The more you go, the more you will be in trouble.


Just as Fire Chick mustered up the courage to rush forward, it was restrained by a force and lifted aside, and Lu Yuan's words rang in its ears.

"Fire Chick, you are very brave, just leave the rest to me. I forgot to tell you that your trainer, I am also very strong."

After saying that, the rich super power spread out and controlled the out-of-control Hyperactive Ape.


Restricted by super power, Hyperactive Ape used both feet, like crazy, trying to struggle out.

"Calm down!"

Lu Yuan used all his strength to prevent it from breaking free, and concentrated his mind to open the telepathy that went straight to the heart, trying to communicate with Hyperactive Ape.

Telepathically, a monstrous violence was transmitted, as if only destruction could release it.

"Hyperactive Ape! Hyperactive Ape!!"

On telepathy, Lu Yuan shouted, and the controlled hyperactive ape paused slightly and looked at him blankly.

"It's good that you have a reaction, hyperactive ape, hurry up."

Lu Yuan continued to awaken the subconsciousness of the hyperactive ape, while observing the source of the hyperactive ape's abnormality.

But he found that the hyperactive ape at this time had a surge of strength, and his flesh seemed unable to bear it, as if it was collapsing! !

"Roar, boss, what's wrong with you guys."

In the training room separated by a wall, Gyarados also felt something was wrong and was shouting.

The two training rooms were separated by only one wall, and there was an inner door in the middle that connected them, which could be directly connected. At this time, Gyarados was shouting at the inner door.

Gyarados heard the screams of the Fire Chicken and a few weak roars, which was very good. It would not be like this under normal circumstances.

"Fire Chicken, here you go, open the door."

Lu Yuan threw a card to Fire Chicken, and asked Fire Chicken to hold it and open the door.


At the critical moment, Fire Chicken was still very reliable, holding the card to the gate and putting the card into the card recognition area.

The gate slowly moved, revealing the face of Gyarados.


At this moment, from the perspective of Fire Chicken, Gyarados's ferocious face seemed less scary than before.

"Ah, boss, I'm here to save you, Hyperactive Ape, you dare to attack the boss!"

As soon as Gyarados appeared, he saw Lu Yuan restraining Hyperactive Ape, and the Hyperactive Ape was still using his hands and feet, with a ferocious face.

"This is not the intention of Hyperactive Ape, it's wrong, Gyarados is here at the right time, come over quickly, use ice energy, and see if it can have a slowing effect."

Lu Yuan explained.

"Ahh, good."

Gyarados condensed ice power and covered the hyperactive monkey. In a blink of an eye, the hyperactive monkey was frozen.

Lu Yuan teleported in front of the hyperactive monkey, raised his hand and touched the hyperactive monkey, using his own power to help the hyperactive monkey pull the power.

After touching it personally, Lu Yuan also found the abnormality of the hyperactive monkey. At this time, there were three sources of power in its body, blooming three kinds of power, entangled in the body. The hyperactive monkey was like this, perhaps because of these three forces.

One is the ordinary system, one is the psychic system, and the last one is the least, but the most profound and mysterious. For a while, Lu Yuan could not see through this power.

But he also found that whenever the ordinary and psychic forces met and a riot occurred, this mysterious power would also move and participate in it.

With the participation of this power, the fight between the two forces seemed to ease a little, but gradually, the two forces appeared more and more, and the hyperactive monkey's body became unstable.

In addition to this power, the tissues and flesh of the hyperactive ape showed signs of collapse.

"Perhaps, this is the reason for the mutation of the hyperactive ape! And the hyperactive ape is the experiment of the Rocket Team!"

Lu Yuan realized this, and sure enough, the elves he encountered that time, in addition to the hyperactive ape, the other elves were also a bit strange.

"What is the purpose of the Rocket Team? Send these elves for us to conquer." Lu Yuan frowned and thought, could it be that the appearance of the hyperactive ape was also a plan of the Rocket Team?

In that case, what would their purpose be?

Lu Yuan's head was thinking, and his hands kept helping the hyperactive ape to pull the power. With Lu Yuan's intervention, the power of the hyperactive ape slowly subsided, and his eyes gradually became clear.


The hyperactive ape regained consciousness and shouted.

"Awake, how do you feel? Can you control yourself?"

"I'll try."

The hyperactive ape tried to control, and the power in his body was rioting again, the power rushed through his body, and the veins on his body surface emerged.


.Uncomfortable, huhuhuhu."

"Wake up." Lu Yuan attacked again to stop the chaos.

"Boss..., am I useless in the future?"

The hyperactive ape said dejectedly. It found that when it used its strength, its body seemed to be torn apart. Under the impact of the power in its body, its consciousness quickly fell into darkness.

"No, I'm here. I will heal you."

Lu Yuan comforted it and told it not to worry. He would try his best to heal it, even if it cost a lot.

He was also somewhat confident about the treatment of the hyperactive ape.


"Don't worry. "

Lu Yuan frowned and combed the body of the hyperactive monkey. At the same time, he opened the system to see if there was anything he could use.

After clicking it, the system interface showed that there was a reward that had not been received.

It was the task reward of becoming an advanced trainer.

Oh, by the way, the hyperactive monkey has broken through and become an advanced Pokémon, so the system task is also completed.

Lu Yuan immediately clicked it to see if there was anything he could use.

"Ding, congratulations on obtaining the "Advanced Breeder" ability."

"Advanced Breeder! Well done!"

Lu Yuan was delighted and immediately received this ability. The next moment, a huge amount of knowledge poured into his mind, all of which were related to advanced breeders.


After a while, Lu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief. He had received everything. Under the effect of the system, all the knowledge and skills of advanced breeders were thoroughly understood by him, as if he had learned them himself. The problems he had encountered in the past were instantly clear.

"I see. "

At this time, Lu Yuan looked at the hyperactive ape. From his perspective as a senior breeder, he found more.

The hyperactive ape's situation is not only a conflict of power in the body, but also involves the genetic level.

"This situation is very complicated."

Lu Yuan murmured, suppressing the chaotic power in the hyperactive ape's body, and asked Gyarados to watch.

He came to the side, took out the materials and began to mix them. After putting in many precious materials, Lu Yuan made two green reagents and half a bucket of black viscous substances.

"Don't worry, hyperactive ape, as long as you treat it a few times, you will be fine. Come and drink these two reagents."

The hyperactive ape took it and drank it directly.

After drinking it, the power of the hyperactive ape slowly stabilized and tended to calm down.

The hyperactive ape tried to use the power and found that it didn't have the same feeling as before.

"Hyperactive ape, wait a minute, don't rush, we are not in a hurry, don't mobilize the power for a few days, and recuperate for a few days first. "Lu Yuan stopped and smeared the black sticky substance on the hyperactive ape.

"Ahh, that's great. We don't have to stay in the dark machine and soak in a pile of solutions like before."

"Before? In the solution?" Hearing this, Lu Yuan looked at the hyperactive ape.

"Hyperactive ape, have you ever done this before?"

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