In the afternoon, the second game of the Final Four, the main venue of the Bird’s Nest.

“Zhao Xi!” “Zhao Xi!” “Zhao Xi!”

“Star!” “Star!” “Star!”

As the two trainers stood on either side of the battle arena, the audience began to shout one after another, shouting loudly in their hearts, slapping all the objects in their hands that could make sounds, causing a deafening cry echoing throughout the arena.

The middle-aged referee, who had a little white silk on both sides, straightened his tall body and walked to the center of the center line of the battle field, his long arms held high the small red and green pennants, and his black and bright eyes swam around Zhao Xi and Pan Xingxing, “Please be prepared for both players.” ”

Bowing slightly and smiling, Zhao Xichong glared at Pan Xingxing, who had big eyes, and performed a pre-war etiquette – the opponent is a girl after all, of course Zhao Xi needs to be a gentleman.

Pan Xingxing on the opposite side was momentarily sluggish because of Zhao Xi’s movements, but she quickly returned to normal, and also bowed to Zhao Xi hard.

“Fight,” the red and green flags quickly fell, and the referee roared: “It’s officially started!” As soon as the words fell, the uncle referee immediately strode back outside the battle field.

At the same time that the referee officially shouted the word start, Zhao Xi and Pan Xingxing stretched their hands behind their waists at the same time, each twisted a poké ball, opened it in his hand to a released state, and then threw it out almost in no particular order.

Zhao Xi threw out a luxurious ball with a pendulum tattoo, while Pan Xingxing threw a cheap red and white ball from ordinary to rotten streets.

The luxurious ball thrown by Zhao Xi chose to land not far in front of him, while Pan Xingxing chose to throw the elf ball far away, looking at the arc of the ball swirling in the air, and its landing location was very close to the half where Zhao Xi was.

“A girl, the arm strength is really good.” Casually praising Pan Xingxing, Zhao Xi casually raised his hand to hold the Poker Ball that had released the Spirit and bounced back on its own.

“Hmph!” With all his eyes focused on the elf released by Zhao Xi, Pan Xingxing snorted proudly, and replied casually absentmindedly: “This sentence is not a compliment to a girl!” ”

Just before Pan Xingxing’s words were finished, the spirit ball she threw had already flown through the half and landed more than ten meters away from Zhao Xi, and after the red and white ball landed, a huge white flash suddenly ejected.

“Little card! Sacrifice your life to attack! ”

At the first time when the red and white balls landed, Pan Xingxing also shouted out the order to fight.

“It’s useless to rely on brute force alone.”

Standing safely in place with his arms folded, Zhao Xi smiled indifferently, not taking the behemoth that was whistling at the speed of a cannonball as a threat at hand: “Duo’er, hypnotize it!” ”

The beautiful and abnormal Shanadot standing in front of Zhao Xi raised his right hand, and strange ripples were released from between his eyes that began to redden.

With Duo’er’s force, ripples that had been formed in the air that were visible to the naked eye began to spread, and these fluctuations full of sleepiness, tiredness, serenity, and tranquility spread out, and then quickly condensed into a ball and crashed towards the opposite Kabi beast.

The low-howling Kabi beast squinted its eyes and grinned as it ran hard, trying to make itself more vicious. His body was shining with the bright white light that shone when he made a special move, and this behemoth whose body was far wider than his height was stunned and rushed towards the hypnotism, and he didn’t even bother to dodge.

It is probably that the Kabi Beast has extraordinary confidence in its huge body, and it is probably that Pan Xingxing, who is its trainer, also has full trust in his love, and it is more likely that the two of them feel that even if they are hypnotized by Shanado on the other side, it is not a big deal.

Because they have reached such a close position, even if they are hypnotized, they can maintain a short period of forward rush, which is enough to close the distance between each other.

However, Zhao Xi and Duo’er let their self-righteousness turn into nothing in the next second.

The Kabi Beast, which rushed straight towards the hypnotic fluctuation released by Shanado, immediately fell into the deepest sleep as soon as it came into contact with this fluctuation.

Unlike superficial progressive hypnosis, there is a gradual sleep process from shallow to deep, which will allow the treated elf to have a dynamic change from body to spirit full relaxation, sluggishness and complete sleep. The hypnotism created by Duo’er caused the Kabi Beast to completely fall into the weakest and deepest sleep at the first time of the move.

Without any signs and unnecessary movements, the eyes of the Kabi beast in the move were so crisp and neatly closed, and the whole body quickly switched from dynamic to completely static, suddenly braked sharply, and then fell to the ground with a face to the ground.


A cloud of smoke and dust was set off by its heavy and huge body, shaking the entire venue with a tremble.

The sudden change surprised Pan Xingxing, but she still gave the most correct order again at the first time, and she even shouted loudly before Shanado put away her right hand and was ready to send a move towards the Kabi beast that had no power to fight back: “Little card, dream talk!” ”

But what responded to her was only the long breath of the Kabi beast, and a series of superpower fluctuations that Shanadot blasted out from his hands, and by the way, the corners of Zhao Xi’s upturned mouth, and the indifferent words in his mouth: “It’s useless.” ”

The situation obviously did not develop in the direction Pan Xingxing had expected at the beginning, so she decided to change her next actions as the situation changed.

Before Duo’er’s illusion light hit the Kabi Beast, Pan Xingxing suddenly stretched out his right hand, which had held the Spirit Ball at some point, and directly threw out a recovery ray at the sleeping Kabi Beast.


Zhao Xi, who stood in place without moving, also issued a new command to Duo’er when he glanced at the Spirit Ball in Pan Xingxing’s hand.

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