The shopkeepers were busy, but the customers were busy.

"I'm just earning hard-earned money, there's not much to gain." Lu Yuan said in the shop.

"Okay, let's make it this price. I just need to buy some things, remember to make it cheaper."

"Of course, Sakai, you take this guy to choose."

Lu Yuan shouted inside.

"Come on." Sakai Ji walked out of the shop with a smile on his face, and took the customer in to choose.

"Slow down, customer."

After a while, Sakai Ji sent the customer away.

"Oh, it's really a waste of my talent. I actually came here to be a salesperson."

After sending the customer away, Sakai Ji came to the counter and complained to the two.

"Isn't this a waste of talent? With the strength of the three of us, what mission can't be accomplished?"

"Haha~ I think this is good." Zong Wen was typing on the computer.

"Yeah, I think this is good too. Selling things and getting information, isn't it good? Fighting and killing all day, you don't know when you will be gone."

Lu Yuan also said.

"Hehe, don't you have the boss?" Sakai Ji said with a smile, holding a glass of water and putting it in front of him.

"I am just a small shrimp. If I hadn't run fast last time, I would have been gone long ago." Lu Yuan said with fear, holding the glass of water and taking a sip.

"By the way, did you get any valuable information just now?"

"They are just ordinary information. We don't expect an ordinary trainer to have any information."

"Don't worry, take your time to find out. There are no specific requirements from above. We just need to organize the information we have found out and send it up."

The three of them came here to find out information for activity funds. The branch allocated one million elf coins as funds, and the profits from opening the store also belong to them.

"Speaking of information, I do have a place where I can get some valuable information. You should also be interested, hehe." Sakaiji smiled as if he thought of something.

"Oh? Where is it?" Lu Yuan replied. I don't know if it was an illusion, but the fat man's smile was a bit obscene.


"Yes, ball. There will be a ball at Qingfeng Manor tomorrow night. Think about it, people who will participate in the ball will be more classy, ​​so will the things they talk about be more valuable?"

"Not bad." Lu Yuan nodded and agreed. What Sakaiji said made sense.

A ball is a high-end social event. Most of the participants are people with backgrounds or abilities. It is not surprising that high-ranking officials and nobles participate. It mainly depends on the level of the organizer of the ball.

"Ball at Qingfeng Manor? Who organized it?"

Zong Wen, who was standing aside, also spoke up.

"It's held by the Sasaki family."

"Sasaki? Really? They are a wealthy family in Kanto."

"Yes." Sakai Ji nodded, "They are a wealthy family, but they also do business. Isn't it normal to hold a dance party? Oh, by the way, the three of us are also doing business. Can't we do business while gathering intelligence?"

"Business, Fatty, do you have any misunderstandings about our small shop? That thing is something that we, the country dogs, can participate in?"

"Oh, no matter how shabby the shop is, it is still a business. We are young entrepreneurs. If we were in college, we could say that we were college students starting a business. This is to be praised and supported by the government. How can we be country dogs?"

Sakai Ji's words were so logical that the two were speechless.

"But we are Team Rocket."

Mong Wen asked the question again.

"Yes, it's the Rockets who should attend. This is called the dark under the lamp."

"Then the most important question is here. Isn't the ball invitation-only? How can the three of us go?"

Lu Yuan then raised the most critical question. The higher the level of the ball, the higher the qualification for entering. How can the three Rockets soldiers like them enter?

"Don't worry, I will help. Leave it to me."

Sakai Ji looked confident and looked like he had it in hand.

Lu Yuan and Zong Wen looked at each other, and then Sakai Ji said, "Can you really get in?"

"You really can. You have to believe in my strength."

"Okay, then we can go and take a look."

Lu Yuan also expressed that he also wanted to see the upper class.

"No problem, just wait."

Sakai Ji agreed, walked out the door, and went to work.

At this moment, several more trainers came into the store and asked questions. Lu Yuan smiled and greeted them.

"Although our store is newly opened, we have most of the products on the market, and the prices are cheap. If you have any questions,

The harvest can also be sold here at a fair price. "

Lu Yuan introduced the products skillfully, and he looked like a qualified small boss.

Disguise, this subject, Lu Yuan's score was "excellent" during the Rocket Assessment, so it was no problem for him to act as a shop owner at this moment.

Disguise is not just "boss", there are also many professions such as "beggar", "driver", "cook", etc. The Rocket Team members will play different roles according to the different tasks.

"Hahaha, take care, everyone."

Soon, another order was completed. After sending it away, he sat back in his original position and chatted with Zong Wen.

The store named "Pokemon House" opened by the three people gradually attracted trainers to trade because of its high quality and low price.

This job is considered a good job.

"Take a break and get your salary. "

Closing the computer, Lu Yuan lay leisurely in the boss chair. He is a team leader and has a monthly salary of 100,000 Elf Coins.

While Lu Yuan was slacking off, outside the Deep Gray City, in an underground base, Tian Yuanfeng took over the team leader's appointment letter with an excited heart.

"Please rest assured, Mr. Branch Director, I, Tian Yuanfeng, will definitely fulfill my duties and serve the organization!"

"Okay, Tian Yuanjun, starting today, you are also a team leader, and you will shine in the future."


Tian Yuanfeng bowed his head respectfully. He didn't expect that there would be a bright future after a dark period. For some reason, his branch suffered a heavy blow and was seriously short of personnel. It has only been a few days since he was transferred here, and he was noticed by the leader and promoted to team leader!

"Hahaha, I knew that the previous suffering was just a tempering and the nourishment to help me grow, but that's it. "

Tian Yuanfeng was very happy. He came to a group of people and announced loudly that he was appointed as the team leader.

"What do you mean! I said before that temporary difficulties only defeat me and will only make me stronger! Hahaha, isn't it like this now?"

"Captain is awesome!"

"I have long believed that you will have a bright future if you follow the boss, and it turns out to be true."

"I remember you didn't say that before."

"You must have remembered it wrongly. That's what I said before."

There was a lot of noise and congratulations from the crowd, which made Tian Yuanfeng ambitious.

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