Rainbow City is the largest city in the central part of the Kando region, and the rainbow place in the broad sense is the richest and most important place in the central part of the Kanto region.

With Rainbow City as the center, Rainbow Place encompasses dozens of surrounding towns, large and small.

Sunshine Town, located near the entrance of the bridge under the Hongcai Bridge, is one of the many towns that belong to the Rainbow Place.

This small town in the middle of the bay is actually closer to the light red city that is only separated by a bay from the straight line distance on the map, but it still belongs to the rainbow in terms of administrative divisions.

The reason why the rainbow region is rich is because in the mountainous and hilly Guandu region, the middle of the Guandu is a rare large plain area.

In the old times, it was a rich and wealthy granary, but in the new era, it is a beautiful scenery, comfortable and comfortable place to live. Compared to other places that are modernizing, the Rainbow Region still maintains the peace and happiness of the old times.

Riding a bicycle with Nazi sitting behind them, the two finally arrived at the beautiful rainbow after descending from the volcano in Kamoyan City.

Entering the scope of Sunshine Town, Zhao Xi, who was galloping on the Great Plains of the Rainbow Place, saw many people in the Rainbow Place.

Most of their temperaments are calm and gentle, and even if they are trainers, they rarely take the initiative to challenge others.

Rainbow City, Zhao Xi has been to several times in this short period of more than a year, and the university town located in the north of Rainbow City is an area that Zhao Xi visits every time he comes.

However, Zhao Xi’s understanding of the rainbow is limited to there. In addition to some knowledge of Rainbow University, Zhao Xi only knows nothing about other places, and he also knows nothing about other towns.

Obviously, this time he wanted to take Nazi to get to know this rich plain region well.

“Computer technology is very advanced, the birthplace of 3D dragons in the city of Matsa; Located in the foothills of Evolution Mountain, Ston Town, famous for producing high-quality evolution stones; Once the core of Guancheng heavy industry, now the abandoned factory city of Heiyun City…..”

Sitting on the back seat of the bicycle, Nazi hugged Zhao Xi’s waist with her right hand, and held a beautifully bound and well-printed local travel brochure in her left hand: “If you want to know the rainbow region, it seems that these cities can be visited?” ”

Of course, Nazi doesn’t know about Rainbow, in her reflection, speaking of Rainbow, the first reaction is probably Elika, who has been in contact with her several times before, right?

“It seems that it is necessary to go.”

Stepping on the bicycle, Zhao Xi looked at the road in front of him and responded.

Now, they are heading to the town of Ston, which is famous for its evolution stone industry and the entire Kanto region.

Roadside battles also happen from time to time:

“Hakron, Dragon’s Breath!”

On a certain grassy field, two trainers are directing their respective elves to fight. One of them is Zhao Xi, who commands Hakron’s battle, and the other is an unusually fashionably dressed rich boy – in the rainbow place, such a rich boy is very common with purdah ladies.

Hakron, who had already adjusted his firing posture, immediately spat out a dark green energy breath from his mouth and shot towards King Nido, who was already exhausted in the distance.

King Nido, who had both poison and ground attributes, was not highly resistant to the attack of the dragon attribute, and Hakron’s exceptionally skillful dragon breath hit its strong body, immediately causing obvious damage, and the huge drill elf whose physical strength was on the verge of the limit let out a roar of pain.

“Stand up, King Nido, attack it.” King Nido’s trainer—the rich second generation who came out to hang out in a fancy Western-style dress—cheered up his elves far behind.

Unfortunately, his shouts and encouragement did not rekindle the enthusiasm of his elves to fight.


Finally, after being bombarded with another highly corrosive dragon breath, the last trace of King Nido’s physical strength was also squeezed dry. With an unwilling roar, it fell to the ground helplessly and fainted happily.

“Come back!”

The young man hurriedly took out a special high-end elf ball with gilded outside and took King Nido back, “You won, win beautifully.” He straightened his tie and said to Zhao Xi somewhat unwillingly: “According to our agreement before the battle, the bet is yours.” ”

As he spoke, he took out a checkbook and a solid gold pen from his arms, skillfully wrote on it, tore off one, walked over and handed it to Zhao Xi.

Pay the gambling money directly by check, this guy is really rich.

Zhao Xi took the check, showed a rather speechless expression at the rich second generation, and casually said a few polite words.


The rich second generation took a deep breath, looked at the hack dragon beside Zhao Xi, the originally somewhat depressed look on his face disappeared, and became cheerful and happy, “Your hack dragon is really powerful!” He said to Zhao Xi with a grin.

Zhao Xi was stunned for a moment, this face change speed is deep in the essence of Beijing Opera’s face changing skills.

“Well! Boy. ”

As he spoke, he actually took a few steps directly closer and stretched out his hand to touch Hakron’s slender body.

As a result, Hakron refused to let him touch it, and hid behind Nazi, staring at each other with big eyes and vigilance.

“Okay, okay, please forgive me for only seeing Harkron on TV before…” The rich second generation who pounced had to show a smile at Harkron, “By the way, do you like elf exchange?” ”

“I don’t like it.”

Zhao Xi answered very decisively, he knew the thoughts of the person in front of him.

“It’s a shame.” The young man shrugged his shoulders, but did not have any other expression, and said: “I have always wanted to cultivate a fast dragon, but unfortunately I have not found it for a long time in the light red field area. ”



This brother with a wealthy family didn’t seem to notice Zhao Xi’s coldness at all, he put his hands in his pockets, revealing a trace of memory, “Over the years, I have been to the wilderness area dozens of times, and the ticket money has been spent hundreds of thousands, but unfortunately I haven’t even seen the shadow of the mini dragon.” ”

As he spoke, he sighed, and finally did not mean to continue to talk with Zhao Xi, and walked away with his hands in his pockets: “Mini dragon.” He turned to glance at Harkron again before leaving.

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