The old man was so angry that he was beaten.

"Neither a human nor a ghost? Haha, you are still too young. How can becoming stronger not require some price?"

After listening to this, Ka Ying laughed and sighed that this man was too old to know the dangers of society.

I think he is so talented and well-treated that he doesn't know the pain of the bottom trainers.

How can becoming stronger not require some price?

But in Lu Yuan's view, this is an extremely ridiculous thing. The Pokémon has already been like that. It can be said that it is no longer a Pokémon partner, but a prop, his killing machine, and it has no temper or anything.

"Now, I'll give you another chance to join our Holy Church. Otherwise, you'll have to die here today. Even if you are a person with special abilities, you can't escape. It's a pity that you have so much talent."

Perhaps Lu Yuan's talent was too dazzling, so Ka Ying gave him another chance.

Killing geniuses is certainly refreshing, but it's also fun to drag geniuses into this journey together.

"You can try."

"Come on, Alakazam, you stay and protect me, Suicune, go all out, and end the battle in ten minutes!!"

After being rejected again, Ka Ying was also confused.

In addition, the addition of Nidoking and Raichu tilted the balance of victory in the battle towards them.

Fossil Pterosaur, Two-Headed Tyrannosaurus, and Blaziken faced them, while Gyarados and the King of Leave in the team were Suicune.

Lu Yuan was in the middle of the dispatch, and at the same time he was in a stalemate with Alakazam over there.

In the field, superpowers were fiercely intertwined, and the surging breath swept all around.

The two heads of Alakazam looked very tired and were in a suppressed state.

While suppressing Alakazam, Lu Yuan was able to spare some energy to fight with Gyarados and the others.

Gyarados and the King of Leave were still a little reluctant to fight against Suicune. Without him, they might not be able to compete.

That Suicune was not a real divine beast, but it also had some power of a real divine beast.

Gyarados was much stronger than the previous fierce battle with the Night Slayer, and they were also somewhat defeated.

However, this also made Lu Yuan relax a little. It turned out that the divine beasts of the Divine Beast Gang were not as he imagined, and they would arouse the power of heaven and have infinite power.

The real level of this Suicune was similar to some quasi-gods, but the appearance and power were better than those of quasi-gods.

There was still a chance of victory.

"Suicune, secret words!"


The melodious and refined voice came out of Suicune's mouth, and the surrounding environment was also fogged out of thin air, and a breeze blew.

Even Lu Yuan was confused by the mumbling.

The Whispering Technique is a kind of language sound wave technique that can make the opponent lose concentration and interfere with his mental state, causing him to be confused.

At the moment of confusion, a warm force appeared in his body, which made his mind return to normal.

It was his superpower and the power of Changpan.

Seeing that the elves were in a daze, asking for leave was not affected.

"Wake up!"

Lu Yuan's words rang in the ears of Gyarados, and the daze in his eyes disappeared and returned to normal.


But at this moment, Blaziken was hit by Nidoking's technique, and his whole body flew up and fell to the ground beside him.

The pale yellow ground force was transmitted from the ground to the landing point of Blaziken, and it was about to hit Blaziken.

Lu Yuan quickly supported and teleported Blaziken to his side.


The earth churned, and the ground power exploded at that location.


At this time, Flame Chicken's eyes were full of circles, and he lost his ability to fight.

"Come back, Flame Chicken."

Lu Yuan took out the Poké Ball and took Flame Chicken back.


Raichu's lightning went to the sky, aiming at the fossil pterosaur cruising in the air.

The awake fossil pterosaur hurried to evade, but was hit by a lightning on the wings, charred, and the speed dropped sharply.

"The ability users are not easy to deal with!"

With such a result, Ka Ying was still not satisfied. Under normal circumstances, the battle would have been over.

Now that one was eliminated and one was slightly injured, he was naturally dissatisfied.


At this time, the two-headed Tyrannosaurus came between Nidoking and Raichu, and the two heads burst out with different powers, hot and cold at the same time.

The next moment, a lotus-like energy body appeared on the scene, exuding terrifying power under the interweaving power of heat and cold.



