The closer you get to the island of Asia, the more significant the change in weather becomes.

However, the strange thing is that the weather here is not getting worse, but getting quieter!

It is as if passing through a rain curtain, from the first storm to the current drizzle, and looking ahead, even the raindrops have disappeared. Behind him is the pitch-black sea and sky, the roaring thunder shines in it, and the rushing tide stirs the pure blackness that is completely integrated.

But the sea was almost calm, and although dark clouds still covered the sky, whether it was storm or rain, it seemed to have not affected the surroundings of Asia Island in the slightest.

This abnormal situation made Zhao Xi feel as if he had come to the ‘eye of the storm’. He had experienced this once when facing the storm created by Mewtwo. I have to say that breaking through the eye of the storm behind the rain curtain, the scenery is quite spectacular.

The climate is unusual, and the impact is naturally starting to go wrong.

When the spacecraft arrived on the island of Asia, everyone experienced a certain degree of irritation.

Whether it was Zhao Xi or Yulongdu, since they were close to the island of Asia, they could always feel that a powerful and unfathomable tyrannical force was hovering near the island that was out of reach in the distance.

That force was obviously sleeping, but what was even more obvious was that it was slowly waking up, slowly releasing a tyrannical momentum around it, a great coercion that was enough to make all humans unable to control their cold sweat and unable to bear any thoughts of resistance.

Zhao Xi and Nazi are superpowers, their feelings are more intense, and Imperial Dragon Du also has special powers and is also very sensitive to changes in the environment. And whether it is Shiba, Kona or Kikuko, as special trainers, they also have their own perception of this situation.

In the face of this resurgence of powerful force, even the two Neon trainers, who are truly ordinary people, fidgeted a little. Although they do not notice it, their inner irritability is honestly displayed. It’s just that because of neon etiquette education, they have been suppressing themselves.

Zhao Xi didn’t know if others would feel the same way as him, although he was not interested in knowing. But Zhao Xi was more curious about how Nazi, who was the top superpower in the world, was in a current situation.

“Zhao Xi, Nazi, do you feel it?” Imperial Dragon Du suddenly spoke, and said in his usual low and magnetic voice: “Those few forces that are gradually recovering, full of anger, full of offended mania…”

Nazi did not answer Imperial Dragon Du’s question, she just glanced at Imperial Dragon Du. Zhao Xi, on the other hand, nodded: “I can detect it.” ”

“They’ve all woken up…” sighed Yulongdu.

Without waiting for him to continue speaking, Wataru’s elf watch suddenly sent out a call request. He raised his hand to Zhao Xi to apologize, and then raised his wrist next to his ear in Zhao Xi’s nod.

“How does it feel?”

While Du was answering the phone, Zhao Xi asked Nazi beside him.

“Three opposing but entangled elemental forces, ice, fire, thunder…”

Nazi’s gaze crossed the ship’s window and cast into the distant sea, although she couldn’t see there because of the dark clouds, but relying on the perception of the superpower, Nazi knew that there was a powerful force awakening there.

“Be careful.” She held Zhao Xi’s palm, “Even more than your lightning bird…. Much more powerful. ”

“Well.” Zhao Xi nodded seriously, “I know that the divine beast that holds the law is always more powerful. ”

Not long after, Yulongdu’s call ended, and the expression on his face became more solemn in the gaze of everyone.

“Just received the news that the weather in the Orange Islands is starting to become abnormal. Just now a large dark cloud covered the sky, suddenly it rained for a few seconds, and then it began to snow! And many elves began to have unknown irritability and riots, and now, this weather has a tendency to spread in the direction of the mainland. ”


Konah repeated in surprise, but now in October, because the Orange Islands are close to the equator, its temperature is at least 35 degrees above! Aside from snowy mountains or elven-created weather, it hasn’t snowed here for an unknown number of years.

Konah cast his gaze to the sky outside the spacecraft, the spacecraft had come to the sky over the island of Asia and was ready to land, although there were no storms and heavy rain outside, but the dark clouds were almost like they were about to be pressed down, making people unable to breathe.

“Why is it snowing?”

Mother-in-law Kikuko asked.

“Meteorologists and geologists believe this is caused by changes in the deep sea. Perhaps the huge deep-sea cold current suddenly surged up, affecting the waters around the Orange Islands, and over time, this cold current will cause climate anomalies throughout the Kanto coastal region. ”

“Deep Sea Cold Current…,” Kikuko frowned, “Who can cause changes in ocean currents other than Silver Wings…”

Listening to Kikuko’s words, including Xiba, who had been silent, the faces of the four high-ranking officials of the Kanto Alliance became solemn. Indeed, in the elven world, only the Silver Wing can cause changes in the currents of the deep ocean, and only it can make such a huge change in the climate on the ocean.

“Is it because of this too?”

Yuryu Du found that things gradually began to get out of control. If the Silver Wings were really brought out because of the matter of Asia Island, then the Elven Alliance did not pay enough attention to this! Even joining Zhao Xi is not enough!

Originating in the Orange Islands, it affects the deep-sea cold current along the coast of the entire Kanto continent. It’s not something they can easily get with one champion and three heavenly kings.

Although they were playing dumb riddles, Zhao Xi understood their words clearly.

Silver Wings, isn’t it Lokia?

Speaking of that collector, what a good job….

It’s just that the three god birds have not fully awakened yet, and their own people have already come to the island of Asia, so can collectors still subdue the three god birds as easily as in anime?

Remembering the picture of the original book, Zhao Xi said that he couldn’t understand something, and the middle-aged collector with the battle spaceship was simply hanging the three divine birds. Just using frozen missiles and a few circles of white electric light, the flame bird that holds the position of Kanto Flame Master was obtained. I don’t know what the real world will be like.

Anyway, the spaceship landed, Zhao Xi and Nazi, Kona and Kikuko, and the four of them rushed out.

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