

Without their support, it will be difficult to carry out administrative work.

He, Uchiyama Hide, is not the first person to cooperate with them, nor will he be the last.

He wants to climb up, and they want privileges. They just take what they need. When he is promoted and leaves the Dark City, the situation here will be the next person's business.

"Political achievements, if there are a few more like this, the position of mayor will be mine. It's a pity. I hope they can give more strength."

Uchiyama Hide's heart is burning, and he has great expectations for the future.

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