The two Pokémons of Nidoking suddenly felt a sense of crisis!

What came into view was a terrifying energy of red and blue, which enveloped them.

"Alakazam, hurry up."

Ka Ying also realized

Something is wrong, so Alakazam rushes to rescue, but resistance appears.


The red and blue power rises into the sky, and can be seen from afar.

The howling wind makes Ka Ying unable to open his eyes. If it weren't for the light wall condensed by Alakazam in front of him, he would have been blown away long ago.

"Roar, I tried my best, boss."

The two-headed Tyrannosaurus was teleported out, with a weak breath and many injuries.

After this move, it was severely injured, and the two Pokémon couldn't stand up.

The training time is too short. To achieve this power, it can only be achieved by joining in.

This move, it still hasn't mastered it 100%.

The two-headed Tyrannosaurus feels it's worth it. It just happens to experience this new move. The effect is not bad. The power of water and fire is quite strong. It can teleport out and it is severely injured, not to mention Nidoking and the other two.

"Hehe, Brother Ji, I've avenged you."

Big Black grinned, and after this move, it seemed that it had a deeper understanding of the moves.

Under the attack of the two-headed Tyrannosaurus, the entire mountain was cut off in half, and a deep huge pit appeared. Nidoking and the other two were lying there, without any sound.


Gyarados slammed into the mountain, and its entire body was embedded in it.

Another magical power descended, and the King of Leave was also blown away.

The crystal on Suicune's forehead was shining, exuding an inexplicable breath.

"I admit that you are very strong, but that's all. To be honest, you can hold on in my hands for so long, you are already a genius among ten thousand. That's enough, you will die here today, the two-headed Tyrannosaurus... I will accept these elves, and contribute to the Joyful Saint Church, and there will be a different future."

It doesn't matter if Nidoking and the other two failed, as long as Suicune is still there.

Seeing that the overall situation was about to be decided, victory was just around the corner.

The two elves that were struggling to survive were only a few moves away.

Strangely, Lu Yuan's expression remained the same, without any panic of impending disaster.

He quickly put away the elves and left without looking back.


At this point, Ka Ying would not let him escape. He would catch him and then catch Tian Yuanfeng.

According to his estimation, Lu Yuan was probably at the end of his rope. As long as he caught up, the battle would end in just a few moves.

How could he let him go?

Two auras flew past quickly, flashing in the steep mountainous area.

The direction of escape was not Dark City or Honglian Town, but deeper into the wild.

"Bang Bang Bang ~"

The gorgeous light of the moves shone in the sky and fell towards Lu Yuan in front. The speed of Suicune and Alakazam was not slower than him, and they were about to catch up.


As if he was hit, Lu Yuan fell into a canyon.


Several Poké Balls opened again, and Gyarados and the others appeared again. After a long battle, they were hit by Suicune's moves, but they still seemed to have some strength left.

The same was true for the King of Leave.

This surprised Ka Ying who arrived. This shouldn't be the case. It's okay if he can't kill them instantly, but he's still so resistant to attacks.

Didn't he just hit them?

Little did he know that Lu Yuan also focused on training in terms of resistance.

The defensive ability of Pokémon, that is, the ability to resist attacks, is also the focus of training.

Ordinary people focus on attacking, and relatively few people pay attention to defense.

But those who know the business know that defense is equally important.

At this time, the King of Leave had something strange, and stopped in place. His aura floated and moved, and his aura suddenly rose again, reaching a peak, and was impacting the bottleneck of the gym.

Under the heavy pressure of Suicune, the King of Leave broke through on the spot.

Lu Yuan flashed in front of the King of Leave, blocked it, and escorted the King of Leave's breakthrough.

"There's no other way, Gyarados super evolution!"

At the critical moment, Lu Yuan could only take out the key stone and let Gyarados start super evolution.

When I left just now, I was just thinking about whether I could escape. If I couldn't run, I would find a remote place and use my trump card.

I originally thought that if I could leave successfully, I would not use super evolution to prevent this trump card from being exposed.

There is no other way at the moment. Ka Ying is chasing me closely, so I will use my trump card to fight head-on!

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