Early this morning, before dawn, Zhao Xi was still holding Nazi to sleep, and his elf guide received a call.

The call was made by the secretary of the municipal party committee of the number one in the magic city, and the tone could not be better, and he almost treated Zhao Xi as his own son: “Zhao Xi, I’m really sorry to call you so early.” ”

“It’s okay, is the meeting of the leaders over?”

Putting the picture book to his ears, Zhao Xi’s tone was not irritated after being woken up.

“Well, I came to inform you just after the end, your father should have explained the situation to you, right?”

“Well, I said it before, I know.”

Zhao Xi leaned on the head of the bed, recalling the conversation between his father Zhao Anguo and him last night.

Originally, what happened in the elven world had nothing to do with the earth, but when the location of the incident opened a door to space, and after linking the two worlds, it became related – yes, it was the area of the island of Asia.

After the explanation of the elven world, both Huaxia and Neon fully understood the consequences of the chaos of the law. Neither country could remain indifferent, so the Huaxia government decided to send trainers to the elven world to assist in the investigation.

To say that it is to assist in the investigation is actually to keep in touch with the Huaxia government in real time and convey some materials or information back. In this way, no matter what happens, Huaxia’s side knows in advance and has a time to respond. Otherwise, the eyes are black, the world is destroyed, and the fool seems to be in the dark, and no one wants to.

The second reason is that the elven world also wants Zhao Xi to pass. As a trainer with a lightning bird, if the three divine birds riot, whether they can play a role or not, at least people go over there first to prepare.

Therefore, the first night Zhao Xi received a notice from his father, and this morning Zhao Xi received a notice from the number one in the magic city.

To be honest, Zhao Xi is an ordinary trainer, although his strength is strong, but in terms of status, he is definitely far from the secretary of the Magic City Party Committee.

But that is also the reason why Zhao Xi has no intention of pursuing a career at this time, and only after Zhao Xi has walked through the earth and the elf world will he consider entering the Huaxia Shitu to seek the height of identity.

At that time, with his strength and backstage, it is very easy to become a human being, and if nothing else, at least he can climb to the highest position in terms of trainer.

In this place of Huaxia, rights are a thing that must be obtained, and only with rights can he ensure the safety of the elf group – after all, the state has too little control over the shares of the elf group, so little that it has no control at all. If you want to talk about ordinary enterprises, then forget it, the problem is that the Fairy Ball is such a national heavy weapon enterprise ….

Well, if it weren’t for Nazi’s family, if it wasn’t for the Shiruf Group, or for the rise of Zhao Xi. I am afraid that the elf group has long been divided up by various kinds.

But now it is useless to say that those are no longer useful, the fact is that the Poké Ball industry on Earth is still in the hands of the Elf Group.

Back in Zhao Xi’s room, he was still on the phone with the secretary of the Magic City Party Committee.

“…. Because of the relationship between the two countries and the elven world, Neon will most likely send trainers to pass on intelligence at any time, and you can properly show strength when acting with each other. ”

“Neon…. I know. ”

Zhao Xi nodded thoughtfully.

Although what this country has done for a long time, although Zhao Xi is not a brainless little red fan, but from the perspective of Chinese people, he is happy to block the neon government.

Some things, done is done, but still do not admit it, and even use revised textbooks to distort history, it is inevitably a bit shameful.

“Then go to the elven world now, just received the notice, everything has been prepared over there, and the pick-up and drop-off I sent should be at your house soon.”

“By the way, we are taking the passage of the Hangzhou Bay Bridge this time.”

Access to the disputed area is certainly not passable, and until the agreement of both sides and the arrival of the stationed soldiers, the area is set to be off-limits. Coupled with the fact that it is so dangerous now, if you want to go over, you must have a life support.

Therefore, Zhao Xi could only enter the elven world from the passage on the nearest Hangzhou Bay Bridge, and then join the upper echelons of the Elven Alliance.

At this tense and critical juncture, only acting with the high-level personnel of the alliance will not arouse the vigilance of the elven alliance. Otherwise, any unreported solo action will be warned or even attacked by the Elven Alliance.

This is a matter of the safety of the entire Orange Islands, and the elven world will never allow anyone to cause trouble.

“Nazi, it’s time to wake up.”

After Zhao Xi hung up the phone, he gently shook Nazi, who was still sleeping next to him. Since completely handing over her body to Zhao Xi, when the two slept together, Nazi rarely meditated all night.

After in-depth communication, sleeping with your lover is the most comfortable behavior. Meditation or something, it’s okay to put it aside for the time being….

Because Zhao Xi was around, Nazi slept soundly, and after being woken up by Zhao Xi, she rubbed her eyes a little confused, and it took a few seconds to wake up from sleep.

“Going to the Orange Islands?”

Although she was still squinting, Konazi had already sat up from the bed. Of course, she also knew what was happening in the Orange Islands, but for her, as long as it didn’t affect her, the others rarely cared.

“Well, get up, let’s go directly to the passage on the bridge, the people of the elven world are already waiting over there.”

While speaking, the sound of propellers came from outside the villa – it was the helicopter sent by the secretary of the magic city party committee to pick them up. The matter is urgent, knowing the situation at sea, and discussing countermeasures overnight, no time will be wasted.

After Zhao Xi and Nazi got dressed and washed up briefly and quickly, they boarded the helicopter and headed to the bridge.

Whether it is Huaxia or the elf world, both sides have made all the preparations, as long as Zhao Xi arrives there, he will get the fastest arrangement.

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