The money is not worth it.

"Don't fight for it. It's not worth it. Looking at the situation, how much money do you think it will take to eat this pie? The word "head" is used well. When the time comes, it's also the leader of the Uchiyama team who said that it's OK to fill in 100,000."

"Oh oh."

Sakai Ji nodded and filled it in according to what Lu Yuan said.

Lu Yuan glanced at the writings of several people around him and found that several of them wrote well. It seems that these people also know that this pie is not easy to eat, so they simply don't eat it.

The identity of a certified trainer in the league is dispensable to him. Donating 100,000 is enough.

Speaking of which, he also has a small position in the Rockets, and is also a team leader. With the size of the Rockets, the treatment of the team leader is really not much worse than the so-called alliance certification training, but the organization is different and the effect is different.

"Okay, thank you very much for your support. We will also put your companies on the honor roll when we go back, so that more people will know about your good deeds."

After taking back the paper, Uchiyama Hide smiled eagerly and thanked, and raised the wine glass in his hand and toasted.

"No, no, it's all your credit, Team Leader Uchiyama. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't even have the opportunity to participate, right?"

After the man finished speaking, he looked at the people behind him.

"Yes, yes, yes."

The people behind him also responded to him.

"Flatterer, he is your father, why are you licking him like this."

Sakai Ji looked unhappy and cursed in a low voice.

"Okay, okay, it would be bad if someone heard it."

Lu Yuan reminded him.

In front, Uchiyama Hide came down after completing his purpose, and let one of the four people go up to speak.

After saying some polite words, this family donated 6 million Elf coins, and then it was the turn of the other three people, all of whom donated 6 million Elf coins, giving Uchiyama Hide enough face.

Then they ate and drank, and occasionally someone came to build relationships and cooperate. They were all doing business, and everyone had good eloquence and spoke nicely.

Uchiyama Hide also took some filled-in papers and went to another room to hand them over to his subordinates for settlement.

"The team leader has calculated it, a total of 1.635 billion."

A subordinate presented him with the sorted data.

"Only 1.635 billion, this is a bit less, I thought there was 2 billion."

Uchiyama Hide took the paper, took a look, touched his chin and thought, feeling a bit less.

"This is too little, it still feels not enough, it doesn't look that good, this is related to my position as director, it seems that I have to take some drastic measures, Xiaosha, while everyone is still here, go and invite these people one by one."

Uchiyama Hide looked at the data on the list and pointed to the people in the upper area.


The person named Xiaosha, who was his secretary, said yes, took the list and went out.

"Don't release the eagle without seeing the rabbit, fortunately I have a lot of rabbits."

Uchiyama Hide smiled, sat down on the chair in the middle, and waited for someone to come.

After a while, a man with a big belly and a slightly bald head walked in under the guidance of his secretary Xiaosha.

"Master Uchiyama, is there something wrong?"

"Haha, it's okay, sit down, I just have something good to tell you, hey, why did you only donate 60,000, this is a bit too little."

"Alas, the business is losing money this year... "

After a while, the middle-aged man walked out of the room with a smile, thinking that his children have a good future, he became more energetic.

Soon, Xiaosha's secretary found Lu Yuan and asked him to go to the next room to discuss something.

"Is there anything else to discuss?"

With doubts, Lu Yuan pushed the door and walked into the room, and saw Uchiyama Hide looking at him with a smile.

"?? What the hell is this guy doing? Don't you think my donation is too little?? Are you really going to force me?"

Lu Yuan said in his heart, and came to him with a humble face.

"Sit down, why are you standing."

After Lu Yuan sat down, Uchiyama Hide also brought a glass of water.

"Xiaolu, have you had any difficulties recently? I didn't see you show much today. This is related to your future. You are still so young. If you can succeed, your future will definitely be good."

Uchiyama Hide said earnestly, looking like a person who cares about the younger generation.

"Xiaolu?" Lu Yuan's mouth twitched. Well, he is an official, so there is nothing wrong with him.

"There is no way. I have a batch of goods in my hands recently.

, I can't do it anymore, my two brothers are complaining, I don't know how long I can hold on. "

Lu Yuan cried poor directly, that is, he has no money.

"Oh, young man, you are small, your vision is small!" Uchiyama Hideo said, as if he really thought Lu Yuan's vision was small.

"The temporary difficulties are only temporary. We should take a long-term view, focus on the present and look far into the future. The current situation is temporarily dark, but it will definitely be bright in the future."

"It is very difficult to become a certified trainer of the alliance. Now that the new notice has been issued, how can we give up just for a little money?"

It must be said that Uchiyama Hideo has good eloquence. Lu Yuan thinks it is a pity that this person does not become a salesperson.

He was also complaining in his heart, what is small vision, you have a big vision, but you still come to cheat money, can't you just give it to me directly?

Bah, vision man, really mean.

"Your Excellency said it well, money is not a problem. "Lu Yuan replied, and Uchiyama Hide also smiled.

"But the problem is that there is no money."

Uchiyama Hide took back his smile again.

"This kid is stubborn." Uchiyama Hide said in his heart, "Meow, for the sake of promotion, I will endure it."

"Hehe, young people don't have this opportunity often, I am doing this for your own good, the opportunity is rare, and it will never come again. Seeing your difficulties, you can pay an additional two million now. "

Finally, Uchiyama Hide gave a price, which was much cheaper than others.

"Can it be less?"

"Oh? How much is it?"

"Two hundred thousand. ”


A few minutes later, Lu Yuan walked out of the room with a smile on his face. In the end, he got the qualification of "Alliance Certified Trainer" mentioned by Uchiyama Hide at a price of one million.

Although Lu Yuan was a little confused as to why this man was so short of money that one million would do, he was too lazy to guess.

"This young man has the style of me in my old days. He looks polite and has a very thick skin."

Looking at Lu Yuan walking out, Uchiyama Hide complained.

He sold this "Alliance Certified Trainer" at a low price, but it didn't matter. Anyway, he just reported it, and the number was another department's business.

"What did the boss say?"

"One million, got this qualification."

"One million? That's quite a good deal. In this way, you can also mix into the alliance, and it will be much easier to collect intelligence in the future. "

"Yes, I think so too. After all, there are not many such opportunities, and you can't get them normally. Even if you get the qualifications, the steps are different. This is the best."

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