In the end, Hirona still did not ‘eat’ the eggs of the fossil pterosaur – nonsense! Usually eat eggs and duck eggs, this is a fairy egg!

But this elf egg captured by a fossil pterosaur still gave Shirona a little headache.

First of all, Hirona certainly won’t leave it behind.

Once Shirona doesn’t want the elf egg, then the fossil pterosaur will eat it first. Moreover, even if the fossil pterosaur did not eat this egg on Hirona’s thin face, then it would only take a few days for the elf inside this egg to die.

What’s more, neither Zhao Xi nor Xiao Chi nor Shirona herself could bear to leave the elf egg like this. So, the only option left is to take it away.

Zhao Xi already had a king-level fossil pterosaur, so he didn’t need the egg of this fossil pterosaur. Although Xiao Chi was eager for it, his relationship with Hirona was obviously not to the extent of giving a fossil pterosaur egg.

Therefore, the elf egg was taken care of by Hirona herself.

In modern society, hatching elf eggs is not a difficult task.

Breeding houses and other places specializing in the sales, hatching and care of elf eggs can provide all-round, scientific and meticulous care and services for these small eggs.

Even individual trainers can carry out the great and sacred mission of “hatching eggs” with the help of high-tech products.

Large or small convenience devices such as simple hatchers, portable incubators, and bionic hatching of elf eggs. With the storage function of the internal space, these high-tech things allow the rushing trainer to hatch the elf eggs smoothly on the go.

However, since Hirona had not expected to come into contact with the elven’s eggs before, she did not have this device at all.

Without the convenient high-tech devices to help control the temperature of the eggs, the eggs that have lost their mother’s care may not live to die in a few days.

Fortunately, Hirona’s team also includes the blessing elf Pokékiss, a gentle elf with ‘super lucky’ properties who helps Hirona take on the burden of hatching eggs.

Pokékiss’s feathers are soft and fluffy, and a fairy egg is immediately hidden under its stomach – compared to the rough skin and rough movements of the fossil pterosaur, Pokkiss is really a good mother.

Of course, the elf egg is a creature that cannot be contained in the poké ball, whether it is a single egg or carried by an elf that has been subdued, the elf egg cannot enter the poké ball.

Moreover, since the design principle of the subspace backpack and the belt is also based on the Poké Ball, the Poké Egg cannot be directly stuffed into the backpack – it needs to have an additional hatching device before it can be put into the space backpack or belt.

So Pokékiss could only accompany its owner and began to wander around the underworld.

Not hanging out, strictly speaking, they are looking for an exit.

“Pokékiss is not a professional after all, and the elf eggs need to be delivered to the breeding house as soon as possible.” After Shirona said this, she directly took Pokkiss.

“Then let’s go back together, anyway, the strongest elves here have already been subdued by me.” Zhao Xi touched the Spirit Ball behind his waist, and then asked Xiao Chi: “Xiao Chi, what about you?” ”

“Huh? I…. I still want to stay here for a while. ”

Xiao Chi, who had nothing to gain, obviously did not want to leave now, finally came to such a place, and even almost died here, Xiao Chi naturally hoped that he could take in a rare elf.

“Then be careful yourself, we will go first.” As a fellow trainer, Zhao Xi can certainly understand Xiao Chi’s mind.

“I know an exit, let’s go.”

Hirona knew that Zhao Xi and they could fly with superpowers on their own, so after speaking, she ordered Pokékiss to take off.


The sky of the ancient world is actually not very high, from the ground to the dome, it is about a distance of less than three hundred meters.

Of course, the thick rock at the top is still some distance from the ground – don’t forget, now Zhao Xi and they are in the underground world, and if they want to go up, they naturally need to break through the barrier of this layer of rock dome.

However, due to the previous explosion, the passages connecting the underground world and the ground were also shaken out of several ways, some of which were crumbling, while others had long been naturally formed.

This time, Shirona entered the underground world through a naturally formed hole.

When Zhao Xi and Nazi used their superpowers to wrap themselves and fly to the top, looking at the endless miracle land under their feet, an unreal thought arose for no reason.

For the ancient beings who lived here, this ancient world was all they were – extraordinarily real, extremely cruel, and extremely dangerous.

For Zhao Xi, a few humans from the wider world outside, this ancient world is just a small box inexplicably formed for some unknown reason. Although it contains some creatures that are obviously extinct, it is still just a small box.

If he hadn’t been able to touch the edge of this little box, if he hadn’t come from the outside of this box, I’m afraid he would have regarded this small world as his own world….

“If one day, when human science and technology finally develop and can touch the edge of this world…” Zhao Xiyu sighed, “I don’t know, is this also the scene there?” The world we think of as may be just a slightly larger box, and the free life we think is just some kind of plaything of higher existence…”

“Why do you think that?”

At Zhao Xi’s side, Nazi, who was holding his hand tightly, looked at her sweetheart suspiciously.

“Haha,” Zhao Xi couldn’t help laughing, “I don’t know why, but I suddenly felt a little emotional.” ”

He suddenly remembered a movie called ‘The Man in Black’ he watched in his previous life, in which the entire galaxy where human beings live exists only in a small marble. And this marble, but was played with at will by some strange-looking huge creature….

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