Time flies, and half a month has passed quickly.

During this half month, nothing big happened in the outside world, and the same is true in Yuhong City.

It seems that the last alliance attack shocked the Rockets, and since then, we rarely hear that the Rockets are making trouble.

Lu Yuan also made perfect use of this half month, quietly developing, cultivating elves, and training himself, and working hard to improve his strength.

In the past half month, Lu Yuan has mastered his own strength and learned many strength skills.

And the elves have also grown.

Fire Chicken has reached level 16, Hyperactive Ape has broken through to level 36, Gyarados has reached level 34, and Fossil Pterosaur has reached level 37.

All of them have been improved a lot on the basis of the original, especially Gyarados, which has been upgraded from level 31 to 34, an increase of 3 levels.

"It's already level 16, it's time to evolve."

In the training room, Lu Yuan was talking to Chickadee.


Chickadee was also curious about what happened to him and why the trainer was looking at him.

"It's okay, you're about to evolve, probably in the next few days. After the evolution, you will be stronger than now and master more moves."

Lu Yuan replied.

Real Pokémons don't evolve as soon as they reach a certain level like in the game. Chickadee is like this. It's level 16 and hasn't evolved yet, but it will soon. Ordinary Chickadee evolves in this power range.

"Come, drink this, it's good for you."

Lu Yuan took out a bottle of potion and asked Chickadee to drink it.

Chickadee didn't hesitate and drank it directly.


Fire Chicken felt comfortable all over, with a wisp of hot breath lingering on his body.

"Okay, let's go train."

After drinking the potion, he let Fire Chicken continue to train.

Lu Yuan stood up and came to the side to instruct Hyperactive Ape.

A total of two training rooms were opened, one for Fire Chicken and Hyperactive Ape, and one for Gyarados and Fossil Pterosaur.

Fire Chicken's request for a training room was still shattered.

But this time it was not Lu Yuan's fault, but there was really no extra training room in the base. Recently, the members of Team Rocket have been training very frequently, much more often than before.

He opened two training rooms as a team leader.

So they squeezed in.

At night, a huge battle broke out in Cerulean City.

Team Rocket attacked Cerulean City for unknown reasons.

The chief investigator stationed in Cerulean City and the gym leader of Cerulean Gym quickly attacked, and a fierce tug-of-war broke out between the two sides in Cerulean City.

In the melee, the gym leader of Cerulean Gym suffered heavy damage, and the situation of Cerulean was precarious.


Just then, a melodious and majestic dragon roar came from the sky. It was a Dragonite, and a handsome young man stood on its back. The cloak behind him was blown by the whistling wind.

When the people on the alliance side saw this person coming, their morale was greatly boosted.

"The King of Dutian is here, let's hold on!"


"Damn Team Rocket, don't even think about running."

The alliance side fought hard and saved the situation.

"Tianwang Du is here, and the search team is following behind. Let's retreat."

"Well, we can retreat now. The goal has been achieved, and a gym has been severely damaged. Maybe this gym owner won't survive today, haha."

Behind Team Rocket, two men with extraordinary temperaments talked.

"Let's go, come with me to stop this Tianwang Du."


The two summoned spirits, flew into the sky, and blocked Du in front of him.

"Apollo, Lance, you are so brave!!"

Du shouted, clenching his hands.

"If we were not brave, we would probably have died. It is because of our courage that we can see you here, Tianwang Du."

Apollo said with a smile on his face.

"Since you are here, stay! Dragonite!"


The Dragonite under the seat bloomed with a terrifying aura, and the two of them were enveloped by a terrifying aura of Dragonite. The people below were also affected by the terrifying aura of Dragonite.


The flower of the collision of gorgeous moves bloomed in the sky of Cerulean City, and the whole city was lit for a few seconds.

Several terrifying auras intertwined in the air, and the various colors of light flickered unsteadily. The aftermath emitted could not even be resisted by the elves at the gym level.


"Shocking news!! Yesterday, Team Rocket raided Cerulean, and the Cerulean gym leader died heroically

Sacrifice! ! "

"Hot news, Rockets' top executives Apollo and Lance raided Hualan yesterday and fought fiercely with Tianwangdu in the air. The follow-up is unknown............"

"The league officials said that they will retaliate severely, led by Tianwangdu, and assisted by Kona, one of the Four Heavenly Kings................."

When Lu Yuan woke up, he heard overwhelming reports. Whether it was mobile phones or TVs, they were all reporting this matter.

"This is............"

Lu Yuan opened and checked multiple news reports After hearing the news, I roughly knew what happened.

Yesterday, Team Rocket launched a major operation and attacked Hualan City. This time, it was not a small fight between the captain and the branch chief, but two high-level cadres led the team.

In this battle, the Hualan gym leader died, and Hualan's garrison suffered huge losses. Currently, the search team led by Tianwang Du is guarding Hualan. The alliance headquarters also publicly stated that it would deploy forces, led by the Four Heavenly Kings, to maintain the safety of the city and severely crack down on the dark organization headed by Team Rocket.

"What are these two big guys doing? They also attracted Tianwang Du?" Lu Yuan murmured, touching his eyebrows. He couldn't get involved in that level of task.

"It will be uneasy next time. The Four Heavenly Kings are leading the team, and their strength is not that kind of stuff. I don't know how many people will die this time. "

Lu Yuan sighed. Du, one of the Four Heavenly Kings, led the team. His work ability and combat effectiveness were recognized and could not be compared with that kind of idiot.

The alliance was corrupt, but there were many talents available.

"Be careful."

Lu Yuan got off the bed, washed up and went outside.

Outside, Zong Wen and the others were also watching the report and commenting on it.

"Boss, get up. Check the news. Hualan City was attacked and even the gym leader died in the battle."

Ji Sakai called out.

"Don't be happy too early. This is also a bad thing. Next, we have to face the terrifying guy Du, the Heavenly King."

"Ah, it seems so..."

Ji Sakai's face turned pale when he heard it, and he murmured.

After being reminded of this, he also thought of this.

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