The lightning bird and the flame bird that have been sleeping for thousands of years have not seen this thing, but although the lightning bird is in a rage, it is not stupid, and after being absorbed twice, it stops using the thunder skill, and the flame bird spews out a large flame like money.

It is a pity that the targets of the attacks on both sides are not spacecraft.

Losing the most important position treasure jade, the dead opponent is in front of him again, and the two divine beasts fight a cheerful one.

Many times, you say that the mythical beasts are stupid, they are not stupid at all. But you say that the mythical beasts are smart, they are stupid, and they especially like to drill the horns. Whatever they want, once they have decided that it is dead, then any obstruction will do nothing – unless they are defeated.

In this regard, it is better to be a newborn mew. Although it is very middle two, Mewtwo’s receptivity is very strong, and it can also listen to what Zhao Xi says. There are really not many such divine beasts that can sit down and communicate well even if they are angry.

Why is it said that the super-powerful power of the temple family is awesome, and the divine beast is irritable and easy to drill the horn tip is also one of the reasons! In the face of the divine beast that is so angry that he can’t listen to anything, only the power of super-restraint can convey his meaning.


In the sky, the collector sitting in the spaceship’s command room immediately triggered the alarm in his heart after seeing Shanaiduo and Nazi next to Zhao Xi.

Superpowers, especially those as strong as Nazi, are the most troublesome opponents in the world.

Don’t see that she is standing on a small boat now, not to mention whether the missile can hit, but even if she hits, she can move away in an instant. What’s even more terrifying is that she can also teleport inside the spaceship….

This is no joke, as long as the spacecraft is not equipped with electromagnetic technology specifically to defend against teleportation, then for superpowers with strong teleportation ability, entering the spaceship is like probing for things.

The collector’s ship was naturally equipped with an electromagnetic shield to prevent teleportation intrusion, but this shield was very doubtful that it would work when facing Nazi. Specializing in a Hudi, coupled with his own terrifying mental power, I heard that the Super Empress also has a special mental power blessing method. I don’t know when I will be controlled by the other party!


Some unwillingly glanced at the two fiery divine beasts, and the collector controlled the spaceship to prepare to leave.

But when the spaceship was about to raise the height, Nazi and Zhao Xi suddenly disappeared from the yacht…

The collector who was watching on the virtual screen all the time had a gurgle in his heart, and the next second, the spaceship vibrated faintly.

“Damn it!!”

He knew that Nazi and the strange man had teleported onto the spaceship – although there was a shield, it did not cover the entire spaceship! Even if the entire spaceship is covered, the person teleports a few meters above, and there is no problem above!

“Drip, drip, drip…. Alarm, alarm, right side of the ship is under attack, alarm. ”


Outside the spaceship, relying on mental power to maintain the stability of his and Nazi’s bodies, Zhao Xi pointed to the spaceship and gave an order to the behemoth below: “Bosco Dora, give me the most powerful million-ton impact!” ”


The terrifying behemoth weighing several tons erupted into a roar, and its whole body was instantly covered with white light, it was like a charging knight, and every stampede caused a shock. Then, Boss Dora slammed into the hull of the spacecraft.


The thick steel skin suddenly dented into a large area.

“Alloy Claw!”


The extremely hard alloy shell is completely unable to block the attack of Bosco Dora. Although it has not reached the level of the Heavenly King, relying on its strong weight and attack power, Bosco Dora can still run amok on the battlefield.

Just as Zhao Xi and Nazi entered the battleship and prepared to wreak havoc, Nazi’s elf watch suddenly vibrate.

“Imperial Dragon Du’s phone.”

Nazi said, tapping on her watch to turn on.

In the background, the Royal Dragon Du of the spaceship cabin had a serious face, without any nonsense, and after connecting, he said directly to Nazi: “Nazi pavilion master, Konah said that you and Zhao Xi have entered the collector’s battleship, if you can, please destroy the energy center of the battleship and cut off its energy supply source.” The location of the energy center is usually at the bottom right of the battleship, and Hiba and I are rushing towards your side, just hold him for 2 minutes. ”

In fact, collectors, this battleship is really not big, it can even be said to be very small. Even if you add the strange shapes on the outside of the spaceship, it is only the size of a medium-sized airliner on Earth, which is not worth mentioning in the elven world.

Zhao Xi and Nazi did not follow the requirements of Yulongdu to find any energy center, that place was particularly important when they heard it, and the protective force was definitely first-class strong. If you can’t hit it, you will have to waste time, and then the collector may not know where to fly with the spaceship.

Zhao Xi’s choice was very simple, he went directly to the engine at the tail of the spaceship, and then took back Bosco Dora, and when Nazi summoned Hudi, the two spoke to their elves: “Destroy the death light.” ”


Two thick golden rays of light shot out from the stern of the spacecraft from the inside out.

The outside really can’t break through, but there is no defense inside, no matter how strong your spaceship is, the internal protection measures are always much weaker than the outside, not to mention the position of the engine that explodes at one point.

When two Heavenly King-level destruction death rays blasted out from the stern of the spacecraft, the engine suddenly exploded in a chain.

Zhao Xi and Nazi looked at each other and teleported back above the yacht before the explosion could reach it.

“How’s it going?” As soon as they returned, Konah asked.


The explosion overhead replaced Zhao Xi’s answer, after losing the engine, the spacecraft immediately swayed crookedly, it was just a small spaceship, the loss of the main engine meant that it lost 80% of the power, and the remaining 20% of the auxiliary power could not maintain it floating in the air.

In a matter of seconds, the spacecraft emitted a ‘wail’ of steel friction and fell from the sky to the sea.

At this time, Nazi’s eyes changed, she waved her hand at Hu Di, Hu Di’s eyes flashed blue, and somewhere hundreds of meters away, a decently dressed ‘collector’ and a Hudi suddenly appeared out of thin air.

If you want to teleport and escape, in front of the super empress, it is not so simple.

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