“I’ll come first!”

Soon, an iron-headed baby who was not convinced threw a 100-yuan bill to the registration officer, rolled up his sleeves, and came to the trainer’s command seat opposite the arena.

The conditions at his home are not bad, and the money spent on occasionally dashing in the bar is all worth 10,000 yuan, and 100 yuan is not worth mentioning to him. This little brother just looks at Zhao Xi unhappy, and is annoyed with his own fear just now – why can you Zhao Xi scare me with a roar?

Just when both sides stood in their respective positions –

From the villa in the back, a woman in formal clothes walked out quickly.

Her name is Wu Caihe and she is just 30 years old this year. And her identity is the assistant of the Taoist hall arranged by the state for Nazi. However, now that all measures have not kept up, she also has to work part-time as a referee. She naturally didn’t have the ‘Elf Battle Referee Qualification Certificate’, but after a few days of emergency training, this kind of junior trainer competition was still barely competent.

Previously, because Nazi herself had not been on the field, all the challengers faced the stupid hippopotamus that Nazi casually threw down. Therefore, Wu Caihe, who was the temporary referee of the Taoist Hall, did not come forward. But now that Zhao Xi is officially on the field, then according to the rules, she naturally has to come over to preside over the battle.


Although he crossed out his name on the challenge team, the group would not leave so easily. They have to wait and see to decide whether to go on or not later. If Zhao Xi’s strength is very strong, then they admit it, but if Zhao Xi’s strength looks average, then these people will try to fight if they throw 100 yuan ruthlessly.

You know, winning is 5W!

However, at this moment, I saw Wu Caihe, who was wearing a small women’s suit and holding two small pennants, one red and one green, walking out of the villa, and everyone was almost stunned.

The crowd surrounding the rectangular battle field automatically gave way to a passage, and after watching Wu Caihe communicate with the registration staff, he came to the right side of the arena to stand.

The woman also ignored the onlookers, she raised the two flags in her hand, and said with a full breath: “Now, start the Daoist Hall Challenge of the Magic Capital Dojo.” The challenger is Pan Lun, and the opponent is Zhao Xi, the acting owner of the Magic Capital Taoist Hall. ”

“The match is played in 1vs. 1 battle mode, where the elf battle on either side cannot be followed by the other side winning. The owner of the pavilion produces the elves first, while the challenger has the right to attack first. Challengers who win will receive the Moto Dokan badge! Now, ask the owner to release the sprite, the challenger has 10 seconds to consider, and then release the sprite! ”

“This is…. Umpire? ”

“It feels so formal.”

“It’s different if you pay 100 yuan, even the referee?”

“This is decent, this is the Dojo Challenge. The king of hippos before …. It’s completely that the owner of the Nazi pavilion is too lazy to pay attention to us and throw it out casually…? ”

Wu Caihe came down with this set, and stunned this group of people. A few old fritters who mixed up the bar took out their mobile phones and started recording with shining eyes.

Zhao Xi looked at this group of dirt buns speechlessly, and a sense of intellectual superiority arose. He tilted his head and said to Larulas, who was sitting on his shoulder, “Look at you, Larulas.” ”


Together with the master, Lalulas, who has been practicing with the superpower master Nazi for several days, is now full of confidence. Zhao Xi sent it to be the first to fight, and Larulas was not frightened at all, and floated to the field with a slight jump.

Finally had the opportunity to check this cute elf, the onlookers did not say a word, and clicked on the elf guide APP. Hundreds of mobile phones, all of them are precisely focused on Lalu Lasse in an instant.

[Lalulas, superpower/goblin. Two red horns on the head can sense the emotions of humans or elves. It rarely appears in front of humans, and after capturing the warmth of a person or elf, the whole body warms up slightly. 】

Hundreds of electronic synthetics suddenly sounded in unison.

Belch…. Hundreds of voices appeared together, how strange it looked, this group of people looked at each other a few times, it was quite embarrassing.


“What the hell is the superpower plus goblin line? I’ve never seen either department! ”

“Damn, sure enough, the rich second generation is different!”

Some girl trainers were also fascinated by its heart-warming introduction: “If you capture the warmth, the whole body will be warm, huh?” It always feels so cute…”

“It’s floating in the air, guys, it’s wingless, it’s floating in the air!”

“Yes! Super energy department, super energy department, special, this department, is the super power in anime!! ”

“This TM’s? Do elves still have superpowers? What type of superpowers, Marvel? Mutants? Professor X, Magneto? Obedient…”

It has to be said that from the appearance of elves until now, very few people have captured cases of super-powered elves. Because the super-powered sprites are so hard to capture! Not to mention the strength, the key is that they can be very keen to detect human approach. This is not counted, the key is that many super elves will suddenly disappear!

People rummaged through the skill database of the Elf Book for a long time, and finally found the divine skill ‘teleportation’. In the end, he could only look at the sky with tears in his eyes.

Wu Caihe also squinted, looking at Lalu Lasi’s eyes full of love. No way, this little guy is so cute that whoever it is, will like it. But while liking it, she did not forget her duty, after Zhao Xi sent the elf, she immediately looked at the challenger: “Challenger Pan Lun, please release the elf.” ”

Pan Lun nodded and threw out the Pokeball in his hand solemnly:

“It’s cute, but fighting is not a time for mercy. My elf, Nidoran! ”

The elf released by Pan Lun was a pale blue rabbit-like elf.

Nido series is a series that is very suitable for novices. They are quite numerous in the wild – thanks to the ability of Nidoran and Nidoran to love – and the final evolutionary race value can reach 505, which is quite good.

But it’s a pity that the poison system is perfectly restrained by the superpower system.

Pan Lun doesn’t know ah, almost everyone on the earth still doesn’t know that there is such a thing as attribute restraint! At most, people know the common sense of ‘water and fire’, as for the rest, they don’t understand it…

Wasting the challenger’s exclusive Backhand Pokemon perk, Pan Lun began to enjoy the right to attack first.

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